biomedicina slovenica

"Contraindications" : 101-158

  1. Bedernjak-Bajuk Nataša
    Koncentracija laktata v serumu kot možen napovedni kazalec nastanka laktatne acidoze pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo zdravljenih z metforminom
    [Serum lactate concentation as indicator of lactic acidosis by patients with diabetes mellitus treated with metformin]
  2. Grad Anton; Denišlič Miro
    Zdravljenje žilne demence
    [Therapy of vascular dementia]
  3. Ivašković Dragoslav
    Bolnik s srčnim popuščanjem v zdravilišču
    [Patients with heart failure in healt resort]
  4. Keber Irena; Gužič-Salobir Barbara
    Telesna vadba pri bolnikih s kroničnim srčnim popuščanjem
    [Physical training in patients with chronic heart failure]
  5. Grad Anton
    Antiagregacijsko zdravljenje bolnika z nevrološkim obolenjem s strani zdravnika družinske medicine
    [Antiplatelet therapy in family practice in patients with neurological disorders]
  6. Vižintin Tjaša
    Potniki s kroničnimi boleznimi
    [Travellers with chronic illness]
  7. Vodušek David B
    Glavobol pri starejših
    [Headache in the elderly]
  8. Žmitek Andrej
    Kako dolgo naj traja zdravljenje z antidepresivi
    [Which lenght of antidepressant treatment is optimal]
  9. Ivanuša Marijan; Kocijančič Borut
    Varno zdravljenje gastroezofagealne refluksne bolezni s cisapridom in omeprazolom
    [Safe use of cisapride and omeprazole in the treatmnet of gastroesophageal reflux disease]
  10. Šurlan Miloš; Salapura Vladka; Kunst Tomaž
    Diagnostic imaging, indications and measurements for the treatment of aortic aneurysm by endoprosthesis
    [Slikovna diagnostika, indikacije in meritve za premostitev anevrizme aorte z endoprotezo]
  11. Šurlan Miloš; Jereb Janez
    Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)
    [Trasjugularni intrahepatalni portosistemski šant (TIPS)]
  12. Zadnikar Monika; Lavrič Anastja
    Jahanje kot terapija
    [Horsebackriding as a therapy]
  13. Berden Pavle
    Pljučna angiografija in magnetna resonanca pljučnih arterij pri sumu na pljučno embolijo
    [Pulmonary angiography and magnetic resonance imaging in dectecting pulmonary embolism]
  14. Berden Pavel; Ključevšek Tomaž
    Venografija in magnetna resonanca v diagnostiki venske tromboze
    [Venography and magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosing venous thrombosis]
  15. Sinkovič Andreja
    Uporaba streptokinaze pri bolnikih z akutnim infarktom srca v Splošni bolnišnici Maribor
    [Streptokinase in treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction in General hospital Maribor]
  16. Turk Zmago
    Promjene strukture kostiju kao kontraindikacija za metode manualne medicine
    [Changes of bone structures in osteoporosis as a contraindication for the methods of osteopathic manipulative medicine]
  17. Kersnik-Levart Tanja
    Ultrazvočno vodena biopsija ledvic z biopsijsko pištolo pri otrocih in mladostnikih - zapleti in učinkovitost
    [Ultrasound - guided renal biopsy with an automated spring-loaded biopsy device in children and adolescents - safety and efficacy]
  18. Glavnik V; Kuhar M; Kraigher A; Petrič A
    Alergija na cepivo
    [Anaphylactic reaction to a vaccine]
  19. Mesesnel D
    Električna stimulacija mišic (ESM) kot sredstvo rehabilitacije športnih poškodb in dopolnilna metoda športnega treninga
    [Electrical stimulation of muscles (ESM) as a resource of rehabilitation of sport injuries and as a supplementary method of sport training]
  20. Tomaževič T
    Diagnostic laparoscopy in gynaecology
  21. Kolaček S
    Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG): evaluation with an emphasis on paediatric patients
    [Perkutana endoskopska gastrostoma (PEG) pri otrocih]
  22. Bombek Mirko
    Farmakološko zdravljenje atrijske fibrilacije
    [Pharmacologic treatment of atrial fibrillation]
  23. Šurlan Miloš; Berden Pavel; Klokočovnik Tomislav; Kunst Tomaž
    Aortna endoproteza - slikovna diagnostika, indikacije, meritve in prikaz
    [Diagnostic imaging and indications for treatment of aortic aneurysm by endoprosthesis]
  24. Šurlan Miloš; Jereb Janez; Ključevšek Tomaž; Berden Pavel; Klančar Janez
    Transjugularni intrahepatalni portosistemski šant
    [Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt]
  25. Pahor Artur
    Laboratorijski nalazi krvnog seruma i sinovijske tekućine u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici reumatskih bolesti
  26. Bajd T; Kralj A; Štefančič M; Lavrač N
    FES assisted walking in incomplete SCI subjects: an overview
  27. Triller C
    Lokalna anestezija za operacijo dimeljske kile
    [Local anaesthesia for inguinal hernia repair]
  28. Bučar-Poljanec A; Požar-Lukanović N; Vintar N
    Izbira vrste anestezije za operacijo dimeljske kile - lokalna, področna ali splošna
    [Types of anaesthesia for inguinal hernia repair - local, regional or general]
  29. Vadnjal Ani; Zabavnik Zoran; Ivaniševič Višnja
    Are there really any contraindications in the case of elderly patients? Yes or no?
  30. Zorman Darko; Gabrijelčič Tone; Dolenc-Stražar Zvezdana
    Heart transplantation
  31. Denišlič Miro
    Novosti pri zdravljenju multiple skleroze
    [New treatments for multiple sclerosis]
  32. Vargazon Tomaž; Hertl Kristjana; Kadivec Maksimiljan
    Intervencijski posegi v dojki
    [Interventional procedures in breast]
  33. Remškar Mojca; Ploj Tom; Pohar Bojan; Noč Marko; Horvat Matija
    Zdravljenje akutnega miokardnega infarkta
    [Treatment of acute myocardial infarction]
  34. Zakotnik-Vihar Breda; Čižman Milan
    Trajne kontraindikacije za obvezna cepljenja
    [Permanent contraindications to obligatory vaccinations]
  35. Seliškar Alenka; Butinar J
    Medetomidin - sestavni del splošne anestezije malih živali
    [Medetomidine - part of general anaesthesia in companion animals]
  36. Obersnel-Kveder Dunja; Andolšek-Jeras Lidija; Kožuh-Novak Mateja; Kirar-Fazarinc Irena; Baldani Nela; Ramovš Jože; Rudolf Andreja; Truden Polonca; Adamič Metka
    Rodnost, kontracepcija, splav
  37. Decker Thomas; Ruhnke Monika; Obenaus Rainer; Kettritz Ute; Kleina Andreas; Morack Guenter; Schneider Wolfgang
    Pathological examination for quality assurance in breast conserving therapy for breast cancer
  38. Flis Vojko; Miksić Kazimir; Pavlovič Milan
    Rezultati kirurškega zdravljenja pri razpočenih anevrizmah abdominalne aorte
    [The outcome of the surgery in ruptured aneurysms of the abdominal aorta]
  39. Skalerič U
    Izbor pacientov in pogoji za uspešnost osteointegracijskih implantatov
    [Patient selection and prognostic criteria for osseointegrated implants]
  40. Flis V
    Deep vein thrombosis - intraarterial application of the thrombolytic agent: a case report
  41. Zakotnik-Vihar Breda; Čižman Milan
    Cepljenje in svetovanje pri nekaterih skupinah otrok
    [Vaccination and advisory service for some groups of children]
  42. Lobnik A; Blagovič E; Hren J; Kanič V; Nedog V; Ujčič-Navotnik M; Vokač D
    Indikacije za koronarno angiografijo
    [Indications for coronary angiography]
  43. Flis V; Miksić K; Pavlovič M
    Rezultati kirurškega zdravljenja pri razpočenih anevrizmah abdominalne aorte
    [The outcome of the surgery in ruptured aneurysms of the abdominal aorta]
  44. Logar-Car Gordana; Sedmak Marjeta
    Indikacije za presaditev jeter in vodenje otrok v obdobju pred posegom
    [Indications for liver transplantation and treatment of children in the period preceeding the operation]
  45. Štepec Srečko
    Presaditev jeter s stališča gastroenterologa
    [Liver transplantation from a gastroenterologist's point of view]
  46. Špec-Marn A; Kremžar B
    Potencialni mrtvi dajalci za organe oziroma tkiva (pogoji)
    [Potential cadaver donors for organs and tissues]
  47. Kralj B
    Actual status of external functional electrical stimulation in the management of female urinary incontinence
  48. Čretnik A; Kosanović M; Batišta M
    Subkutano prešitje pretrgane Ahilove tetive pri 76-letni poškodovanki
    [Subcutaneous suturing of the ruptured Achilles tendon at 76 years old patient]
  49. Veselko M; Senekovič V; Tonin M
    Ambulantni artroskopski posegi v lokalni anesteziji - analiza 142 posegov
    [Outpatient arthroscopic procedures under local anesthesia - analysis of 142 procedures]
  50. Kosanovič M; Čretnik A; Batista M
    Subcutaneous suturing of the ruptured Achilles tendon under local anaesthesia
  51. Us J
    Mamografija - rentgenska preiskava dojk
    [Mammography - a radiologic examination of the breast]
  52. Sinkovič Andreja
    Stranski učinki zdravljenja z antiagregacijskimi, antikoagulantnimi in fibrinolitičnimi sredstvi
    [Side effects of treatment with antiaggregation, anticoagulant and fibrinolytic substances]
  53. Penko M
    Indikacije, kontraindikacije in zapleti pri zdravljenju varic s sklerozacijo
    [Indications, contraindications and complications of sclerotherapy in management of varicose veins]
  54. Hren-Božič M
    Sodobni pogledi na menopavzo
    [Modern views of menopause]
  55. Štangl B
    Izbor bolnikov za zdravljenje s kisikom na domu (ZKD)
    [Selection of patients for long-term home oxygen treatment (LTO)]
  56. Arnerić N
    Duševna manjrazvitost pri kandidatih za voznike in voznikih motornih vozil
  57. Starc Radovan; Cijan Andrej
    Kdo so kandidati za selektivno koronarno angiografijo?
    [Who are the candidates for selective coronary angiography?]
  58. Čižman Milan
    Klinična uporaba antipiretikov - indikacije in kontraindikacije
    [Clinical indications and contraindications for antipyretic therapy]

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