biomedicina slovenica

"CUBA" : 167-266

  1. Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Petrovec Miroslav; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Logar Mateja; Strle Franc
    Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory distinction between human granulocytic ehrlichiosis and the initial phase of tick-borne encephalitis
  2. Pretnar Gorazd; Steindl Franz
    Time dependent cell growth in biomedical research with general cell screening system
  3. Fatur T; Tušek M; Falnoga I; Ščančar J; Lah TT; Filipič M
    DNA damage and metallothionein synthesis in human hepatoma cells (HepG2) exposed to cadmium
  4. Kocjan Tomaž
    Vpliv tirostatikov na razmerje citokinov Th1 in Th2 pri bolnikih z avtoimunsko hipertirozo
    [The influence of antithyroid drugs on TH1/TH2 cytokine balance in patients with Grave's disease]
  5. Koren Matjana; Vidmar Ivan; Primožič Janez; Petrovič Minja
    Dovajanje kisika otroku
    [Administration of oxygen to children]
  6. Cirman Tina
    Vloga lizosomskih proteaz v apoptozi
  7. Gabrijelčič Elizabeta; Trebše Polonca; Drobne Damjana
    Ugotavljanje strupenosti organofosfatnega pesticida diazinona za kopenske enakonožne rake Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea)
  8. Dermastia Marina; Chourey Prem S
    Expression of cell wall invertase from maize cell suspension culture after a long term chelation of extracellular calcium
  9. Potočnik Slavko; Pori Lucija
    Ali lahko avtonomno potapljanje škoduje noseči ženski in njenemu razvijajočemu plodu
    [Is scuba diving harmful for a pregnant woman and her unborn child?]
  10. Maličev Elvira; Knežević Miomir; Jeras Matjaž
    Immunogenicity of dendritic cells pulsed with cartilage derived soluble alloantigens
  11. Caserman Judita; Mrvič Tatjana
    Naravna žarišča klopov v Sloveniji, klopni meningoencefalitis in Lyme borelioza
  12. Gobec S; Urleb S; Simčič S; Wraber B
    Synthesis and modulation of cytokine production by two new adamantane substituted acyclic desmuramyldipeptide analogs
  13. Strašek Katja; Marin Jožica
    Epstein-Barr virus infections - avidity test for IgG antibodies
    [Okužbe z virusom Epstein-Barr - določanje avidnosti protiteles IgG]
  14. Tominc Matjaž
    Enaki med enakimi, a vseeno drugačni III: (potapljaštvo in paraplegija)
    [One among equals and yet different III: (scuba-diving and paraplegia)]
  15. Arnež Maja; Pleterski-Rigler Dušica; Ahčan Jerneja; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
    Demographic features, clinical characteristics and laboratory findings in children with multiple erythema migrans in Slovenia
  16. Rotter Aleksander
    Vpliv različnih vrst bakterij Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato na izražanje adhezijskih molelkul žilnega endotela
  17. Goto Masakatsu; Yoshioka Toyokazu; Battelino Tadej; Ravindranath Thyyar; Zeller Patrick W
    TNFalpha decreases gluconeogenesis in hepatocytes isolated from 10-day-old rats
  18. Fidler Valentin; Prepadnik Milan; Xie Yanfen
    Upgrading of gamma cameras for developing countries
    [Nadgradnja kamer gama za države v razvoju]
  19. Primc Maja
    Analiza težkih verig miozina v regeneratih počasne in hitre mišice po presaditvi v ložo hitre mišice
  20. Trontelj Katja; Kandušer Maša; Miklavčič Damijan
    Influence of vinblastine on electroporation of B16F1 cell line
  21. Trampuž Andrej
    Vnešene virusne hemoragične mrzlice
    [Imported viral hemorrhagic fevers]
  22. Možina Hugon
    Nevarnosti, povezane s potapljanjem
    [The medical problems of underwater diving]
  23. Čemažar M; Škrk J; Mitrovič B; Serša G
    Changed delivery of boron to tumours using electroporation for boron neutron capture therapy with BSH
  24. Kopitar Andreja Nataša; Novaković Srdžan; Ihan Alojz
    Dendritske celice, inkubirane z obsevanimi tumorskimi celicami, pospešujejo izražanje antigenov CD69 in CD25 ter citokinsko izločanje limfocitov T
    [Dendritic cells incubated with irradiated tumor cells effectively stimulate CD69, CD25 antigens as well as cytokine production by T lymphocytes]
  25. Šabovič Mišo; Blinc Aleš
    Biochemical and biophysical conditions for blood clot lysis
  26. Ihan Alojz; Tepeš Bojan; Gubina Marija
    Diminished Th1-type cytokine production in gastric mucosa T-lymphocytes after H. pylori eradication in duodenal ulcer patients
  27. Filipič M; Fatur T; Lah T
    Vpliv nizkih koncentracij kadmija na nastajanje in popravljanje poškodb DNA
  28. Čala S; Kordić D; Pavlović D
    Monocytes in haemodialysis patients overproduce nitric oxide
  29. Kocjan Tomaž; Wraber Branka; Repnik Urška; Hojker Sergej
    Changes in Th1/Th2 cytokine balance in Graves' disease
  30. Mahne Blanka
    Vezava acetilholinesteraze v motoričnih ploščicah zdravih, denerviranih in paraliziranih mišic podgane
  31. Kocjan Tomaž
    Spremembe v razmerju citokinov Th1 in Th2 pri bolnikih z avtoimunsko hipertirozo
  32. Zelinka Dragica
    Za dlan veliki otroci
  33. Plemenitaš Ana; Watson John A
    Down-regulation of mammalian 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity with highly purified liposomal cholesterol
  34. Eržen I; Cvetko E; Obreza S; Angaut-Petit D
    Fiber types in the mouse levator auris longus muscle: a convenient preparation to study muscle and nerve plasticity
  35. Možina Hugon
    Nevarnosti potapljanja
    [Diving dangerous]
  36. Drevenšek Gorazd; Bunc Matjaž; Budihna MV; Šuput Dušan
    Lowering of the coronary flow in isolated rat heart by equinatoxin II depends upon extracellular Ca2+ concentration
  37. Rotter A; Keše D; Batista U; Pezdirc M
    Pathomorphology of the expression of E-selectin and VCAM-1 after coincubations of human umbilical vein endothelial cell cultures with a causative agent of lyme disease Borrelia burgdorferi sl.
  38. Popovič Tatjana; Cimerman Nina; Dolenc Iztok; Ritonja Anka; Brzin Jože
    Cathepsin L is capable of truncating cystatin C of 11 N-terminal amino acids
  39. Šalamun Franci; Franko-Kancler Tatjana
    Vnetja oči
  40. Božanić Vinko
    Posebnosti pri odvzemu in prenosu kužnin za mikrobiološko preiskavo
  41. Ihan A; Tepeš B; Gubina M; Malovrh T; Kopitar A
    Diminished interferon-gamma production in gastric mucosa T lymphocytes after H. pylori eradication in duodenal ulcer patients
  42. Rott Tomaž; Staniša Olga; Jerše Maja; Hvala Asta; Ermenc Branko; Eržen Janez
    Influence of heat-based antigen retrieval (HBAR) on possible false-positive immunoreactivity
  43. Hribar Maruša
    Vpliv tumor nekroznega faktorja alfa na mikrovascularne endotelne celice
    [Activities of tumor necrosis factor-alpha on microvascular endothelial cells]
  44. Vučemilo Nataša
    Identifikacija in karakterizacija visoko afinitetnih vezavnih proteinov za nevrotoksične PLA2 v prašičjem možganskem korteksu
  45. Rozman Jerica
    Avtokatalitsko procesiranje rekombinantnega človeškega prokatepsina B
  46. Ihan Alojz
    A correlation of NK cytolitic test and BLT esterase test in determining activity of NK cells, stimulated by tumor target cells
    [Korelacija med NK citolitičnim in BLT esteraznim testom pri določevanju aktivnosti NK celic stimuliranih s tumorskimi celicami]
  47. Verbič Mihela; Okršlar Ela; Petrovič Minja; Sosič Klavdija; Primožič Janez
    Transport kritično bolnega otroka
    [Transport of critically-ill children]
  48. Voljč Božidar
    Etična merila pri odločitvi o indikacijah in prednostnih kriterijih za posege, ki jih vsem ne moremo zagotoviti
  49. Cvenkel Barbara; Ihan Alojz; Zupan Marija
    Ekspresija vnetnih markerjev na epitelijskih celicah veznice pri glavkomskih bolnikih na dolgotrajni lokalni hipotenzivni terapiji
  50. Šepič E; Bricelj M; Leskovšek H
    Degradation of fluoranthene by Pasteurella sp. IFA and Mycobacterium sp. PYR-1: isolation and identification of metabolites
  51. Kumelj Marko; Tomič Viktorija; Triller Nadja
    Bakteriologija invazivno odvzetih vzorcev
    [Bacteriology of specimens collected by invasive techniques]
  52. Sikdar Sujit K; Kreft Marko; Zorec Robert
    Modulation of the unitary exocytic event amplitude by cAMP in rat melanotrophs
  53. Gašpirc B; Skalerič U
    Ponovni pripoj fibroblastov na zobno korenino po obsevanju z erbijevim laserjem
    [Fibroblast attachment to laser-treated root surface]
  54. Ihan A
    Aktivacija sluzničnih limfocitov T ob okužbi s H. pylori
    [Gastric mucosal T lymphocyte activation upon H. pylori infection]
  55. Frumen Metka; Vidergar-Kosec Andreja
    Validacija procesa dekontaminacije v dekontaminacijski komori
  56. Jarc Marjeta; Sršen Irena
    Mikroskopija pri psih in mačkah na mariborskem območju
    [Microsporum canis infection in cats and dogs in Maribor]
  57. Grebenc Tine; Rupnik Maja; Janc Miha; Hacin Janez; Kraigher Hojka
    Izolacija sevov Frankia sp. iz nodulov jelše (Alnus sp.)
  58. Zupančič Maja; Mahne Ivan
    Vpliv dejavnikov okolja na kapaciteto za mineralizacijo ogljika in dušika v barjanskih tleh
    [Effect of environmental factors on the capacity for carbon and nitrogen mineralization in peat soil]
  59. Bricelj Mihael; Heath Ester; Leskovšek Hermina
    Biodegradacija fluorantena z bakterijama Mycobacterium sp. PYR-1 in Pasteurella sp. IFA
  60. Krt Brane
    Encimskoimunski test za ugotavljanje toksina epsilon Clostridium perfingens
    [ELISA for detection of Clostridium perfingens epsilon toxin]
  61. Ho Tang; Maček-Lebar Alenka; Kandušer Maša; Serša Gregor; Miklavčič Damijan
    Effects of vinblastine on V79 cell survival and colony formation ability
  62. Tome Davorin
    Activity of incubating female long-eared owls as measured by fluctuations in nest temperatures
  63. Primožič J; Derganc M; Kornhauser P; Okršlar E
    Twenty years of experience with the transport of criticaly ill infants to the medical centre in Slovenia
  64. Božič Ivo A
    Gnezditvene navade sive pastirice Motacilla cinerea v osrednji Sloveniji
    [Breeding habits of the grey wagtail Motacilla cinerea in central Slovenia]
  65. Štumberger Borut; Bračko Franc
    Gnezditev polojnika Himantopus himantopus v ormoških bazenih za odpadne vode
    [Breeding by the black-winged stilt Himantopus himantopus in waste water basins at Ormož (NE Slovenia)]
  66. Iglič Aleš; Haegerstrand Henry; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Bobrowska-Haegerstrand Malgorzata
    A possible physical mechanism of red blood cell vesiculation obtained by incubation at high pH
  67. Filipič M; Toman MJ
    Ecotoxicological studies using modified ames bioassay
  68. Lecha-Estela Luis B; Delgado-Fernandez Tatiana
    On a regional health watch & warning system
  69. Bobrowska-Haegerstrand Malgorzata; Kralj-Iglič Vera; Iglič Aleš; Haegerstrand Henry
    Human erythrocytes vesiculate due to incubation at high pH or elevated ATP levels
  70. Bobrowska-Haegerstrand M; Iglič A; Haegerstrand H
    Erythrocytes vesiculate at high pH
  71. Šepič E; Bricelj M; Leskovšek H
    Biodegradation studies of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous media
  72. Gubina Marija; Urbančič-Rovan Vilma; Tomič Viktorija
    Anaerobes isolated from clinical material over three years
  73. Nashimoto Ichiro; Mochizuki Tohru; Hagihara Yumiko
    Diving profiles and decompression risk in occupational SCUBA divers
  74. Vander-Eecken P; Germonpre P
    Labyrinthine hydrops as a cause of cochleo-vestibular problems after SCUBA diving: a "new" diving syndrome
  75. Dragaš Ana Zlata
    Bolnišnične črevesne okužbe
    [Enteric hospital infections]
  76. Zdovc Irena; Brglez Ivanka
    Malassezia pachydermatis pri mesojedih v Sloveniji
    [Malassezia pachydermatis isolated from carnivora in Slovenia]
  77. Jung Mirko
    Creutzfeldt-Jakobova bolezen (CJB) in bovina spongiformna encefalopatija
    [Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and bovine spongiform encephalopathy]
  78. Megloba Ivan
    Posebnosti pri reševanju potapljačev
    [Specific rescue procedures in diving accidents]
  79. Sočan Maja; Kraigher Alenka; Klun Nataša; Hočevar-Grom Ada
  80. Juntes P; Drobnič-Košorok M; Pogačnik M
    Applicability of antihuman cathepsins on canine tissues
  81. Tome D
    Long-eared owl, Asio otus, incubating other birds eggs
  82. Mozetič P; Turk V; Malej A; Terzić S; Ahel M; Cauwert G
    Coastal plankton response to nutrient enrichment: an experimental system
  83. Lenasi H; Hudnik-Plevnik T
    Identification and partial characterization of cytosolic progesterone-binding sites in the filamentous fungus Rhizopus nigricans
  84. Ihan A; Tepeš B; Kavčič I; Gubina M
    Il-2 receptor expression on gastric mucosa T lymphocytes is enhanced in duodenal ulcer patients compared with non-ulcer dyspeptic patients
  85. Arnež Maja; Čižman Milan; Jazbec Janez; Kotnik Antonija
    Acute infectious lymphocytosis caused by coxsackievirus B2
  86. Ferjan I; Erjavec F
    Changes in histamine and serotonin secretion from rat peritoneal mast cells caused by antidepressants
  87. Juntes P
    Improvement of the method for demonstration of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissue using microwave pretreatment
  88. Stegnar M; Ambrožič J; Berger B; Keber I
    In vitro plasma and euglobulin clot lysis in subjects with elevated lipoprotein(a)
  89. Francis CW; Blinc A; Lee S; Cox C
    Ultrasound accelerates transport of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator into clots
  90. Podobnik Velimir
    Prilog za evaluacijo liječenja retinalne pigmentne distrofije na Kubi
  91. Stojan J; Zorko M
    The influence of decamethonium on the reaction of acetylcholinesterase with eserine
  92. Levstek P
    Tetanus, zaščita proti obolenju ob poškodbi in delo medicinske sestre
    [Nurse's role in antitetanus prophylaxis after injury]
  93. Juntes P; Coer A; Pogačnik M; Šenk L
    Primerjava rezultatov AgNOR v tkivu normalnih in rakasto spremenjenih mlečnih žlez pri psicah, dobljenih z meritvami na dveh različnih sistemih za analizo slike
    [Comparison of results of measurements of AgNOR in normal and carcinomatous mammary gland in a dog made by two different image analysis systems]
  94. Drobnič-Košorok M
    Vpliv tanina na aktivnost proteoliznih encimov prebavnega trakta
    [The influence of tannin on the proteolytic activity of the digestive enzymes]
  95. Sandau K; Kurz H
    A 2-D model for the growth of arteries
  96. Grubič Z; Štalc A; Šentjurc M; Pečar S; Gentry MK; Doctor BP
    Different effects of two peripheral anionic site-binding ligands on acetylcholinesterase active-site gorge topography revealed by electron paramagnetic resonance
  97. Dolenc I; Ritonja A; Čolič A; Podobnik M; Ogrinc T; Turk V
    Bovine cathepsins S and L: isolation and amino acid sequences
  98. Korbelik M; Krošl G; Chaplin DJ
    Photofrin uptake by murine macrophages
  99. Urbančič K
    Zdravstvena vzgoja staršev prezgodaj rojenega otroka
    [Health education of the parents of a prematurely born child]
  100. Šuput D; Abramič D; Zalar B; Demšar F
    The embryonic development of a chick embryo: MRI study

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