biomedicina slovenica

"EAR" : 28.384-28.483

  1. Čepič Mojca; Rovšek Barbara; Žekš Boštjan
    Structures, transition temperatures and macroscopic polarization of antiferroelectric liquid crystals in free standing films
  2. Žekš Boštjan; Čepič Mojca
    Phenomenological model for antiferroelectric liquid crystals: phase sequences
  3. Komadina R
    Some microarchitectural differences beetwen intra and extraarticular hip fractures
  4. Kordiš Dušan; Gubenšek Franc
    Unusual horizontal transfer of a long interspersed nuclear element between distant vertebrate classes
  5. Mahne I; Prinčič Alenka; Megušar F
    Dinamika mikrobno biomasnega dušika v tleh med razgradnjo rastlinskih ostankov v poljskih razmerah v zimskem obdobju
    [Dynamics of soil microbial biomass nitrogen in relation to plant residues decomposition under field conditions in winter period]
  6. Rozman D; Fink M; Stroemstedt M; Tasken K; Parvinen M; Sassone-Corsi P; Waterman MR
    Expression of lanosterol 14alpha- demethylase (CY51) in spermato-genesis: a housekeeping gene with a CAMP/CREM tau-dependent regulation
  7. Anonymous ;
    Cyclic nucleotide-dependent signalling mechanisms. Program and abstracts of the 11th protein kinase seminar; 1998 Jun 4-7; Bergen, Norway
  8. Vatovec Jagoda; Černelč Smilja
    Okvara sluha z antimikrobnimi zdravili
    [Ototoxicity of antimicrobial drugs]
  9. Gajšek Stanko; Mlinar Tomi
    Obremenitev prostora v okolici baznih postaj z elektromagnetnim sevanjem zaradi obratovanja baznih postaj mobitelovih mobilnih sistemov
    [Electromagnetic radiation intensity in the surrounding of mobile telephony base station antennas of Slovenian mobile telephony operator MOBITEL d.d.]
  10. Bilban Marjan
    Zdravstveni pregledi kandidatov za voznike in voznikov motornih vozil v Sloveniji
    [Medical examinations of candidates for drivers and drivers of motor vehicles in Slovenia]
  11. Prinčič Janez; Končarevič Milan; Robnik Vojko
    Nekateri vidiki družbene škode zaradi posledic prometnih nesreč na relaciji Ljubljana - Trojane
    [Some aspect of social damage due to the traffic accidents on the section Ljubljana - Trojane]
  12. Grad Onja; Zavasnik Anka
    Shame - the unbearable legacy of suicide
  13. Battelino T; Kržišnik C
    Incidence of type 1 diabetes mellitus in children in Slovenia during the years 1988-1995
  14. Kofol-Seliger Andreja; Cegnar Tanja
    Meritve koncentracije cvetnega prahu v Ljubljani
    [Measurements of pollen concentration in Ljubljana]
  15. Sket Dušan
    Alzheimerjeva bolezen: molekularne hipoteze in poskusi farmakoterapije
    [Alzheimer's disease: molecular hypotheses and pharmacotherapeutic prospects]
  16. Minovič Aleksandra; Milošev Ingrid; Antolič V; Herman S
    Izolacija in identifikacija polietilenskih in kovinskih delcev iz tkiva ob kolčnih endoprotezah
    [Isolation and identification of UHMWPE and metal wear particles from periprosthetic tissues]
  17. Gašperšič R; Štiblar-Martinčič D; Skalerič U
    Vpliv stresa na razvoj eksperimentalnega parodontitisa pri podganah
    [The influence of stress on the progression of experimental periodontitis in rats]
  18. Bačer-Kermavner L; Veble A; Valentinčič B; Virant-Klun I; Mivšek J; Meden-Vrtovec H; Tomaževič T
    Pregnancy rates after embryo transfer of morulas following ICSI
  19. Virant-Klun Irma; Veble A; Valentinčič B; Bačer-Kermavner L; Zorn B; Mivšek J; Tomaževič T; Meden-Vrtovec H
    Factors affecting clinical results of more-cell embryos thawing
  20. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 5th international congress on advances in assisted reproduction technologies in the year 2000; 1997 Sep 16-19; Rome
  21. Kos Ivan
    Post-embryonic development of Lithobius validus Meinert (Chilopoda: Lithobiidae)
  22. Tome Davorin
    Activity of incubating female long-eared owls as measured by fluctuations in nest temperatures
  23. Rok-Simon Mateja
    Unintentional injuries in schoolchildren in Slovenia; are there any differences between children aged 7-9 and 10-14 years?
  24. Družina B; Bukovec P
    Monitoring of content of certain types of carcinogenic substances and pesticides in drinking water in Slovenia and attempts at biodegradation with fermented cereal
  25. Anonymous ;
    International conference on environmental cancer in developing countries; 1998 July 30-Aug 1; Rio de Janeiro
  26. Levičar Nataša; Blejec Andrej; Golouh Rastko; Grazio Snežana; Vrhovec Ivan; Brunner Nils; Kos Janko; Lah Tamara T
    Prognostic relevance of cysteine cathepsins B and L and serine proteases U-PA and their inhibitors, stefins A and B and PAI-1 in breast cancer
  27. Filipič Metka; Levičar Nataša; Lah Tamara T
    Comparison of different methods for quantifying tumour cell invasion through the artificial basement membrane matrix Matrigel
  28. Kopitar-Jerala Nataša; Jerala Roman; Gubenšek Franc; Turk Vito
    Anti human stefin A monoclonal antibodies: epitope mapping and expression of recombinant Fab fragments
  29. Kos Janko; Nielsen Hans-Jorgen; Krašovec Marta; Christensen Ib-Jarle; Cimerman Nina; Stephens Ross W; Turk Vito; Bruenner Nils
    Prognostic relevance of serum cathepsin B and its inhibitors stefins A and B and cystatin C in colorectal cancer
  30. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the Proteases and protease inhibitors in cancer; 1998 Jun 14-18; Nyborg, Denmark
  31. Čokl A; Stritih N; Virant-Doberlet M
    The role of host plants in premating behaviour of the pest species Nezara viridula L. (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)
  32. Anonymous ;
    Programme and book of abstracts of the FAO/IAEA international conference on area-wide control of insect pests integrating the sterile insect and related nuclear and other techniques; 1998 May 28-Jun 2; Penang, Malaysia
  33. Mavrič Irena; Ravnikar Maja
    Uporaba imunske elektronske mikroskopije v rastlinski virologiji
    [Immunoelectron microscopy in plant virology]
  34. Tomazo-Ravnik Tatjana; Zerbo Darjana
    Secular growth changes of Ljubljana schoolchildren in the period from 1958 to1994 (longitudinal series)
  35. Kordiš Dušan; Gubenšek Franc
    Genes and in genomes of viperidae snakes: Bov-B long interspersed repeated DNA (LINE) sequences are present in Vipera ammodytes phospholipase A2
  36. Gogala Nada
    The research group of plant physiology: its meaning to science, our profession, and student training
  37. Dolžan Vita; Rudolf Zvonimir; Breskvar Katja
    Human CYP2D6 gene polymorphism in Slovene cancer patients and health controls
  38. Seme Katja; Poljak Mario; Jeverica Samo; Koren Anja; Žužek-Rešek Saša
    Prevalence of hepatitis G virus infection in Slovenian hemodialysis patients as determined by the detection of viral genome and E2 antibodies
  39. Marušič Janez; Kučan Ana; Gazvoda Davorin; Krušnik Ciril; Lovka Milan; Turk Boris
    Naravno okolje mesta Ljubljana kot razvojni dejavnik: poročilo prvega dela raziskav
  40. Sepčić Kristina; Turk Tom; Maček Peter
    Anticholinesterase activity of the fluorescent zoanthid pigment, parazoanthoxanthin A
  41. Sedmak Bojan; Kosi Gorazd
    The role of microcystins in heavy cyanobacterial bloom formation
  42. Toman Mihael J; Dall Peter C
    Respiratory levels and adaptations in four freshwater species of Gammarus (Crustacea: Amphipoda)
  43. Sedmak B; Obal R
    Gojenje in promet s školjkami s poudarkom na biotoksinih - predlogi za uskladitev slovenske zakonodaje z evropsko
    [Cultivation of and trade with shellfish with the emphasis on biotoxins - suggestions for the harmonisation of Slovene legislation with European regulations]
  44. Molan Marija; Arnerič Niko
    Safety assurance by adequate psyshical functions
  45. Boh Bojana; Kornhauser Aleksandra; Krumpak Aleksandra; Novosel Franc; Pokorny Miroslav; Radež Ivan; Škerlavaj Vojko
    Večnamensko fitofarmacevtsko sredstvo s fizikalnim učinkovanjem
    [Pesticide with physical action]
  46. Zupančič-Božič D; Vrečer F; Kozjek F
    Optimization of diclofenac sodium dissolution from sustained release formulations using an artificial neural network
  47. Fajdiga M; Marinculić A; Primc J
    Učinkovitost antihelmintičnega pripravka fascoverm plus proti nekaterim pomembnim zajedavskim boleznim ovac
    [Efficacy of the antihelmintic fascoverm plus against some major parasitic diseases of sheep]
  48. Papež Meta; Kikelj Ksenija
    Preklopljena protivnetna zdravila imajo pomemben delež med zdravili brez recepta
    [The switched antiinflammatory drugs have an important role in non-prescription medication]
  49. Barbič-Žagar Breda
    Nekateri farmakoekonomski pogledi na zdravljenje srčnega popuščanja
  50. Billiard M; Dolenc L; Ondze B; Portmann A; Carlander B; Besset A
    Idiopathic hypersomnia: clinical and polysomnographic features
  51. Billiard M; Dolenc L; Carlander B; Besset A
    Hypersomnia associated with mental disorders
  52. Dolenc L; Billiard M; Besset A
    Use of digital filtering analysis in MSLT in normal subjects
  53. Dolenc L; Ravnik I.M.; Lorber B; Tretnjak V
    Sleep changes in adolescence
  54. Molan Marija
    Vpliv organskih topil na psihične funkcije
    [Organic solvents influence on psychical functions]
  55. Grobovšek-Opara Sonja
    Vpliv alkoholnih pijač, prehrane in zdravil na tveganje zbolevanja za jetrno cirozo
  56. Stračunski L.S.
    Multicentrična primerjalna klinična raziskava macropena pri otrocih v Rusiji
    [A multicenter comparative clinical trial on macropen in Children in Russia]
  57. Ferkolj Ivo
    Učinkovitost famotidina* v zdravljenju ulkusne bolezni: rezultati multicentričnega prospektivnega kliničnega testiranja v Sloveniji
    [Efficacy of famotidine* in the treatment of ulcer disease: results of a multicenter prospective clinical trial conducted in Slovenia]
  58. Ivanuša Marijan
    Zdravljenje ulkusne bolezni z zdravili
    [Drug treatment of ulcer disease]
  59. Mencej Alenka; Drinovec Jože
    Klinični vidiki uporabe makrolidnih antibiotikov
    [Clinical aspects of the use of macrolide antibiotics]
  60. Rott Tomaž; Ferluga Dušan; Kern Izidor
    Vloga patologije pri opredeljevanju kronične obstruktivne pljučne bolezni
    [The role of pathology in defining chronic obstructive lung disease]
  61. Debeljak Andrej; Triller Nadja; Terčelj Marjeta; Kern Izidor
    Bronhoskopska igelna aspiracija brez računalniške tomografije prsnega koša v zamejevanju pljučnega raka: kdaj in kje
    [Bronchoscopic needle aspiration without computer tomography of the thorax in the staging of lung cancer: when and where]
  62. Šelb Jožica
    Umrljivost v Sloveniji v letu 1996
    [Mortality rates in Slovenia in 1996]
  63. Koren Igor; Panjan Jasmina
    Hilotoraks in psevdohilotoraks - prikaz primerov
    [Chylothorax and pseudochylothorax - a case report]
  64. Valentinčič Tine; Miklavc Pika; Babič Ksenija
    Discrimination of multimixtures by catfish is based on the most stimulatory component in the mixture
  65. Lawrence Jennifer
    Book of abstracts A ChemS 20 years; 1998 Apr 22-26; Sarasota, Florida
  66. Caprio John T; Valentinčič Tine; Kohbara Jun
    Feeding activator in rainbow trout and other salmonids
  67. Škarabot M; Čepič Mojca; Žekš B; Blinc R; Heppke G; Kityk AV; Muševič I
    Birefringence and tilt angle in the antiferroelectric, ferroelectric, and intermediate phases of chiral smectic liquid crystals
  68. Švigelj Viktor; Meglič Bernard; Grad Anton
    Možganska kap in tromboliza - vloga urgentne službe
    [Acute stroke and thrombolysis - the importance of the emergency services]
  69. Ružič-Medvešček Nada; Klančar Nada; Berden Pavel; Pirc Borut; Geršak Borut; Gabrijelčič Tone; Dolenc-Stražar Zvezdana
    Mase v arkusu aorte - redek vir perifernih embolij
    [Masses in aortic arch - a rare source of peripheral embolisms]
  70. Radonjič-Miholič V; Ogrin M; Štefančič T
    Učenje po nezgodni možganski poškodbi - izziv za celostno rehabilitacijo
  71. Kozarev J
    Carbon dioxide laser vaporization in treatment of verrucae vulgares
  72. Žgavec B; Soyer HP; Salmhofer W; Hoedl S
    Verrucous lupus erythematosus
  73. Marschalko M; Ruzsovits A; Horvath A
    Anticardiolipin antibody in lupus erythematosus
  74. Hovnik-Keršmanc Marjeta
    Umrljivost, hospitalizacije in začasna odsotnost z dela zaradi bolezni, poškodb in zastrupitev, ki jih pripisujemo alkoholu, v Sloveniji
  75. Recek Helena
    Evolucija elefantidov na osnovi zgradbe molarjev
    [Evolution of elephants on the basis of molars structure]
  76. Urbančič Klaudia
    Komunikacija s starši prezgodaj rojenega otroka v enoti intenzivne nege in terapije
    [Communication with parents of a prematurely born infant in the intensive care and therapy unit]
  77. Russi-Zagožen Ingrid
    Odnos zdravstvenih delavcev do terminalnih bolnikov in njihove oskrbe
    [Attitude of medical personnel towards terminal patients and their care]
  78. Ušaj Anton
    Nadzor v procesu športne vadbe kajakašev na divjih vodah: značilne vrednosti uporabljenih kazalcev in njihova uporaba v procesu športne vadbe
    [Monitoring training process of the whitewater kayakers]
  79. Tome Davorin
    Ljubljansko barje: na kaj nas opozarjajo ptice
  80. Soomets Ursel; Haellbrink Mattias; Zorko Matjaž; Langel Uelo
    From galanin and mastoparan to galparan and transportan
  81. Bohinc Marija
    Inovativni management in profesionalnost zdravstvene nege
    [Innovative management and professionalism of health care]
  82. Hovnik-Keršmanc Marjetka; Belec Miran; Prodan Viljam
    Analiza umrljivosti, hospitalizacij in začasne odsotnosti z dela za bolezni, poškodbe in zastrupitve, ki jih lahko neposredno pripišemo alkoholu, v Sloveniji
    [Analysis of mortality, hospitalization and temporary absence from work due to diseases, injuries and adverse effects directly attributable to alcohol in Slovenia]
  83. Urh Irma
    Vpliv izobrazbe na kajenje v nosečnosti
    [Influence of education on smoking during pregnancy]
  84. Bratina Dunja
    Analiza poškodb med delavci, zaposlenimi v goriški regiji, v obdobju 1992-1996
    [The analysis of injuries among active population in the region of Nova Gorica in 1992-1996]
  85. Eržen Irena; Vegnuti Miljana; Švab Igor; Teržan Metka
    Poškodbe pri delu s smrtnim izidom v letih 1985-1995
    [Injuries at work with fatal outcome in the period 1985-1995]
  86. Kralj Božo
    Urinska inkontinenca pri ženskah
    [Female urinary incontinence]
  87. Jereb Berta
    Uspehi in neuspehi zdravljenja malignih bolezni pri otrocih
  88. Fokter SK
    Pistenschilauf und die Ruptur des vorderen Kreuzbandes
    [Alpine skiing and anterior cruciate ligament injuries]
  89. Hristovski Dimitar; Rožič-Hristovski Anamarija
    Organizing Slovene medical bibliography on the World Wide Web
  90. Švab Igor
    The EGPRW web site: a new challenge
  91. Kandus A; Kovač D; Černe D; Koselj M; Kaplan-Pavlovčič S; Buturović J; Ponikvar R; Kveder R; Lindič J; Bren AF
    Therapy of hyperlipidemia with lovastatin in kidney transplant patients on cyclosporine A immunosuppression: 3-year experience
  92. Ponikvar R; Buturović J; Čižman M; Mekjavič I; Kandus A; Malovrh M; Premru V; Urbančič A; Finderle Ž; Zakotnik B
    Treatment of acute liver failure with plasma exchange (PE), haemodialysis (HD), and hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) in 3-year-old child
  93. Iglič Aleš; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Haegerstrand Henry
    Amphiphile induced echinocyte-spheroechinocyte transformation of red blood cell shape
  94. Kralj Metka; Pipan Nada
    Degradation processes in different functional states of the mouse mammary gland
  95. Ferluga Dušan
    13th European congress of pathology Sept.1-6 1991, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia: welcome message from the president of the congress
  96. Perković T; Rotter A; Ferluga D; Hvala A; Kaplan-Pavlovčič S
    Cutaneous calciphylaxis - local disease or part of generalized calcifying vasculitis
  97. Dolenc-Stražar Z; Ferluga D
    Lecitin histochemistry of renal cell carcinoma
  98. Knap B; Kandus A; Malovrh M; Bren AF; Ponikvar R; Ružič-Medvešček N; Kveder R
    Isovolumetric-relaxation time of left ventricle (IVRT) is an early sign of cardyomyopathy in dialysis patients
  99. Vizjak Alenka; Ferluga Dušan; Perković Tatjana
    Immune deposits and histomorphological changes in skeletal and heart muscles of 21 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) autopsy cases
  100. Mihelin Marjan; Liščić Rajka M
    A custom designed system to measure corticospinal tract jitter: tehnical note

   27.884 27.984 28.084 28.184 28.284 28.384 28.484 28.584 28.684 28.784  

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