biomedicina slovenica


  1. Prestor B
    Microvascular decompression is an efficacious method for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia in elderly patients
  2. Milotič Franko; Milotić Irena; Flis Vojko
    Isolated atherosclerotic aneurysm of the profunda femoris artery
  3. Bunc Gorazd; Ravnik Janez; Velnar Tomaž; Voršič Matjaž
    Sciatica following extraspinal lumbar compression as a cause of occult pelvic expansion: a selection of cases
  4. Špička Nenad; Lanišnik Boštjan
    Kompresijska optikonevropatija - prikaz primera
  5. Lanišnik Boštjan; Naji Mateja
    Dekompresija orbite pri endokrini orbitopatiji
  6. Prestor Borut P
    Microvascular decompression is safe and effective nondestructive method for treatment of typical trigeminal neuralgia in elderly patients
  7. Bunc Gorazd; Ravnik Janez; Voršič Matjaž; Ravnik Maja
    Variable presentations of Currarino syndrome in three members of the same family
  8. Bunc Gorazd; Ravnik Janez; Velnar Tomaž
    Dekompresivna kraniektomija pri poškodbi možganov
    [Decompressive craniectomy following traumatic brain injury]
  9. Dolinar Drago
    Aseptična nekroza stegnenične glavice
    [Avascular necrosis of the femoral head]
  10. Kupnik Dejan; Brodnik Tomaž; Praper Lidija
    Lumbalna spinalna stenoza
  11. Prestor B; Jugović D
    Microvascular decompression is effective method for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia in elderly patients
  12. Jaki Polona; Mekjavić Igor B
    Decompression-induced ocular tear film bubbles reflect the process of denitrogenation
  13. Prestor Borut; Jugović Domagoj
    Mikrovaskularna dekompresija je učinkovita in varna metoda zdravljenja trigeminusne nevralgije pri starejših bolnikih
    [Microvascular decompression is effective method for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia in elderly patients]
  14. Lanišnik B; Špička N; Čizmarevič B
    Endoscopic medial orbital decompression for traumatic compressive optic neuropathy - a case report
  15. Finderle Ž; Cankar K; Štrucl M
    Kaser-Doppler flux changes during cold exposure test by CO2 decompression: the effect of noise
  16. Ocepek Ivan
    Urgentna kraniotomija: ali jo lahko in ali jo moramo izvesti v regionalni bolnišnici?
    [Emergency craniotomy: should it be or must be performed in a regional hospital?]
  17. Radan Ivan; Ploj Tom
    Kaj je novega v smernicah za oživljanje 2005
    [What is new in guidelines for resuscitation 2005]
  18. Krkovič Matija
    Elektrofiziološko spremljanje delovanje ulnarnega živca med operacijsko oskrbo znotrajsklepnih zlomov končnega dela nadlahtnice pri odraslih
  19. Ahčan Uroš; Zorman Peter
    Minimal invasive decompression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow with endoscopic assistance and anterior transposition
  20. Ahčan U; Zorman P
    Endoscopic ulnar nerve decompression in the elbow region
  21. Fokter Samo K; Vengust Vilibald
    Masivna ekstruzija medvretenčnega diska - spondilodeza da ali ne
    [Massive disc herniation: to fuse or not to fuse]
  22. Vengust Rok; Gorenšek Miro; Travnik Ludvik; Košak Robert; Roš T
    Operativno zdravljenje metastaz v hrbtenici
    [Surgical treatment of spinal metastasis]
  23. Fokter Samo K; Vengust Vilibald
    Primerjava rezultatov operativnega zdravljenja spinalne stenoze s sočasno zatrditvijo ledvene hrbtenice in brez nje
    [Outcomes for the operative treatment of degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis with and withput fusion]
  24. Cirman Robert; Hero Nikša; Kramar Robert; Pavlin Boris
    Operativno zdravljenje pacientov z Faild back surgery syndrome po predhodno operirani diskus herniji v ledveni hrbtenici
    [Operative treatment of patient with Fails back surgery syndrome after previously operated herniated discs of lumbar spine]
  25. Al-Mawed Said
    Operativno zdravljenje poškodb prsne hrbtenice
    [Operative treatment of thoracic spine injuries]
  26. Mikek Martin; Hussein Mohsen
    Atroskopsko zdravljenje utesnitvenega sindroma rame v okviru enodnevne 108
    [Arthroscopic treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome in one-day hospital]
  27. Trotovšek Blaž; Tomažič Aleš
    Palliative and simptomatic surgical management of patients with jaundice
  28. Bošnjak R; Štunf Š; Rodi Z; Pregelj R; Dolenc VV
    Foramen magnum decompression in syringohydromyelia. A report of three cases
  29. Rogelj Klemen; Jaki-Mekjavić Polona; Mekjavić Igor B
    Ocular tear film bubble count following decompression: comparison of hand-held and stationary slit lamp microscopes results
    [Število solznih mehurčkov po dekompresiji. Primerjava mikroskopskih rezultatov pri ročni in stacionarni osvetlitvi s špranjsko svetilko]
  30. Fokter Samo K; Vengust Vilibald
    Zatrditev po herniaciji ledvenega diska L4-L5 s poprejšnjo operacijo in brez nje
    [Fusion in disc herniation at L4-L5 level with or without previous surgery]
  31. Potočnik Slavko; Burnik Stojan; Skočić Milorad; Zadnikar Lojze; Pori Lucija; Jug Snežana
    Slovenska šola potapljanja: priročnik za tečaj inštruktorjev
  32. Ahčan U; Arnež ZM; Bajrović FF; Hvala A; Zorman P
    Nerve fibre composition of the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve and clinical implications
  33. Bošnjak Roman; Štunf Špela; Rodi Zoran; Dolenc Vinko V
    Intraoperative spinal monitoring during foramen magnum decompression in syringohydromyelia. A report of three cases
  34. Bošnjak Roman; Makovec Matej
    Intraoperative monitoring of the tibial H-reflex in S1 root decompression. A preliminary study
  35. Karamarković Aleksandar R; Gadžijev Eldar M; Nikolić Valentina; Djukić Vladimir R
    Surgical anatomy of the segmental bile duct (B3) of the liver: surgical importance of the round ligament approach
  36. Muri Simona
    Dermatološki bolnik in preventiva razjede zaradi pritiska
  37. Osredkar Damjan
    Kako globoko s polnimi pljuči zraka?
  38. Ahčan Uroš; Arnež Zoran M; Bajrović Fajko; Zorman Peter
    Surgical technique to reduce scar discomfort after carpal tunnel surgery
  39. Grmec Štefek; Piberl Sebastijan; Schaubach Tomaž
    Diagnostika in terapija tenzijskega pnevmotoraksa v predbolnišničnem okolju - prikaz dveh primerov
    [Recognition and management of tension pneumothorax in pre-hospital setting. Two case reports]
  40. Vilman Jelena
    Oživljanje nosečnice
    [Resuscitation of pregnant woman]
  41. Fokter Samo K; Glavnik Metod
    Zdravljenje sindroma zapestnega prehoda z endoskopsko metodo
    [Endoscopic treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome]
  42. Bunc Gorazd; Voršič Matjaž
    Presentation of a previously asymptomatic Chiari I malformation by a flexion injury to the neck
  43. Potočnik Slavko; Pori Lucija
    Ali lahko avtonomno potapljanje škoduje noseči ženski in njenemu razvijajočemu plodu
    [Is scuba diving harmful for a pregnant woman and her unborn child?]
  44. Fokter Samo K
    Rekonstrukcija rotatorne manšete ramenog zgloba
  45. Čander Darko
    Razbremenilna punkcija prsnega koša v predbolnišničnem okolju
    [Thoracocentesis in prehospital setting]
  46. Zupanc Oskar; Vengust Rok; Bunc Matjaž; Pavlovčič Vinko
    Akutna parapareza zaradi osteoblastoma lumbalnega vretenca pri adolescentki po dolgoletnem zdravljenju zaradi "idiopatske skolioze"
    [Acute paraparesis due to lumbal vertebral osteoblastoma in an adolescent patient after several years of treatment for "idiopatic scoliosis"]
  47. Milavec Dragica
    Preventivni pregledi pilotov: pomen poznavanja dejavnikov, ki so povezani z varnostjo pri letenju
    [Preventive check-ups of pilots: the significance of familiarity with factors of safe flying]
  48. Gennser Mikael
    Diving and hyperbaric medicine. Collection of manuscripts for the 24th annual scientific meeting of the European underwater and barometrical society; 1998 Aug 12-15; Stockholm
  49. Petri Nadan M; Andrić Dejan; Ropac Darko
    Book of proceedings of the 1st congress of the Alps-Adria working community on maritime, undersea and hyperbaric medicine, 2001 Apr 18-21; Opatija
  50. Jaki P; Mekjavić B; Dovšak P
    Tear film bubble counting as a method for evaluating decompression stress in divers
  51. Pori Lucija; Potočnik Slavko
    Primerjava med spoloma v porabi zraka pri avtonomnem potapljanju
    [A comparison of air consumption between sexes in autonomous diving]
  52. Možina Hugon
    Nevarnosti, povezane s potapljanjem
    [The medical problems of underwater diving]
  53. Jaki-Mekjavić Polona; Mekjavić Igor B
    Persistency of tear film bubbles following decompression
  54. Dolinar D; Pavlovčič V; Kaplan-Pavlovčič S
    Femoral head necrosis following renal transplantation treated by core decompression
  55. Babnik-Peskar D; Kropivnik M
    Spontaneous pelveocaliceal decompression type extravasation due to urinary obstruction detected by imaging methods
  56. Dolinar D; Pavlovčič V; Kaplan-Pavlovčič S; Milčinski M; Jevtič V; Sedonja I
    Femoral head necrosis following renal transplantation treated by core decompression
  57. Bošnjak Roman; Dolenc Vinko V; Pregelj Rado; Kralj Alojz
    Motor response of the leg muscles produced by position-selective stimulation of spinal nerve roots
  58. Podboj Jernej; Boršoš Imre; Kurent Zoran
    Endoskopski posegi v očnicah
    [Endoscopic surgery of the orbits]
  59. Gros Anton; Vatovec Jagoda; Šereg-Bahar Maja
    Zdravljenje ohromelosti obraznega živca pri poškodbah senčnih kosti
    [Treatment of facial nerve palsy in temporal bone injuries]
  60. Potočnik Slavko
    Fizikalne in fiziološke osnove potapljanja: priročnik za potapljače
  61. Možina Hugon
    Nevarnosti potapljanja
    [Diving dangerous]
  62. Starc B; Hollan J; Pečan M
    Active compression decompression cardiopulmonary resuscitation in anaesthesiology emergency service
  63. Koželj V; Sotošek B
    Inflammatory dentigerous cysts of children treated by tooth extraction and decompression - report of four cases
  64. Dolenc VV
    A combined transorbital-transclinoid and transsylvian approach to carotid-ophthalmic aneurysms without retraction of the brain
  65. Hochstaedter H; Bekavec-Bešlin M; Mijić A; Karapandža N; Hamel D
    Thoracoscopic decompression of pericardial space by creatin of pericardial window
  66. Kamenik Borut
    Ali je mogoče oživljati drugače? (Fiziološke osnove temeljnih postopkov oživljanja)
    [Are there other ways of cardiopulmonary resuscitation? (Physiological basics of basic cardiac life support)]
  67. Kralj Marko
    Naše izkušnje z artroskopsko subakromialno dekompresijo
  68. Kralj Marko
    Artroskopska subakromialna dekompresija
  69. Dolinar Drago
    Aseptična nekroza glavice stegnenice pri odraslih
  70. Finderle Žarko
    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  71. Bošnjak R; Kralj A; Dolenc VV
    Isometrical ankle torque in direct L5 root electrical stimulation
  72. Jaki P; Dovšak P; Mekjavić IB
    Evaluation of decompression stress with tear film bubbles
  73. Mekjavić Igor B; Jaki Polona; Dovšak Peter
    Detection of tear film bubbles during decompression to altitude
  74. Starc V
    Fiziološki dejavniki, povezani z varnostjo pri letenju
  75. Le Pechon Jean-Claude; Boulestreau Lue; Deguen Michel; Larue Erie
    A new airlock system for a tunnel boring machine
  76. Nashimoto Ichiro; Mochizuki Tohru; Hagihara Yumiko
    Diving profiles and decompression risk in occupational SCUBA divers
  77. Barković Danica; Dobi Renata; Cuculić Dražen
    Fatal diving accidents in recreational and sport diving in northern Adriatic in a 3-year period (1994-1996)
  78. Desola J; Sala J; Bohe J; Garcia A; Gomez M; Graus S; Martinez E; Montanya J; Rabella A
    Outcome of dysbaric disorders is not related to delay in treatment: preliminary results of a multivariate analysis of 466 cases following a prospective study
  79. Stephenson RN; Godden DJ; Lonsdale PJ; Murchison AG; Watt SJ; Wilson CM; Ross JAS
    Dive history: a predictive factor in relapse after treatment of decompression illness
  80. Peusch-Dreyer Doreen; Ahrens Jourg; Dreyer Karl-H; Bosbach Heike; Maennche Karl-H
    Testicle implants - diving exposure
  81. Sipinen Seppo A; Ahovuo Juhani
    Effects of diving and diving accidents on supraspinal MR-imaging compared to normal, haelthy controls
  82. Sićko Zdzislaw; Kot Jacek; Doboszynski Tadeusz
    Saturation decompressions using trimix with nitrogen content between 16 and 44%
  83. Olszanski Romuald; Baj Zbigniew; Buczynski Andrzej; Konarski Maciej J; Klos Ryszard; Skrzynski Stanislaw; Zeman Krzysztof
    Evaluation of decompression sickness risk in saturated air and nitrox dives judged on the basis of changes in haemostasis
  84. Jaki Polona; Fidler Petra; Jurič Peter; Dovšak Peter; Mekjavić Igor B
    The effect of PO2 on tear film bubble formation
  85. Mekjavić Igor B; Jaki Polona; Dovšak Peter; Kindwall Eric P
    Persistence of tear film bubbles following decompression
  86. Brauzzi M; Merli M; Rizzo M; Fiorito A
    Two-dimensional imaging ultrasound monitoring of gas phase emboli after decompression dives
  87. Koteng S; Holmen-Geving IM; Ustad AL; Flook V; Brubakk AO
    The effect of reduced blood flow on inert gas content and bubble formation in the leg duging decompression
  88. Carturan Daniel; Boussuges Alain; Burnet Henri; Vanuxem Paul; Gardette Bemard
    Ascent rate, age, percentage of fat tissues and aerobic capacity: influence on the grades of circulating bubbles detected with echocardiography and Doppler
  89. Fook Valerie
    A theoretical study of the extent and duration of decompression bubbles following a submarine escape procedure
  90. Flook Valerie
    The effect of exercise on decompression bubbles: a theoretical study
  91. Wenzel Jourgen; Mennel HD; Stumm Gabi
    HPNS induced morphological changes in rat brain
  92. Turnšek Tit
    Welcome address (on the occasion of the opening ceremony, XXIII annual scientific meeting of the European underwater and baromedical society, Bled, Slovenia)
  93. Marinček L
    Welcome address (on the occasion of the opening ceremony, XXIII annual scientific meeting of the European underwater and baromedical society, Bled, Slovenia)
  94. Mekjavić Igor B
    Diving and hyperbaric medicine: preface
  95. Mekjavić Igor B; Tipton Michael J; Eiken Ola
    EUBS 97. Diving and hyperbaric medicine. Proceedings of the 23th annual scientific meeting of the European underwater and baromedical society; 1997 Sep 22-26; Bled
  96. Megloba Ivan
    Posebnosti pri reševanju potapljačev
    [Specific rescue procedures in diving accidents]
  97. Hribar Primož; Benedik Janez
    Akutna dihalna stiska - dva primera
    [Acute respiratory distress - two case reports]
  98. Žmavc Andrej; Strouhal P
    Ruptura želodca s pnevmoperitonejem - redkejša reanimacijska poškodba
    [Stomach rupture and pneumoperitoneum - a rare resuscitation injury]
  99. Baraga Andrej; Hribar-Habinc Miša
    Prva oskrba hudo poškodovanega ob sprejemu v bolnišnico
    [Management of polytraumatised patients early after admission to hospital]
  100. Campbell DG; Jaki P; Dovšak P; Mekjavič IB
    Ocular bubble formation as a method for evaluating decompression tables

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