biomedicina slovenica

"GENETICS" : 401-500

  1. Žagar Tina; Dolžan Vita
    Polimorfizmi izbranih genov serotoninske poti pri žrtvah samomora v Sloveniji
    [Polymorphic genes of serotonergic system in suicide victims in Slovenia]
  2. Bremec Matejka; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Molekularna filogenija patogenih in nepatogenih hantavirusov v Sloveniji
    [Phylogenetic diversity of pathogenic and non-pathogenic hantaviruses in Slovenia]
  3. Prah Janja; Tomažič Janez
    Vpliv polimorfizmov v genih za OPG in RANKL na mineralno kostno gostoto pri bolnikih, okuženih s HIV
  4. Krsteski Jovan; Jurgec Staša; Pakiž Maja; But Igor; Potočnik Uroš
    Polymorphism of the IL13 gene may be associated with uterine leiomyomas in Slovenian women
  5. Repnik Katja; Potočnik Uroš
    eQTL analysis links inflammatory bowel disease associated 1q21 locus to ECM1 gene
  6. Petrovski Goran; Kaarniranta Kai; Petrovič Danijel
    Oxidative stress, epigenetics, environment, and epidemiology of diabetic retinopathy
  7. Peterlin Borut; Maver Aleš; Vidmar Lovro; Lovrečić Luca
    Genetics and epigenetics of multiple sclerosis
  8. Stefanska Barbara; MacEwan David J.
    Epigenetics and gene expression in cancer, inflammatory and immune diseases
  9. Stegel Vida; Škerl Petra; Krajc Mateja; Blatnik Ana; Novaković Srdjan
    Non-BRCA mutations in HBOC families
  10. Magiorkinis Gkikas; Angelis Konstantinos; Mamais Ioannis; Katzourakis Aris; Hatzakis Angelos; Albert Jan; Lawyer Glenn; Hamouda Osamah; Struck Daniel; Poljak Mario
    The global spread of HIV-1 subtype B epidemic
  11. Rijavec Matija
    Insights into the genetics of Hereditary angioedema
  12. Devjak Rok; Burnik Papler Tanja; Verdenik Ivan; Fon Tacer Klementina; Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda
    Embryo quality predictive models based on cumulus cells gene expression
  13. Potočnik Uroš; Repnik Katja; Ramšak Andreja
  14. Korošec Sara; Ban Helena; Steblovnik Lili; Verdenik Ivan; Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda
    Independent factors influencing large-for-gestation birth weight in singletons born after in vitro fertilization
  15. Lutz Sharon M.; Cho Michael H.; Young Kendra; Hersh Craig P.; Castaldi Peter J.; McDonald Merry-Lynn N.; Regan Elizabeth; Mattheisen Manuel; DeMeo Dawn L.; Parker Margaret; Košnik Mitja
    A genome-wide association study identifies risk loci for spirometric measures among smokers of European and African ancestry
  16. Maver Aleš; Lovrečić Luca; Volk Marija; Rudolf Gorazd; Writzl Karin; Blatnik Ana; Hodžić Alenka; Peterlin Borut
    Phenotype-driven gene target definition in clinical genome-wide sequencing data interpretation
  17. BMC genetics
  18. Balestrini Simona; Milh Mathieu; Castiglioni Claudia; Lüthy Kevin; Finelli Mattea J.; Verstreken Patrik; Cardon Aaron; Gnidovec Stražišar Barbara; Holder J. Lloyd; Lesca Gaetan
    TBC1D24 genotype-phenotype correlation
  19. Bonnet Crystel; Riahi Zied; Chantot-Bastaraud Sandra; Smagghe Luce; Fakin Ana; Glavač Damjan; Jarc-Vidmar Martina; Zupan Andrej; Battelino Saba; Hawlina Marko
    An innovative strategy for the molecular diagnosis of Usher syndrome identifies causal biallelic mutations in 93% of European patients
  20. Zupanič-Pajnič Irena; Zupanc Tomaž; Balažic Jože; Geršak Živa Miriam; Stojković Oliver; Skadrić Ivan; Črešnar Matija
    Prediction of autosomal STR typing success in ancient and Second World War bone samples
  21. Forensic science international
  22. Popović D.; Nikolajević-Starčević Jovana; Šantl-Letonja Marija; Makuc Jana; Cokan Vujkovac Andreja; Reschner Anca; Bregar Dejan; Petrovič Danijel
    PECAM-1 gene polymorphism (rs668) and subclinical markers of carotid atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  23. Gradišnik Peter
    Pregled monogensko dedovanih epilepsij
    [Review of monogenic inherited epilepsies]
  24. Berce Vojko; Homšak Matjaž; Tomazin Maja; Pinto Kozmus Carina; Potočnik Uroš
    Genetika in farmakogenomika astme ter vpliv gena ORMDL3 na učinek inhalacijskih kortikosteroidov
    [Genetics and pharmacogenomics of asthma and the influence of the ORMDL3 gene on the effect of inhaled corticosteroids]
  25. Dolinšek Jernej
  26. Dolinšek Jernej; Puklavec Evelin; Zagradišnik Boris
    Genetske preiskave v pediatrični gastroenterologiji
    [Review of monogenic inherited epilepsies [!]]
  27. Marčun-Varda Nataša
    Genetske raziskave arterijske hipertenzije pri otrocih
    [Genetic research into hypertension in children]
  28. Bauer Julius
    Vorlesungen über allgemeine Konstitutions- und Vererbungslehre
  29. Chaitanya Lakshmi; Zupanič-Pajnič Irena; Walsh Susan; Balažic Jože; Zupanc Tomaž; Kayser Manfred
    Bringing colour back after 70 years
  30. Forensic science international
  31. Rheenen Wouter van; Shatunov Aleksey; Dekker Annelot M.; McLaughlin Russell L.; Diekstra Frank P.; Pulit Sara L.; van der Spek Rick A. A.; Võsa Urmo; De Jong Simone; Robinson Matthew R.; Rogelj Boris; Vrabec Katarina; Ravnik-Glavač Metka; Koritnik Blaž; Zidar Janez; Leonardis Lea; Dolenc-Grošelj Leja
    Genome-wide association analyses identify new risk variants and the genetic architecture of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  32. Jenko Barbara; Dolžan Vita; Praprotnik Sonja
    Klinično farmakogenetski modeli za bolniku prilagojeno zdravljenje revmatoidnega artritisa
    [Clinical pharmacogenetic models for personalized rheumatoid arthritis treatment]
  33. Trčko Katarina; Poljak Mario
    Klinična, patohistološka in molekularna opredelitev okužb z virusom Molluscum contagiosum v Sloveniji
    [Clinical, patohistological and molecular analysis of infections with Molluscum contagiosum in Slovenia]
  34. Zadravec Petra; Berlec Aleš
    Razvoj gensko spremenjenih mlečnokislinskih bakterij s sposobnostjo vezave toksina šiga
  35. Norčič Gregor; Jelenc Franc; Novaković Srdjan
    Določanje prisotnosti krožečih tumorskih celic v periferni krvi bolnikov po RO-resekciji raka debelega črevesa in danke
  36. Novak Maruša; Sepčić Kristina; Anderluh Gregor
    Biološka vloga ter lastnosti egerolizinov in proteinov z domeno MACPF v nitasti glivi Aspergillus niger
    [Biological role and characterisation of aegerolysins and proteins with MACPF domain in filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger]
  37. Oštrbenk Anja; Poljak Mario
    Genetska opredelitev in tkivni tropizem kandidatnih izolatov za nove genotipe človeških papilomavirusov v Sloveniji
  38. Trošt Nuša; Stojan Jure; Fon Tacer Klementina; Križaj Igor
    Vloga proteina [gama]-Klotho v signalni poti fibroblastnega rastnega dejavnika 19 in njegov vpliv na preživetje ter proliferacijo rakavih celic
    [The role of [gamma]-Klotho protein in the signaling pathway of fibroblast growth factor 19 and its effect on survival and proliferation of cancer cells]
  39. Koren Ana; Čufer Tanja; Korošec Peter
    Pomen tumorskih matičnih celic in epitelno-mezenhimskega prehoda pri napredovanju nedrobnoceličnega raka pljuč
    [The importance of cancer stem cells and epithelial-mesenchymal transition in the progression of non-small cell lung cancer]
  40. Verbovšek Urška; Lah Turnšek Tamara; Noorden Cornelis J. F. van
    Cathepsin K as a potential tumor marker in glioblastoma multiforme
  41. Klančar Gašper; Battelino Tadej; Trebušak Podkrajšek Katarina
    Genetske značilnosti hiperholesterolemij pri otrocih in mladostnikih v Sloveniji
    [Genetic charateristics of hypercholesterolemia in children and adolescents in Slovenia]
  42. Trampuš-Bakija Alenka; Jazbec Janez; Preložnik-Zupan Irena
    Opredelitev mutacij in ovrednotenje uporabnosti testov za oceno hemostatskega potenciala pri bolnikih z lahko hemofilijo A
  43. Vodušek Ana Lina; Jazbec Janez; Dolžan Vita
    Genetski polimorfizmi antioksidativnih encimov in mehanizmov popravljanja DNA pri sekundarnem raku ščitnice
  44. Saletinger Rajko; Strle Franc; Poljak Mario
    Reaktivacija latentne okužbe s humanim virusom citomegalije pri bolnikih z zunajbolnišnično pljučnico
  45. Terzič Tea; Kores-Plesničar Blanka; Dolžan Vita
    Genska variabilnost nevrotransmiterskih poti centralnega živčnega sistema ter presnove antipsihotikov pri terapevtsko rezistentni shizofreniji
    [Genetic variability in neurotransmiter pathways of central nervous system and antipsychotic disposition in treatment refractory schizophrenia]
  46. Plemenitaš Anja; Kores-Plesničar Blanka; Dolžan Vita
    Vpliv genske variabilnosti presnove etanola in serotoninskega sistema na abstinenco in izražanje psiholoških komponent pri odvisnosti od alkohola
    [Genetic influences in metabolism of ethanol and serotonergic system on abstinence and expression of psychological traits]
  47. Blazina Štefan; Ihan Alojz; Lovrečić Luca; Hovnik Tinka
    11q terminal deletion and combined immunodeficiency (Jacobsen syndrome)
  48. Repnik Katja; Koder Silvo; Skok Pavel; Ferkolj Ivan; Potočnik Uroš
    Transferrin level before treatment and genetic polymorphism in HFE gene as predictive markers for response to adalimumab in Crohn's disease patients
  49. Krajnc Natalija; Neubauer David
    Uspešnost protiepileptičnega zdravljenja in mehanizmi zmanjšanja centralne motorične latence pri bolnicah z Rettovim sindromom
    [Effectiveness of antiepileptic drug treatment and mechanisms of shortening of the central motor conduction time in patients with Rett syndrome]
  50. Brožič Andreja; Kloboves-Prevodnik Veronika
    Klonalnost in antigenske lastnosti reaktivnih in neoplastičnih limfocitnih proliferacij
  51. Zečkanović Aida; Žlahtič Tadej; Hudler Petra
    Karakterizacija polimorfizmov v segregacijskih genih pri raku želodca
  52. Bele Tjaša; Writzl Karin
    Klinične značilnosti pri preiskovancih z mikrodelecijskimi/mikroduplikacijskimi sindromi
  53. Peterlin Ana Marija; Lovrečić Luca
    Izbrani genetski faktorji in njihova vloga pri prezgodnjem porodu
  54. Šenk Barbara; Dolžan Vita; Jensterle Sever Mojca
    Genetska variabilnost serotoninskega sistema in izločanje inzulina ter vedenjski vzorci prehranjevanja pri bolnicah s sindromom policističnih ovarijev
    [Genetic variability of serotoninergic system and insulin secretion and eating behaviour in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome]
  55. Krajc Mateja; Novaković Srdjan; Žgajnar Janez; Blatnik Ana; Škof Erik; Vrečar Alenka; Klopčič Natalija; Duratović Konjević Amela
    Dedni rak dojk in/ali jajčnikov
  56. Deželak Matjaž; Repnik Katja; Koder Silvo; Ferkolj Ivan; Potočnik Uroš
    A prospective pharmacogenomic study of Crohn's disease patients during routine therapy with anti-TNF-a drug adalimumab: contribution of ATG5, NFKB1, and CRP genes to pharmacodynamic variability
  57. Cilenšek Ines; Mankoč Ramuš Sara; Globočnik Petrovič Mojca; Petrovič Danijel
    Oxidative stress biomarkers for diabetic retinopathy and medical management affecting oxidative stress
  58. Bučić Marina; Pregelj Peter; Zupanc Tomaž; Videtič Paska Alja
    Completed suicide, depression, and RELN polymorphisms
  59. Hudler Petra
    Aberrant DNA methylation and histone modifications in cancer
  60. Stangler Herodež Špela; Erjavec Škerget Alenka; Kokalj-Vokač Nadja
    Medicinska biotehnologija za študente biologije
  61. Dolinšek Jernej
    The effect of gluten-free diet and genetic factors on apoptotic activity of the small intestine in children with celiac disease
  62. Erjavec Škerget Alenka; Stangler Herodež Špela; Zagorac Andreja; Zagradišnik Boris; Kokalj-Vokač Nadja
    Detection of subtelomeric chromosome rearrangements in children with idiopathic mental retardation: choise of molecular and cytogenetics methods
  63. Kokalj-Vokač Nadja; Zagorac Andreja; Erjavec Škerget Alenka; Marčun-Varda Nataša; Krajnc Olga; Zagradišnik Boris
    Two cases with appearently the same subtelomeric unbalanced rearrangements and different phenotypes
  64. Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses on arrayCGH and Molecular Cytogenetics
  65. Ocvirk Janja
    Pomen določanja mutacij KRAS in BRAF pri RDČD
  66. Novaković Srdjan
    Testiranje znanih mutacij v genu KRAS
  67. PLOS genetics
  68. Tajnik Mojca; Rogalska Malgorzata Ewa; Bussani Erica; Barbon Elena; Balestra Dario; Pinotti Mirko; Pagani Franco
    Molecular basis and therapeutic strategies to rescue factor ix variants that affect splicing and protein function
  69. Forensica
  70. Hajdinjak Tine
    Editorial comment
  71. Marčun-Varda Nataša; Gregorič Alojz
    Genetic studies in pediatric stroke
  72. Dmitrović Romana; Vlaisavljević Veljko; Ivanković Davor
    Endometrial growth in early pregnancy after IVF/ET
  73. Štimpfel Martin; Cerkovnik Petra; Novaković Srdjan; Maver Aleš; Virant-Klun Irma
    Putative mesenchymal stem cells isolated from adult human ovaries
  74. Novaković Srdjan
    Nastanek rakastih celic in tumorska razrast
  75. Kopušar Sebastijan; Bitenc Marko; Geršak Ksenija; Novaković Srdjan; Žgajnar Janez
    Med medicino prihodnosti in poslom sedanjosti
  76. Rijavec Matija; Maver Aleš; Hočevar Keli; Šilar Mira; Košnik Mitja; Peterlin Borut; Korošec Peter
    Global transcriptome profiling during acute anaphylactic reaction reveals involvement of complex networks of signaling, interactions and recruitment of distinct immune cell types
  77. Korošec Peter; Rupnik Helena; Dežman Katarina; Rijavec Matija
    Filaggrin mutations in early - and late-onset atopic dermatitis
  78. Šilar Mira; Košnik Mitja; Zidarn Mihaela; Korošec Peter; Andrejević Slađana; Karandža-Lapić Ljerka; Cikojević Draško; Baresic Marko; Rijavec Matija
    Mutational spectrum and genotype-phenotype association in a cohort of Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian patients with hereditary angioedema due to C1 inhibitor deficiency
  79. Redenšek Sara; Trošt Maja; Pirtošek Zvezdan; Dolžan Vita
    Pharmacogenetics of Parkinson's disease
  80. Merlo Sebastjan; Novák J; Tkáčová N; Nikolajević-Starčević Jovana; Šantl-Letonja Marija; Makuc Jana; Cokan Vujkovac Andreja; Letonja Jaušovec Lidija; Bregar Dejan; Zorc Marjeta; Rojko Maksimiljana; Mankoč Ramuš Sara; Kruzliak Peter; Petrovič Danijel
    Association of the ACE rs4646994 and rs4341 polymorphisms with the progression of carotid atherosclerosis in Slovenian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  81. Klen Jasna; Dolžan Vita
    Pharmacogenetics of type 2 diabetes treatment
  82. Komel Radovan
    Gene therapy and the Slovenian draft law on biomedicine
  83. Writzl Karin; Teran Nataša; Maver Aleš
    Book of abstracts
  84. Stangler Herodež Špela; Fijavž Lusien; Zagradišnik Boris; Kokalj-Vokač Nadja
    Detection of mutations in the CYP21A2 gene
  85. Došen Marko; Bila Jovan
    Morfološke karakteristike i biohemijski mehanizmi Alzheimer-ove bolesti
    [Morphological characteristics and biochemical mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease]
  86. Marčun-Varda Nataša; Stangler Herodež Špela; Zagradišnik Boris; Žerjavič Katja; Kokalj-Vokač Nadja; Gregorič Alojz
    Genetika arterijske hipertenzije pri otrocih in mladih odraslih
  87. Zagradišnik Boris; Žerjavič Katja; Stangler Herodež Špela; Glaser Marjana; Černelč Peter; Kokalj-Vokač Nadja
    Prevalence of mutation V617F in JAK2 gene in different groups of patients
  88. Erjavec Škerget Alenka; Zagorac Andreja; Zagradišnik Boris; Kokalj-Vokač Nadja
    Applicability of comparative genomic hybridization as a diagnostic tool in hematologic oncology
  89. Pereza Nina; Severinski Srećko; Ostojić Saša; Volk Marija; Maver Aleš; Dekanić Kristina Baraba; Kapović Miljenko; Peterlin Borut
    Cornelia de Lange syndrome caused by heterozygous deletions of chromosome 8q24
  90. Hehir-Kwa Jayne Y; Peterlin Borut
    Towards a European consensus for reporting incidental findings during clinical NGS testing
  91. Tavčar Rok
    Schizoaffective disorder
  92. Reberšek Gorišek Jelka; Rijavec Vesna; Vugrinec Miša
    Izvorne celice in človeški genom
  93. Böhmer Anne C.; Peterlin Borut
    Analysis of susceptibility loci for nonsyndromic orofacial clefting in a European trio sample
  94. Dondorp Wybo; Peterlin Borut
    Non-invasive prenatal testing for aneuploidy and beyond
  95. Pereza Nina; Ostojić Saša; Smirčić Anamarija; Hodžić Alenka; Kapović Miljenko; Peterlin Borut
    The -2549 insertion / deletion polymorphism in the promoter region of the VEGFA gene in couples with idiopathic recurrent spontaneous abortion
  96. Čalić Andjela; Peterlin Borut
    Epigenetics and bruxism
  97. Urlep Žužej Darja; Dolinšek Jernej; Zagradišnik Boris; Urlep Dejan; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka
    NOD2/CARD15 mutations in inflammatory bowel disease, coeliac disease and intestinal food allergy
  98. Boltežar Lučka; Pintarić Karlo; Jezeršek Novaković Barbara
    Fertility in young patients following treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma
  99. Bowes Rickman Chaterine; LaVail Matthew M.; Anderson Robert Edwin; Grimm Christian; Hollyfield Joe; Ash John
    Retinal degenerative diseases
  100. Iltis Hugo
    Johann Gregor Mendel als Forscher und Mensch

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