biomedicina slovenica

"AI" : 39.703-39.802

  1. Peric Helena Kristina
    Dokumentiranje zdravstvene nege
    [Documentation of nursing care]
  2. Zaletel Marija
    Vrednotenje delovne uspešnosti medicinskih sester
    [The evaluation of work performance of nurses]
  3. Filej Bojana
    Razkorak med znanjem medicinskih sester in njegovo uporabo v praksi
    [The gap between the knowledge of nurses and its practical application]
  4. Rabič Franc
    Anestezija in analgezija pri periferni žilni kirurgiji
  5. Sočan Maja; Kraigher Alenka; Klun Nataša; Hočevar-Grom Ada
  6. Ostertag Ch B
    Surgical treatment of Parkinsons's disease
    [Kirurško zdravljenje Parkinsonove bolezni]
  7. Poungvarin N; Devahastin V
    An experience of 800 patients with various movement disorders treated with botulinum A toxin injection
    [Botulin pri zdravljenju 800 bolnikov z raznimi motnjami gibov]
  8. Pirtošek Z
    Medical treatment of Parkinson's disease
    [Medikamentno zdravljenje Parkinsonove bolezni]
  9. Pirtošek Z; Barrett G; Lees AJ
    Cognitive neurophysiology of extrapyramidal disorders
    [Kognitivna nevrofiziologija ekstrapiramidnih motenj]
  10. Dubois B
    The cognitive syndrome of progressive supranuclear palsy
    [Kognitivni sindrom pri progresivni supranuklearni paralizi]
  11. Ransmayr G; Benesch H; Nowakowski C; Maier H; Hersh LB
    Cholinergic neurons in the lateral vestibular nucleus are not affected in Parkinson's disease
    [Holinergični nevroni v lateralnem vestibularnem jedru niso prizadeti pri Parkinsonovi bolezni]
  12. Radil T; Roth J; Ružička J; Tichy J; Wysocki CJ
    Olfactory impairment in Parkinson's disease
    [Motnje voha pri Parkinsonovi bolezni]
  13. Zadnik T; Jazbec I; Mesarič M
    Variation of hematological parameters of dairy cows in relation to time of day
  14. Gregorič M; Hesse S; Maležič M; Mesec A
    Analysis of rigidity, posture and gait in parkinsonism
    [Analiza rigidnosti, drže in hoje pri parkinsonizmu]
  15. Zrimšek P; Kos J; Gubenšek F
    Immunological detection of pharmacologically active sites on toxins from Vipera ammodytes ammodytes venom
  16. Juntes P; Drobnič-Košorok M; Pogačnik M
    Applicability of antihuman cathepsins on canine tissues
  17. Albanese A; Granata R; Tonali P
    Animal models of parkinsonism
    [Živalski modeli parkinsonizma]
  18. Mesec A
    Autonomic impairment in parkinsonian syndromes
    [Motnje avtonomnega živčevja pri parkinsonskih sindromih]
  19. Uršič M; Fazarinc G; Zabavnik JP; Pogačnik A; Bavdek SV
    The incidence of the RYR 1 gene mutation in different pig breeds
  20. Strmšnik L; Števanec A; Bavdek SV; Mrzel I
    Histological, immunohistochemical and quantitative analysis of the islets of Langerhans in the ostrich (Struthio camelus)
  21. Fabiani O; Pellegrini S
    The granulocytes in the peripheral blood in the selachian fish "Scyliorhinus canicula"
  22. Egerbacher M; Boeck P
    Myxoid tissue is a precursor of cartilage
  23. Dahmane R; Eržen I
    Influence of two-way selection on the energy metabolism and diameter of chicken muscle fibres
  24. Čandek-Potokar M; Bonneau M; Žlender B
    Effect of dietary restriction on longissimus dorsi muscle histochemical and morphometric properties in pig
  25. Smerdu Vika; Eržen Ida
    Correlation between fibre types and myosin heavy chain expression in adult porcine skeletal muscles
  26. Colosimo C; Albanese A; Hughes AJ; Sales de Bruin VM; Lees AJ
    Some specific clinical features differentiate multiple system atrophy from Parkinson's disease but not from Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome
    [Nekatere klinične značilnosti ločujejo multiplo sistemsko atrofijo od Parkinsove bolezni, ne pa od sindroma Steele-Richardson-Olszewski]
  27. Jankovic J
    Progressive supranuclear palsy
    [Progresivna supranuklearna paraliza]
  28. Snoj-Cvetko E; Smerdu V; Sketelj J; Dolenc I; Eržen I
    The effect of cross-innervation on myosin isoform synthesis in rat soleus muscle during regeneration
  29. Jankovic J
    New horizons in dystonia
    [Nove razsežnosti distonije]
  30. Eržen I; Tekavčič M; Obreza S; Ambrož M; Smerdu V
    Is the prevailing metabolic profile of a muscle fibre related to the MHC pattern?
  31. Tavanti M; Cicalo' A; Casarosa L; Fabiani O; Pellegrini S
    The composition in muscular fibres and connective tissue of longissimus dorsi and semimembranosus muscles in steers of "chianina" breed, fed up with low or high nutritive level: histochemical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study
  32. Klun Boris
    Možganske poškodbe
  33. Kotnik V; Lužnik-Bufon T; Schneider P; Kirschfink M
    Complement analysis in a family with C8 beta-chain deficiency
  34. Šubic Jurij
    Kasni zapleti sladkorne bolezni
    [Late sequelae of diabetes]
  35. Čokolič Miro
    Zdravljenje sladkorne bolezni
    [Management of diabetes]
  36. Furlan Jana; Seliger Andreja; Cegnar Tanja; Berger Tatjana; Macarol-Hiti Metka
    Alergijske bolezni in biometeorološko krmilni parametri
  37. Lindholm A
    Training effects on skeletal muscle in horses
  38. Golob Z; Bavdek SV
    Influence of thyroxine administration on the skin structures of budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus)
  39. Radšel-Medvešček Alenka; Kraigher Alenka; Suhač-Ribič H; Hočevar-Grom A; Fišer N; Minovič-Zrimšek R; Troha-Naveržnik B; Šmon L; Pahor L; Vrbanc A; Božanić V; Franko-Kancler T; Sabotin D; Harlander T; Kolman J; Drinovec B; Fišer J
    Ugotavljanje ogroženosti prebivalstva zaradi prisotnosti toksigene Corynebacterium diphtheriae ter določanje stanja in trajanja imunosti prebivalstva s ciljem uvedbe cepljenja proti davici za odrasle: zaključno poročilo
  40. Krušič L; Cestnik V; Snoj T; Pogačnik A; Kobal S; Pangos S; Gatta D
    T3 and T4 profile after TRH stimulation in Lipizzaner foals during the first year of life
  41. Krušič L; Cestnik V; Snoj T; Pogačnik A; Gatta D; Pangos S; Moni P
    T3 and T4 response after oral glucose application in Lipizzaner foals during the first year of life
  42. Vrecl M; Pogačnik A; Lorger J; Bavdek SV
    Immunohistochemical demonstration of Clara cell 16kD protein in rat fetuses
  43. Stanisavljević D; Gadžijev EM; Trotovšek B; Sojar V; Tomažič A; Pegan V
    Our experience in therapeutical approach in Caroli's disease
  44. Drobnič-Košorok M; Zrimšek P; Juntes P
    Endogenous proteinases and their protein inhibitors in normal and tumor cell
  45. Gadžijev EM; Stanisavljević D; Wahl M; Butinar J; Pegan V; Trotovšek B
    Measuring the pressure in the inferior vena cava gives important information for the treatment of liver injury
  46. Walter I
    Distribution of S-100ao (alpha alpha) and S-100b (beta beta) protein in the bovine oviduct epithelium during the estrus cycle
  47. Fabiani O; Tavanti M; Cicalo' A; Pellegrini S
    Neuropeptides and neuroendocrine cells in the rabbit's urethra and vagina
  48. Majdič G; Sharpe RM; O'Shaughnessy PJ; Saunders PTK
    Oestrogen effects on testicular expression of 17 alpha hydroxylase
  49. Saunders PTK; Millar MR; Gaugan J; Kinnell CMc; Majdič G; Sharpe RM
    Gene expression during spermatogenesis: regulation of protein expression by testosterone
  50. Dragoš Srečo
    Socialni vidik glasbe: opombe h knjigi Rajka Muršiča neubesedljive zvočne igre
    [The social aspect of music: notes to Rajko Muršič the unwordable play of sounds]
  51. Kovač Nace; Švab Vesna
    Svojci in skrbniki kot aktivni udeleženci skrbi za uporabnike služb za duševno zdravje
    [Relations and carers as the active participants in mental health service users' care]
  52. Hribernik Franc
    Socialna varnost brezposelnih: med odvečnostjo in pomanjkanjem delovne sile
    [Social security of the unemployed: between redundance and lack of workers]
  53. Stritih Bernard
    Prostovoljno delo v prehodnem obdobju
    [Voluntary work in the period of transition]
  54. Zaviršek Darja
    "Če vidiš duhove, povej ljudem!" Nekaj miselnih modelov v antropologiji zdravja
    ["If you see ghosts, tell the people!" Some models of thought in the anthropology of health]
  55. Canals Joseph
    Mesto antropologije v teoretskem ozadju socialnega dela
    [The place of anthropology in the theoretical background of social work]
  56. Onušič Silvija; Malačič Janez; Saražin-Klemenčič Ksenija
    Ekonomsko vrednotenje življenja: zaključno poročilo za leto 1996
  57. Gaberščik A; Urbanc-Berčič O; Brancelj A; Šiško M
    Mountain lakes - remote, but endangered
  58. Brancelj Anton; Šiško Milijan; Kosi Gorazd
    Distribution of algae and crustacea (Copepoda and Cladocera) in mountain lakes in Slovenia with different trophic levels
  59. Rode J; Drašlar K; Vahtar T; Zupan R
    Uporaba modela tarčnega tkiva za proučevanje zdravju škodljivih vplivov onesnaženja zraka v Zasavju
    [The use of model target tissue to study adverse health effects of air pollution]
  60. Rode J; Drašlar K
    Spremembe površine dihalnega epitela podgan kot posledica delovanja onesnaženega zraka v Zavodnjah
    [Changes of albino rat respiratory epithelium caused by air in Zavodje]
  61. Horvat Kristina
    Izolacija in določitev N-terminalnega zaporedja aminokislin proteina, udeleženega v obrambnem mehanizmu krompirja (Solanum tuberosum L.) proti virusu PVYNTN
    [Isolation and determination of N-terminal amino acid protein sequence involved in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) defence mechanism against virus PVYNTN]
  62. Sepčić K; Batista U; Vacelet J; Maček P; Turk T
    Biological activities of aqueous extracts from marine sponges and cytotoxic effects of 3-alkylpyridinium polymers from Reniera sarai
  63. Brancelj A
    Nenavadno vedenje dolgorepk Aegithalos caudatus v ledenem dežju
    [Unusual behaviour of long-tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus in heavy sleet]
  64. Ostroveršnik Helena
    Mapiranje plazmida pRK100 uropatogenega seva bakterije Escherichia coli KS533
    [Mapping plasmid pRK100 of an uropathogenic strain Escherichia coli KS533]
  65. Kryštufek Boris
    Človek in domače živali (7): pes-volčja narava po meri človeka
    [Humans and domesticated animals (7): the dog - a lupine nature - beloved by man]
  66. Aljančič Marko
    Profesor Albin Seliškar in človeška ribica
    [Professor Albin Seliškar and the olm (Proteus anguinus)]
  67. Župančič Andrej O
    Seliškarjev največji poskus v vsem naravoslovju...
    [Seliškar's greatest experiment in natural science...]
  68. Kamenik Mirt
    Pomen meta-analize pri proučevanju bolečine
  69. Gamse J
    Bolečina - psihosocialni vidik
  70. Godec M
    Glavni načini prepoznave in lajšanja bolečine
  71. Šarman M
    Merjenje bolečine pri človeku
  72. Krčevski-Škvarč N
    Farmakologija prevajanja in oblikovanja bolečine
  73. Stare Janez
    Osnove medicinske statistike v kliničnih raziskavah o bolečini
  74. Janko M
    Prevajanje in oblikovanje bolečine v višjih centrih
  75. Cesar-Komar M
    Anatomija, mehanizmi prevajanja in moduliranja bolečinskih impulzov na nivoju medule spinalis
  76. Szepessy N
    Periferni mehanizmi nastanka bolečine
  77. Pečan M
    1. seminar o bolečini - uvodne besede
  78. Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka; Kamenik Mirt
    Zbornik predavanj 1. seminar o bolečini; 1997 jun 6-7; Zdravilišče Atomske Toplice, Podčetrtek
  79. Prestor Borut
    Možganski tumorji
  80. Ude Aleš; Dillmann Ruediger
    Trajectory reconstruction from stereo image sequences for teaching robot paths
  81. Mavrič Olga
    Bolečina po zdravljenju raka dojk
  82. Burja S; Hajdinjak D; Kos M
    Neonatal cerebral ultrasound findings after maternal beta-sympathomimetic tocolysis
  83. Kurjak A; Di Renzo GC
    Modern methods of the assessment of fetal and neonatal brain. 1st intenational symposium Advances in the assessment of fetal and neonatal brain development; 1996 Apr 12-14; Zagreb
  84. Noč M; Weil MH; Štajer D
    Myocardial dysfunction after cardiac resuscitation
  85. Krajnc I; Gorišek B
    Polymyositis, Dermatomyositis und Einschlusskoerpermyositis - Kritische Uebersicht der aktuellen Kriterien in der Diagnostik und Therapie
  86. Poljak Mario; Gale Nina; Kambič Vinko; Luzar Boštjan
    p53 protein overexpression in laryngeal squamous cell papillomas
  87. Popovič Tatjana; Puizdar Vida; Ritonja Anka; Brzin Jože
    Simultaneous isolation of human kidney cathepsins B, H, L and C and their characterisation
  88. Schweiger Ana; Štabuc Borut; Popović Tatjana; Turk Vito; Kos Janko
    Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of total cathepsin H in human tissue cytosols and sera
  89. Jerala Roman; Kroon-Žitko Louisa; Popovič Tatjana; Turk Vito
    Elongation on the amino-terminal part of stefin B decreases inhibition of cathepsin H
  90. Reljič M; Vlaisavljević V; Petrovič V
    Does the IVF procedure require a bacteriological investigation of normozoospermic ejaculate?
  91. Vlaisavljević V; Kovačič B; Gavrić V; Reljič M
    The effect of accidental exposure to aldehyde on the success of IVF
  92. Vlaisavljević V; Gavrić V; Reljič M; Kovačič B
    Intraabdominal bleeding: severe complication of IVF procedure - case report
  93. Kobal AB; Jensterle J; Božič M; Arnerič N
    Ocena delovne zmožnosti bolnikov s poklicnim rakom v invalidskih komisijah
    [Assessment by disablement committees of working capacity of patients suffering from professionally induced cancers]
  94. Jevtič V; Watt I; Rozman B; Kos-Golja M; Praprotnik S; Logar D; Presetnik M; Demšar F; Jarh O; Campion G; Musikić V
    Contrast enhaced Gd-DTPA magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis during a clinical trial with DMARSs: a prospective two-year follow-up study on hand joints in 31 patients
  95. Kokalj-Vokač N; Zagorac A
    Identification of two of XX male syndrom using fluorescent in situ hybridization
  96. Liović M; Preželj J; Kocijančič A; Majdič G; Komel R
    CYP17 gene analysis in hyperandrogenised women with and without exaggerated 17-hydroxyprogesterone response to ovarian stimulation
  97. Sato Yoji; Weil Max Harry; Sun Shijie; Tang Wanchun; Xie Jianlin; Noč Marko; Bisera Joe
    Adverse effects of interrupting precordial compression during cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  98. Kraigher Alenka
    Nalezljive bolezni ogrožajo človeštvo - stalna pripravljenost - naglo ukrepanje
  99. Battelino Tadej; Goto Masakatsu; Zeller W Patrick
    Dexamethasone attenuates hypoglycemia in ten day old rats treated with TNF alpha
  100. Vodušek DB
    Neurophysiological aspects of therapeutic sacral nerve root stimulation

   39.203 39.303 39.403 39.503 39.603 39.703 39.803 39.903 40.003 40.103  

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