biomedicina slovenica

"INTELLIGENCE" : 177-276

  1. Gams Matjaž
    How can humans be stronger than computers?
  2. Zelič Igor; Lavrač Nada
    Impact of machine learning to the diagnosis and prognosis of first cerebral paroxysm
  3. Vilfan B; Dimec J; Gams M; Krisper M; Ozimek I; Rajkovič V
    Projekt "Skupne raziskave o informacijski infrastrukturi" (CRII)
  4. Gams Matjaž
    Information society promotes intelligent systems
  5. Novak Bojan
    Intelligent systems in medical diagnosis
  6. Dimec Jure; Džeroski Sašo; Todorovski Ljupčo; Hristovski Dimitar
    WWW search engine for Slovenian and English medical documents
  7. Čakš Mojca
    Čustvena inteligentnost v zdravstvu
  8. Zrimec Tatjana; Sammut Claude
    The potential for machine learning in medical image processing
  9. Podgorelec Vili; Kokol Peter
    Metoda za razvrščanje pacientov z uporabo genetskih algoritmov in avtomatskega učenja
  10. Kukar Matjaž
    Cenovno občutljivo učenje v medicinski diagnostiki
  11. Bajd T; Grobelnik M; Mladenić D; Lavrač N; Prodnik V; Benko H; Šavrin R; Obreza P
    Machine learning for prediction of walking abilities in incomplete spinal cord injured patients
  12. Bohanec Marko; Zupan Blaž; Rajkovič Vladislav
    Hierarhični odločitveni modeli in njihova uporaba v zdravstvu
  13. Macedoni-Lukšič Marta
    Kasne nevrološke posledice pri otrocih, zdravljenih zaradi možganskega tumorja
  14. Vrečer Franc
    Sodobne instrumentalne metode za fizikalno-kemijsko vrednotenje učinkovin in oblik
    [Modern instrumental methods for psychochemical evaluation of drugs and dosage forms]
  15. Todorovski Ljupčo; Džeroski Sašo; Kompare Boris
    Modelling and prediction of phytoplankton growth with equation discovery
  16. Raič Gorazd
    Poti in stranpoti projekta "BOLOB" ter uveljavljanje strojnega učenja
  17. Todorovski Ljupčo; Nančovska Irena; Jeglič Anton; Fefer Dušan
    Experimental neural networks and equation discovery system used for time series prediction
  18. Zupanič Saša
    Sistemi, osnovani na znanju na področju shranjevanja in iskanja informacij
    [Knowledge-based systems in information storage and retrieval]
  19. Zelič Igor; Kononenko Igor; Lavrač Nada; Vuga Vanja
    Machine learning applied to diagnosis of sport injuries
  20. Kononenko Igor; Šimec Edvard; Robnik-Šikonja Marko
    Overcoming the myopia of inductive learning algorithms with RELIEF
  21. Bratko Ivan; Cestnik Bojan; Kononenko Igor
    Attribute-based learning
  22. Zupan Blaž; Džeroski Sašo
    Acquiring and validating background knowledge for machine learning using function decomposition
  23. Zupan Blaž; Halter John A; Bohanec Marko
    Qualitative model approach to computer assisted reasoning in physiology
  24. Kukar Matjaž; Kononenko Igor; Silvester Tomaž
    Machine learning in prognosis of the femoral neck fracture recovery
  25. Karba Rihard; Belič Aleš; Klopčič Marko; Škrjanc Igor; Milanič Srečko; Atanasijević-Kunc Maja; Mrhar Aleš; Grabnar Iztok; Belič Igor
    Some artificial intelligence and control approaches to pharmacokinetic - pharmacodynamic modelling
  26. Šter Branko; Kukar Matjaž; Dobnikar Andrej; Kranjec Igor; Kononenko Igor
    Experiments with machine learning in the prediction of coronary artery disease progression
  27. Zelič Igor; Pikec Marjana
    Razvoj managerskega informacijskega sistema v zdravstvu
    [Development of healtcare management information system]
  28. Kokol Peter; Zorman Milan; Molan-Štiglic Milojka; Malčič Ivan
    The limitations of decision trees and automatic learning in real world medical decision making
  29. Mladenić Dunja; Grobelnik Marko
    Word sequences as features in text-learning
  30. Filipič Bogdan; Urbančič Tanja; Križman Viljem
    Optimiranje pravil za obvladovanje nihanja na modelni napravi
    [Optimizing rules for swing control on a model device]
  31. Jovanoski Viktor; Lavrač Nada
    Using association rules for inductive concept learning
  32. Kaiser Janez; Kalčič Zdravko
    Učenje prikritih modelov Markova z genetskimi algoritmi
    [Training of hidden Markov models with genetic algorithms]
  33. Urbančič Tanja; Križman Viljem; Filipič Bogdan
    Učenje in izpopolnjevanje človekove veščine vodenja
    [Learning and improving human control skill]
  34. Gams Matjaž
    Is AI becoming mainstream due to Microsoft ?
  35. Zajc Baldomir
    Zbornik 7. elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK'98. Zvezek B. Računalništvo in informatika, umetna inteligenca, robotika, razpoznavanje vzorcev, biomedicinska tehnika, močnostna elektrotehnika, didaktika, študentski članki; 1998 sep 24-26; Portorož
    [Proceedings of the 7th electrotechnical and computer science conference ERK'98. Vol B. Computer and information science, artificial intelligence, robotics, pattern recognition, biomedical engineering, didactis, student papers; 1998 Sep 24-26; Portorož]
  36. Krusinska Ewa; Shahsvar Nosrat; Babić Ankica; Gao Xiao-Ming; Wigertz Ove; Chowdhury Shamsul
    A systematic approach to knowledge extraction and representation for medical decision support
  37. Ipšić Ivo; Mihelič France; Dobrišek Simon; Gros Jerneja; Pavešić Nikola
    An overview of the Spoken queries in European languages. Project: the Slovenian spoken dialog system
  38. Gros Jerneja; Mihelič France; Pavešić Nikola
    The overall perfomance test of the Slovenian text-to-speech system S5
  39. Dobrišek Simon; Gros Jerneja; Mihelič France; Pavešić Nikola
    Analysis of speech format characteristics for selection of basic Slovenia speech units
  40. Šiška Arijan; Pozne Anton; Pavešić Nikola
    Image based camera orientation extraction
  41. Sarnovsky Jan; Sinčak Peter; Mach Marian; Hatala Marek
    Proceedings of the scientific conference Artificial intelligence in industry and 3rd SQEL workshop on multi-lingual information retrieval dialogs: from theory to practice; 1998 Apr 22-24; High Tatras, Slovakia
  42. Pepelnjak K; Mihelič F; Pavešić N
    Semantic decomposition of sentences in the system supporting flight services
  43. Parkelj Mojca; Pavešić Nikola
    Structural object description by using the KRP scheme
  44. Babić Ankica
    Medical knowledge extraction: application of data analysis methods to support clinical decisions
  45. Babić Ankica; Šter Branko; Pavešić Nikola; Wigertz Ove
    Machine learning for the quality of life in inflammatory bowel disease
  46. Cruccu G; Capozza M; Bastianello S; Mostarda M; Romaniello A; Accornero N
    3D brainstem mapping of "anatonomical" and "functional" lesions
  47. Nančovska Irena; Todorovski Ljupčo; Jeglič Anton; Fefer Dušan
    Identification and predicion of DC voltage generation system with equation discovery system and neural networks
  48. Adam Stephen F; Petriu Emil M; Piuri Vincenzo
    ETIMVITS' 98. Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE international workshop on emerging technologies, intelligent measurement and virtual systems for instrumentation and measurement; 1998 May 15-16; St. Paul
  49. Marinček Črt; Švab Igor; Burger Helena; Pentek Metka; Berger Tatjana; Premik Marjan
    Kvaliteta življenja starejše populacije v letu 1997: letno poročilo
  50. Solina Franc; Zajc Baldomir
    Zbornik 4. elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK'95. Zvezek B. Računalništvo in informatika, umetna inteligenca, robotika, razpoznavanje vzorcev, biomedicinska tehnika, numerične metode, študentski članki; 1995 Sept 25-27; Portorož
    [Proceedings of the 4th electrotechnical and computer science conference ERK'95. Vol B. Computer and information science, artificial intelligence, robotics, pattern recognition, biomedical engineering, numerical methods, student papers; 1995 Sept 25-27; Portorož]
  51. Zupanič Darko; Pikec Marjana; Grobelnik Marko
    Automatic timetable generation in a thermal resort
    [Sistem za avtomatsko izdelavo urnika za zdravilišče]
  52. Kukar Matjaž; Grošelj Ciril; Kononenko Igor; Fettich Jure
    An application of machine learning in the diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease
  53. Keravnou Elpida; Garbay Catherine; Baud Robert; Wyatt Jeremy
    Artificial intelligence in medicine. Proceedings of the 6th conference on artificial intelligence in medicine Europe, AIME' 97; 1997 March; Grenoble
  54. Todorovski Ljupčo
    Omejevanje prostora hipotez pri odkrivanju enačb
    [Declarative bias in equation discovery]
  55. Jaušovec Norbert
    Nadarjeni možgani
    [Gifted brains]
  56. Pečjak Vid
    Psihološki in družbeni vidiki kloniranja
  57. Ihan A
    Short note: distinguishing "immune intelligence" and "immune response"
  58. Grošelj C; Kukar M; Fettich JJ; Kononenko I
    Impact of machine learning to the diagnostic certainty of the patient's group with low coronary artery disease probability
  59. Kukar Matjaž; Grošelj Ciril; Kononenko Igor; Fettich Jure J
    An application of machine learning in the diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease
  60. Lokar Jože
    Duševne motnje zaradi možganskih okvar
  61. Grošelj C; Kukar M; Fettich JJ; Kononenko I
    Machine learning improves the accuracy of coronary artery disease diagnostic methods
  62. Prosen Simona; Černelč Matej
    Testing of finger recognition in children aged 4-8 years
  63. Radonjić-Miholič Vesna
    Nekateri psihološki dejavniki v rehabilitaciji oseb po poškodbi možganov
  64. Zajc Baldomir
    Zbornik 6. elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK'97. Zvezek B. Računalništvo in informatika, umetna inteligenca, robotika, razpoznavanje vzorcev - 3. letna konferenca SDRV, biomedicinska tehnika, močnostna elektrotehnika, didaktika, študentski članki; 1997 sep 25-27; Portorož
    [Proceedings of the 6th electrotechnical and computer science conference ERK' 97]
  65. Zajc B; Solina F
    Zbornik 5. elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK'96. Zvezek B. Računalništvo in informatika, umetna inteligenca, robotika, razpoznavanje vzorcev, biomedicinska tehnika, študentski članki; 1996 sep 19-21; Portorož
    [Proccedings of the 5th electrotechnical and computer science conference ERK'96. Vol B. Computer and information science, artificial intelligence, robotics, pattern recognition, biomedical engineering, student papers; 1996 Sep 19-21; Portorož]
  66. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the International atomic energy agency specialists meeting on Advanced information methods and artificial intelligence in nuclear power plant control rooms; 1994 Sep 13-15; Halden
  67. Rupnik Marjan; Zorec Robert
    Antisense strategy and stimulus-secretion coupling
  68. Raffa Robert B; Porecca Frank
    Neuroscience intelligence unit: antisense strategies for the study of receptor mechanisms
  69. Marinček Črt; Švab Igor; Premik Marjan; Pentek Metka; Burger Helena; Berger Tatjana
    Kvaliteta življenja starejše populacije: letno poročilo za leto 1996
  70. Todorovski Ljupčo; Džeroski Sašo
    Declarative bias in equation discovery
  71. Fisher DH Jr
    Machine learning. Proceedings of the 14th international conference (ICML'97); 1997 Jul 8-12; Nashville
  72. Todorovski L; Džeroski S; Kompare B
    Automated modeling of phytoplankton growth using ecological domain knowledge
  73. Jensterle Jože; Mlakar Janez
    Kratka oblika WB-II
  74. Jensterle Jože; Mlakar Janez; Glavič-Tretnjak Vali; Kobal Miloš
    Nevropsihološko ocenjevanje bolnikov z možganskimi poškodbami
  75. Kukar M; Bešić N; Kononenko I; Auersperg M; Robnik-Šikonja M
    Prognosing the survival time of the patients with the anaplastic thyroid carcinoma with machine learning
  76. Krusinska E; Babič A; Mathiesen U; Franzen L; Foberg U; Fryden A; Bodemar G; Wigertz O
    Empirical modelling versus commonly applied data analysis techniques as used for decision support in liver diseases
  77. Babič A; Hedin K; Mathiesen U; Franzen L; Fryden A; Bodemar G; Wigertz O
    Decision support for monitoring of chronic hepatitis C: can blood laboratory tests help?
  78. Babič A
    Case studies in machine learning for medical knowledge extraction
  79. Babič A; Krusinska W; Stroemberg JK
    Extraction of diagnostic rules using recursive partitioning systems: a comparison of two approaches
  80. Chowdhury S; Bodemar G; Haug P; Babič A; Wigertz O
    Methods for knowledge extraction from a clinical database on liver diseases
  81. Krusinska E; Babič A; Chowdhury S; Wigertz O; Bodemar G; Mathiesen U
    Integrated approach for designing medical decision support systems with knowledge extracted from clinical databases by statistical methods
  82. Babič A; Bodemar G; Mathiesen U; Ahlfeldt H; Franzen L; Wigertz O
    Machine learning to support diagnostics in the domain of asymptomatic liver disease
  83. Zupan B; Halter JA; Bohanec M
    Computer assisted reasoning on principles and properties of medical physiology
  84. Zrimec Tatjana
    Knowledge representation for image processing in medicine
  85. Kukar Matjaž
    Machine learning in blood group determination of Danish Jersey cattle
  86. Kompare Boris
    Activity prediction of drugs using artificial intelligence tools
  87. Gamberger Dragan
    Specific rule induction for medical domains
  88. Cestnik Bojan; Sušnik Janko; Bizjak Breda
    Computerised estimation of the compatibility of stresses and strains at work
  89. Bernard Rok; Pernuš Franjo
    Uporaba računalniškega vida za analizo kroženja označenih ali neoznačenih laboratorijskih miši
    [Computer vision analysis of the motion of a laboratory mouse]
  90. Radonjić-Miholič V
    Psihološka obravnava oseb, ki so utrpele poškodbo možganov
  91. Mladenić D; Bratko I; Karalič A
    Avtomatsko učenje v snovanju zdravil
    [Machine learning in drug design]
  92. Vizjak-Pavšič M; Musek J; Rajkovič V
    Razumljivost baz znanja kot dejavnik učinkovitosti ekspertnih sistemov za podporo odločanju
    [The comprehension of knowledge bases as a factor of effectiveness of expert systems for decision support]
  93. Sušelj M; Lasič D; Ahačič J
    Uvajanje direktorskega informacijskega sistema
    [Introducing an executive information system (EIS) in IHIS]
  94. Molan-Škof Marija; Molan Gregor
    Evaluation of human fitness for duty in a real working situation
  95. Kompare B
    The use of artificial intelligence in ecological modelling
  96. Pečjak V
    Inteligentnost in rasna, razredna ter etnična pripadnost
    [Intelligence and race, class and ethic allegiance]
  97. Novak B
    Umetna inteligenca - principi in uporaba v medicini - 2. del. Nevronska omrežja
    [Artificial intellige - principles and application in medicine - part 2. Artificial neural networks]
  98. Žagar D
    Psihološki vidiki obremenjenosti učencev s šolskim delom
    [Psychological aspects of schoolwork burdening]
  99. Klun B; Slodnjak V; Gostiša A; Gorišek M; Butinar D
    Late sequelae of brain injuries in children
  100. Musek J
    Izvorne poteze osebnosti: sinteza raziskovanj
    [Source traits of personality: a synthesis of research in Slovenia]

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