biomedicina slovenica

vo="mice" : 581-680

  1. Kotnik V; Fleischmann WR Jr
    IFN alpha/beta, IFN gamma, TNF alpha and combinations of IFN gamma/TNF alpha as C57B1/6 mice bone marrow cells proliferation inhibitors and differentiation factors
  2. Jezernik K; Sterle M
    Multivesicular bodies in the transitional epithelium of the neonatal mouse urinary border
  3. Fleischmann WR; Koren S; Fleischmann CM
    Orally administered interferons exert their white blood cell suppressive effects via a novel mechanism (43499)
  4. Kotnik V; Fleischmann WR Jr
    A simple and rapid method to determine hematopoietic growth factor activity
  5. Jezernik K; Pipan N
    The relationship between synthesis of secretory products and reducing capacity in pancreas and parotid acinar cells
  6. Pajer Z; Kališnik M
    The effect of sodium perchlorate and ionizing irradiation on the thyroid parenchymal and pituitary thyrotropic cells
  7. Kus B; Komel R
    Genetics of human tumor necrosis factor-alpha and its derivatives
  8. Banič S; Kotnik V; Wraber-Herzog B; Marin J
  9. Brkić T
    Djelovanje kortikosteroida na upalne promjene crijeva izazvane lokalnom primjenom 2,4-dinitrofluorbenzena u prethodno senzibiliziranih miševa
  10. Banić M
    Model lezije crijeva izazvan lokalnom primjenom 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzena u prethodno senzibiliziranih miševa
  11. Peričić D; Muck-Seler D
    Do imipramine and dihydroergosine possess two components - one stimulating 5-HT1 and the other inhibiting 5-HT2 receptors?
  12. Marušić-Galešić S; Pavelić K
    Dynamics of positive and negative selection in the thymus: review and hypothesis
  13. Manev H; Peričić D; Muck-Seler D
    Inhibitory influence of dihydroergosine on the aggressiveness of rats and mice
  14. Poljak-Blazi M; Hadžija M
    Role of class 1 and class 2 antigens in specific immunosuppression after transfusion of UV-irradiated blood
  15. Tomić S; Treščec A; Tomašić J
    Enzymatic deacylations of esterified saccharides. II. De-esterifications of radiolabelled O-acylglucopyranosides by mice serum and liver esterases
  16. Dorić M; Rukavina D
    Alterations in immunological reactivity during pregnancy in mice determined in vitro by lymphoproliferation tests
  17. Pipan N; Pšeničnik M; Jezernik K; Kralj M
    Prolonged osmification as an indicator of the differentiation process in the endomembrane system
  18. Žarković N; Osmak M; Novak Ð; Lerš N; Jurin M
    The influence of mouse sera, regenerating liver extracts and bacterial products on the abilities of different cells in vitro
  19. Sertić J
    Homologija između mišjeg kromosoma 17 i ljudskog kromosoma 6
  20. Križanac-Bengez Lj
    Učinak enkefalina na stanice krvotvornog tkiva
  21. Pejša V
    Popratna imunost na klonske populacije stanica mišjeg fibrosarkoma
  22. Martinović I
    Utjecaj bazalne membrane i njenih sastojaka na rast i razvoj mišjeg melanoma B16
  23. Marušić-Galešić S; Pardoll DM; Saito T; Leo O; Fowlkes BJ; Coligan J; Germain RN; Schwartz RH; Kruisbeek AM
    Activation properties of T cell receptor-gamma delta hybridomas expressing diversity in both gamma- and delta-chains
  24. Rakočević S; Silobrčić V
    A peptidoglycan monomer as an antitumor agent in mice: stimulation of phagocytosis by resident peritoneal macrophages with peptidoglycan monomer
  25. Petrovec M
    Vpliv različnega števila podkožno presajenih celic Ehrlichovega acsitesnega tumorja na razvoj tumorja
    [The influence of different doses of subcutaneously transplanted Ehrlich ascites tumor cells on the development of the tumor]
  26. Kozarić Z; Zobundžija M; Novak R
    Effect of acidosis on the histochemical activity of some enzymes in the mouse placenta
  27. Wikerhauser T; Kutičić V; Ražem D
    A comparative study of the effect of gamma-irradiation on the infectivity of three different isolates of Toxoplasma gondii cysts in murine brains
  28. Anonymous ;
    Stress, basic and clinical research - gastrointestinal protection. 2nd symposium on experimental ulcer disease, Zagreb, Croatia, Otočec, Slovenia, 19-23 November 1990
  29. Petričić J; Osmak M; Hadžija M; Kalođera Z; Slijepčević M
    Alkaloid concentrate from Doronicum austriacum inhibits the growth of mouse fibroblasts in vitro and the growth of mouse mammary carcinoma in vivo
  30. Miklavčič D; Serša G; Vodovnik L; Novaković S; Bobanović F; Reberšek S
    Local treatment of fibrosarcoma SA-1 and malignant melanoma B-16 solid tumors in mice by electrical direct current: a preliminary report
  31. Miklavčič D; Reberšek S; Serša G; Novaković S
    Nonthermal antitumor effect of electrical direct current on murine fibrosarcoma SA-1 tumor model
  32. Miklavčič D; Serša G; Novaković S; Jerčinović A
    Electrical current in treatment of malignant tumors
  33. Miklavčič D; Serša G; Bobanović F; Novaković S; Reberšek S
    Tumor growth retardation due to exogenous electrical current and/or fields
  34. Serša G; Plesničar S; Krošl G; Novaković S; Prosen M
    Influence of interleukin-2 and dacarbazine on peripheral blood leukocytes in mice
  35. Vlaisavljević V; Kovačič B
    Procjena embriotoksičnosti materijala upotrebljavanih u radu IVF laboratorija
    [Assessment of embryotoxicity of the materials used in the IVF laboratory]
  36. Logonder-Mlinšek M; Kališnik M
    Mice parafollicular and intrathyroid mast cells under thyrotropin influence
  37. Štiblar-Martinčič D
    Vpliv svetlobe in teme na mikroskopsko zgradbo ščitnice
    [The light-dark influence on microscopical structure of thyroid gland]
  38. Miklavčič D; Serša G; Novaković S; Reberšek S
    Tumor bioelectrical potential and its possible exploitation for tumor growth retardation
  39. Serša G; Miklavčič D
    Inhibition of SA-1 tumor growth in mice by human lekocyte interferon alpha combined with low-level direct current
  40. Skubic V; Kobal S; Šenk L; Pogačnik M; Karner M
    Študij kronične toksičnosti preparata mix-10 na laboratorijskih miših s posebnim ozirom na reprodukcijsko zmogljivost vrste
    [The study of chronic toxicity of the preparation mix-10 on laboratory mice with special regard to the reproduction capacity of the kind]
  41. Čuk A; Škerlj M; Palka E; Murn M
    In vitro and in vivo phototoxicity studies of piroxicam and diclofenac
  42. Murn M; Salom L
    Preclinical toxicity studies of enalapril
  43. Banič S
    Vpliv restrikcije vitaminov na indukcijo tumorjev z benzopirenom pri miših
    [The influence of the restriction of vitamins on the induction of tumours with benzopyrene in mice]
  44. Kališnik M; Vraspir-Porenta O; Kham-Lindtner T; Logonder-Mlinšek M; Pajer Z; Štiblar-Martinčič D; Zorc-Pleskovič R; Ilić M; Luzar A; Golouh R; Pantić V; Stanovnik L
    Endokrinij in malignomi
  45. Krisch I
    Delovanje novosintetiziranih derivatov ergolena na nekatere centralne in periferne serotoninske receptorje
  46. Kralj M
    Dinamika endomembranskega sistema in plazmaleme ob funkcionalni diferenciaciji mlečne žleze
  47. Lestan B
    Biokemične in imunološke značilnosti 5'-nukleotidaze z nizko vrednostjo Michaelis Mentenove konstante Km
  48. Cerar A
    Vpliv nekaterih virusov na "in vivo" rast malignega tumorja miši
    [The effect of some viruses on the "in vivo" growth of a malignant tumor of mice]
  49. Simčič S; Kotnik V; Ihan A; Wraber B; Klampfer L; Vozelj M
    Vpliv lipopolisaharida, muramildipeptida in strukturnega analoga muramildipeptida-substance S410 na oksidativno eksplozijo mišjih peritonealnih makrofagov
  50. Kotnik V; Ihan A; Klampfer L; Simčič S; Wraber B; Vozelj M
    Vpletenost Il-1 in Il-2 pri odzivnosti za antigene poglavitnega kompleksa tkivne skladnosti
  51. Miklavčič D; Serša G; Magister S; Reberšek S; Vodovnik L
    Low intensity direct current as an antitumor agent?
  52. Lavrič A; Skubic V; Šenk L; Lukanc G; Kacl E
    Toksičnost bitionol sulfoksida pri miših in podganah po oralni aplikaciji
    [Oral toxicity of bithionol sulfoxide in mice and rats]
  53. Kralj M; Pipan N
    Sekrecijska aktivnost celic mlečne žleze pred laktacijo in ob njenem začetku
    [Secretory activity of mammary gland cells before and at onset of lactation]
  54. Kuci S
    Uloga timusa i T-limfocita u regulaciji hematopoeze
  55. Graham S; Abel P; Hammond S; Leworthy D; Partington D
    A strategy for the efficient development and optimization of fully automated image analysis procedures
  56. Trobina M; Kališnik M
    The validity and efficiency of computerized methods for colloid volume density estimation
  57. Milas L; Serša G; Willingham V; Hunter N; Woo S
    Adoptive immunotherapy as an adjunctive treatment to thoracic irradiation for pulmonary tumor deposits in mice
  58. Kališnik M; Pajer Z; Trobina M
    Focal depth or slice thickness in light microscopical estimations of volume and surface densities
  59. Logonder-Mlinšek M; Kališnik M
    The radiation sensitivity of parafollicular cells in hyper- and hypothyrotropinemia in mice
  60. Bagger PV; Bang L; Christiansen MD; Kabell-Kjaer E; Mortensen L; Jorgen H; Gundersen G
    Classification of isolated ovarian follicles using the nucleator: estimation of antral volume
  61. Jezernik K; Sterle M
    Vinblastine induced changes in the surface mucoid cells of the mouse stomach: freeze-fracture analysis of tight junctions
  62. Granda A
    In vivo phototoxicity evaluation of piroxicam and diclofenac
  63. Jezernik K; Pipan N
    Plasma membrane and intracellular membrane glycocomponents on embryonic exocrine pancreatic cells of the mouse
  64. Bajd B; Pipan N
    Complex carbohydrates on isolated epithelial cells of mouse small intestine
  65. Serša G; Willingham V; Milas L
    Anti-tumor effects of tumor necrosis factor alone or combined with radiotherapy
  66. Erjavec F; Stanovnik L
    The effect of different calcium antagonists on histamine- and carbachol-induced acid secretion in the isolated mouse stomach
  67. Stanovnik L; Erjavec F
    Mast cells in gastric secretion - a study on the isolated mouse stomach
  68. Šiler T
    Skupno delovanje alkohola in tobaka na ustno sluznico ter ovrednotenje vloge arilnih hidroksilaz
  69. Mijanović M; Gaon I-D
    The influence of piracetam on neurotransmitter amino acid levels in mouse brain
  70. Smrkolj A
    Dokazovanje protiteles IgM, IgA in IgG, specifičnih za Bordetella pertussis pri otrocih do 3. meseca starosti
    [The research of the specific IgM, IgA and IgG antibody response to Bordetella pertussis among the children younger than three months]
  71. Koren S; Fleishmann WR jr
    Antitumorsko delovanje interferonskih kombinacija
    [Antitumor effect of interferon combinations]
  72. Soldo A; Radonjić M; Jurin M
    Improvement of immunity in tumor bearing mice by isoprinosine (modimunal)
  73. Serša G; Batista U; Krošl G; Rudolf Z
    Influence of soluble tumor products on adherence of MNC and tumor growth rate
  74. Filipič B; Schauer P; Keše D; Likar M
    Effect of interferon on the phospholipids and cholesterol in nontransformed and transformed cells
  75. Poljšak-Prijatelj M
    Comparative study of human rotavirus replication in MA104 cells and in the intestinal epithelium of neonatal mice
  76. Pajer Z
    Kombinirani učinek tirostatika in ionizirajočega obsevanja na parenhimske celice ščitnice
    [Combined effect of the antithyroid substance and ionizing irradiation on the thyroid parenchymal cells]
  77. Kališnik M; Vraspir-Porenta O; Kham-Lindtner T; Logonder-Mlinšek M; Pajer Z; Štiblar-Martinčič D; Zorc-Pleskovič R; Trobina M
    The interdependance of the follicular, parafollicular, and mast cells in the mammalian thyroid gland: a review and a synthesis
  78. Stanovnik L; Logonder-Mlinšek M; Erjavec F
    The effect of compound 48/80 and of electrical field stimulation on mast cells in the isolated mouse stomach
  79. Huljev D; Graf D; Rajković-Huljev Z
    Syngeneic lymphoma in mice C3Hf/Bu dose not metastase into the brain
  80. Serša Gregor
    Tumorski nekrozni faktor v radioterapiji eksperimentalnih malignih tumorjev
  81. Jovanović R; Bujko M; Lako B; Živanović V; Sulović V
    Histopathological findings of herpesvirus hominis type 2 infection in pregnant mice
  82. Girma D
    Pharmacological evaluation of the effects of calcium antagonists on stimulus-secretion coupling on the isolated stomach of the mouse
  83. Logonder-Mlinšek M
    Stereološka analiza parafolikularnih celic in tkivnih bazofilcev v ščitnicah s stimuliranimi in inhibiranimi folikularnimi celicami
  84. Bajd B; Pipan N
    Pre-embedment staining of the plasmalemmas in isolated epithelial cells of mouse small intestine
  85. Jezernik K; Pipan N
    Lectin-binding pattern in parotid acinar cells: the fracture-labelling method and post-embedding staining
  86. Pipan N; Sterle M
    Cytochemical and scanning electron-microscopic analysis of apoptotic cells and their phagocytosis in mucoid epitheliumof the mouse stomach
  87. Sterle M; Jezernik K
    Z monenzinom inducirane molekularne spremembe v endomembranah žleznih celic
    [Monensin induced molecular changes in endomembranes of secretory cells]
  88. Šušteršič M; Serša G
    A comparison of cryosurgery and radiotherapy in fibrosarcoma bearing mice
  89. Sedmak B; Škrk J; Lebez D
    Cytolysin inhibits growth of melanoma and sarcoma cells in vivo
  90. Sterle M; Ellinger A; Pipan N
    Lokalizacija galaktoze in N-acetil-D-galaktozamina z lektinoma RCA I in HPA v žleznih celicah mišjega želodca. "Post-embedding" metoda
  91. Bajd B; Pipan N
    Markiranje prostih plazmalem izoliranih črevesnih celic miši za elektronsko mikroskopijo pred vklapljanjem v epon
  92. Jezernik K; Sterle M; Pipan N
    Interakcije membran po aplikaciji monenzina
  93. Pšeničnik M; Pipan N; Jezernik K
    Rezane replike v povezavi s citokemično analizo ultratankih rezin
  94. Jezernik K; Sterle M
    Tesni stiki v površinskih mukoidnih celicah mišjega želodca po aplikaciji vinblastina
    [Tight junction elements in the mucoid cells of the mouse stomach after administration of vinblastine]
  95. Sterle M; Pipan N
    Vpliv monenzina na Golgijev aparat v površinskih mukoidnih celicah mišjega želodca. (The effect of monensin on theGolgi apparatus in the surface mucoid cells of mouse stomach)
  96. Koren S; Fleischmann WR Jr
    Quantitation of in vivo potentiation resulting from combined interferon therapy: antitumor effect against B-16 melanoma in mice
  97. Koren S; Klimpel GR; Fleischmann WR Jr
    Treatment of mice with macrophage colony stimulating factor (CSF-1) prevents the in vivo myelosuppression induced by murine alpha, beta, and gamma interferons
  98. Jezernik K; Pipan N
    Vpliv stimulirane sekrecije na tesne stike acinusnih celic parotide.
    [The influence of stimulated secretion on the tight junction in parotid acinar cells]
  99. Koren S; Klimpel GR; Fleischmann WR Jr
    In vitro and in vivo evaluation of macrophage colony stimulating factor (CSF-1) as an antagonist of murine interferon's bone marrow suppressive activity
  100. Logar Jernej
    Učinek spiramicina, klindamicina in trimetroprim-sulfametoksazola na miših, inficiranih s Toxoplasma gondii
    [Effect of spiramycin, clindamycin and trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole on mice infected with Toxoplasma gondii]

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