biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 33.054-33.153

  1. Međedović I; Kovačič A; Logar M
    Šta je novo u hirurgiji strume ?
    [What is new in the surgery of struma ?]
  2. Benedik M; Drinovec J; Kandus A; Ponikvar R; Varl J; Kveder R; Bren A; Močivnik M; Malovrh M; Kozak E; Hudnik V
    Aluminum hydroxide versus sucralfate as a phosphate binder in chronic hemodialysis patients
  3. Kozak E; Hudnik V; Drinovec J; Benedik M; Kandus A; Ponikvar H; Bren A; Kveder R; Močivnik M
    The influence of aluminium hydroxide and sucralfate on serum aluminium levels in chronic dialysis patients
  4. Djurić U
    Smrtna poškodba zaradi padca s strehe
    [Accident at work because of tumble from height]
  5. Kos A
    Psihološke in psihosocialne razsežnosti spolnega razvoja in spolnega vedenja v puberteti
  6. Brumen S; Lobnik S; Medved M; Vončina E; Perdih A
    Organische Halogenverbindungen im Badewasser: eine analytische Studie in Slowenien
  7. Vrbošek V
    Priprava zobne pulpe za gojitev
    [The preparation of the dental pulp for growth]
  8. Dragaš AZ; Grošelj H
    Uporaba rokavic v stomatologiji
    [The use of gloves in dental practice]
  9. Dragaš AZ; Paller-Anželj J; Prevc T; Logar J
    Problem vode za hlajenje vrtalnih zobozdravstvenih naprav
    [The problem of water for cooling high speed devices in dentistry]
  10. Babnik J; Skalerič U; Čurin V; Lah T; Turk V
    Inhibitorji cisteinskih proteinaz v vneti dlesni
    [Inhibitors of cysteine proteinase in the inflammed gingivae]
  11. Rojs J; Skalerič U
    Rentgenska analiza prevalence previsnih plomb in prevlek in vpliv na obzobna tkiva
    [The radiographic analysis of prevalence of overhanging fillings and crowns and the effect of periodontal tissues]
  12. Petelin M; Skalerič U; Cevc P; Schara M
    Prepustnost zobnega cementa
    [Root cementum permeability]
  13. Kovač-Kavčič M; Skalerič U
    Razlike med staro in novonaseljenimi Ljubljančani v potrebah po parodontalnem zdravljenju
    [The difference between native and immigrant inhabitants of Ljubljana in periodontal treatment needs]
  14. Grošelj D; Mueller J
    Majavost zob pri majhnih obremenitvah
    [The tooth mobility using small loads]
  15. Dragaš AZ; Grošelj D; Štorman A; Mueller J; Tofant S
    Mikroskopske metode diagnostike parodontalnih bolezni
    [Microscopial methods in diagnostics of periodontal disease]
  16. Blinc R; Žekš B
    Proton order-disorder in KH2PO4-type ferroelectrics: Slater theory and Ising model in a transverse tunneling field
  17. Levstik A; Carlsson T; Filipič C; Levstik I; Žekš B
    Goldstone mode and soft mode at the smectic-A - smectic-C* phase transition studied by dielectric relaxation
  18. Filipič C; Levstik A; Levstik I; Blinc R; Žekš B
    Spontaneous polarization of helicoidal ferroelectric smectic C* liquid crystals
  19. Markin VS; Svetina S; Žekš B
    Osmotic shrinkage of giant lipid vesicles and the biilayer couple hypothesis
    [Osmotičeskoe sžatie gigantskih lipidnyh vezikul i gipoteza bislojnoj pary]
  20. Bole-Vunduk B; Simonišek P
    Alpha-agonistic activity of the ergot alkaloid dihydroergosine in comparison with clonidine in the circulatory system of the pithed rat
  21. Urbančič J; Smerkolj A; Lenardič A; Kopitar Z
    Enhancement of bioavailability of some ergot peptide alkaloids in the rat
  22. Cvelbar P; Čulig J; Kopitar Z; Lenardič A; Urbančič-Smerkolj J; Žorž M
    Bioavailability of dihydroergosine in healthy volunteers
  23. Kitan A; Trkovnik M; Žmitek J; Stanovnik B; Tišler M
    The synthesis of 1,3,5-triazinylformamidines, -formamide oximes and -methylcyanoamines
  24. Rubeša R; Pertot E; Belič I
    The effects of peptones on the fermentative production of clavine ergot alkaloids
  25. Gaberc-Porekar V; Sočič H; Pertot E
    Metabolic changes in a conidia-induced Claviceps paspali strain during submerged fermentation
  26. Brglez J; Gabrovšek J
    The most common endohelminths of some ciconiiformes birds in Yugoslavia
  27. Koželj G; Pihlar B; Marsel J; Gubenšek F; Ritonja A; Kregar I
    Labelling of some enzymes by electrolytic iodination: a comparative study
  28. Kocijančič M
    Invalidnost in umrljivost poklicnih gasilcev
    [Disability and mortality of professional firemen]
  29. Rakovec P; Kenda MF
    Der Einfluss des Antiarrhythmikums Ethmozin auf die Refraktaerperiode der akzessorischen Leitungsbahn beim Wolff-Parkinson-White-Syndrom
  30. Baloh S
    CRD-5 in spretnost rok in prstov
    [CRD-5 and skill of hands and fingers]
  31. Djurić U
    Smrtna poškodba zaradi padca z lestve
    [Accidental death because of the crash from ladder]
  32. Drinovec J
    Klinično testiranje nolicina (norfloksacina)
  33. Drinovec J; Bren A; Guček A; Benedik M; Ponikvar R; Kandus A; Močivnik M; Malovrh M; Ličina A; Stropnik Z
    Are aminoglycosides essential in the treatment of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) peritonitis ?
  34. Drinovec J; Kandus A; Bren AF; Šinigoj M; Eržen I; Ličina A; Kveder R; Ponikvar R; Močivnik M; Benedik M
    Acute renal failure in leptospirosis - A 12-year survey
  35. Kraigher B
    Analiza faktorjev, ki pogojujejo percepcijo nevarnosti cestnih zavojev
    [Analysis of the factors, determining the danger perception of road curves]
  36. Baloh S
    Testni rezultati psiholoških pregledov v starostnih obdobjih
    [Test results of psychological examinations in old-age period]
  37. Drinovec J; Močivnik M; Kveder R; Bren A; Kandus A; Ponikvar R; Benedik M; Varl J
    Vierjaehrige Erfahrungen mit der chronischen Haemofiltrations-Behandlung
    [Four years' experience with chronic hemofiltration treatment]
  38. Dolšek Franek; Novak Meta
    Uspešnost kirurškega zdravljenja sindroma kubitalnega kanala
    [Effectiveness of surgical treatment of the cubital tunnel syndrome]
  39. Kapš Peter; Jadonić Boris; Kapš Rafko
    Pomen ehokardiografije pri kardiomiopatiji
    [Value of echocardiography in cardiomyopathy]
  40. Piletič Lilijana; Kapš Peter
    Spremembe v elektrokardiogramu pri kroničnem obstruktivnem bronhitisu
    [Electrocardiographic changes in chronic obstructive bronchitis]
  41. Murn Milica; Zalar Stanislav; Salom Lala; Pavković Petar; Turk Jožef; Zupančič Pavla; Uhan Darinka
    Predklinične raziskave o toksičnosti in stranskih učinkih norfloksacina
    [Preclinical studies of norfloxacin toxicity and side effects]
  42. Zalar Stanislav; Uhan Darinka; Zupančič Pavla
    Preprečevanje čira, povzročenega s cisteamiom, na dvanajstniku podgan s H2-antagonisti in s sukralfatom
    [Gastroprotective action of H2-receptor antagonists and sucralfate in cysteamineinduced duodenal ulcers in rats]
  43. Hudoklin Irena; Šuškovič Stanislav
    Načini odziva astmatikov na zdravljenje z glukokortikoidi
    [Patterns of asthmatic's response on therapy with glucocorticoids]
  44. Planinšič Ivan; Schoss Zvonka; Strojan Jožica
    Naše izkušnje v zdravljenju kroničnih urtikarij z novim antihistaminikom astemizolom v primerjavi s klorfeniraminom
    [Our experiences in the treatment of chronic urticaria with the new antihistaminic astemizole in comparison with chlorpheniramine]
  45. Mlačak Blaž
    Klinično pomembne varice v populaciji občine Metlika
    [Medically significant varicose veins in the population of the community Metlika]
  46. Canki N; Warburton D; Byrne J
    Morphological characteristics of monosomy X in spontaneous abortions
  47. Rozman D; Komel R; Pertot E
    Soybean peptone and its fractions as nutrients in fermentations with immobilized Claviceps fusiformis cells
  48. Filipič B; Schauer P; Urh M; Keše D; Likar M
    Effect of rat (beta)-interferon on intracellular levels of hydrolases in rat embryonal fibroblasts (Wistar strain)
  49. Tekavčič J; Kušej M; Gregorič M; Čerk M
    A resurgence in the use of stereotactic thalmotomy for Parkinsonism
  50. Butinar D; Dolenc VV
    Preoperative monitoring of the cochlear nerve function during cerebello-pontine angle tumour surgery
  51. Butinar D; Berić A; Gostiša A
    Prognostic value of evoked potentials monitoring in comatose children
  52. Arko U
    Zdravstvena problematika smučarskega travmatizma v Sloveniji
    [Health problems of ski traumatism in Slovenia]
  53. Žalar A
    Visok krvni tlak na področju SR Slovenije v letih 1975-1984 po podatkih zdravstveno-statistične poročevalske službe
    [Hypertension in SR Slovenia during the period 1975-1984 with respect to health statistics report service data]
  54. Eržen I
    Epidemiološke značilnosti klopnega meningoencefalitisa v Sloveniji leta 1985
    [Epidemiological characteristics of tick-borne encephalitis in Slovenia in the year 1985]
  55. Erjavec F; Stanovnik L
    Histamine and calcium secretion in the submandibular gland of the cat evoked by two types of stimulation
  56. Stanovnik L; Logonder-Mlinšek M; Erjavec F
    The effect of compound 48/80 and of electrical field stimulation on mast cells in the isolated mouse stomach
  57. Rakovec P; Kranjec I; Fettich JJ; Fidler V; Pohar B; Porenta M; Janežič A; Varl B
    Detection of electrocardiographically imperceptible ventricular pre-excittaion by phase imaging
  58. Marolt-Gomišček M; Furman-Jakopič M
    Suppurative meningitis from 1976 to 1985
  59. Štefančič M; Jelnikar T
    Effect of electrical stimulation in patients with ischiatic nerve lesion
  60. Kralj A; Bajd T; Turk R; Benko H
    Posture switching for prolonging functional electrical stimulation standing in paraplegic patients
  61. Valenčič V; Vodovnik L; Štefančič M; Jelnikar T
    Improved motor response due to chronic electrical stimulation of denervated tibialis anterior muscle in humans
  62. Štefančič M; Kralj A; Turk R; Bajd T; Benko H; Šega J
    Neurophysiological background of the use of functional electrical stimulation in paraplegia
  63. Strojnik P; Aćimović R; Vavken E; Simič V; Stanič U
    Treatment of drop foot using an implantable peroneal underknee stimulator
  64. Molka L
    Družinsko okolje in vrtec kot rizična dejavnika za pogosto obolevanje predšolskih otrok
  65. Škof B
    Določanje skupin tekačev na srednje in dolge proge na podlagi nekaterih motoričnih in fiziološko-biokemijskih spremenljivk
    [Forming groups of middle and long distance distance runners on the basis of motor and functional-biochemical variables]
  66. Sunčič S; Hrašovec B; Verhovnik V; Sabadin A
    Vplivi zračnih onesnaženj na zdravstveno stanje šolarjev v Krškem
  67. Seničar M
    Analiza medeničnih zlomov v letih 1975-1986
    [Analysis of pelvic fractures in dogs from 1975-1986]
  68. Pogačnik A
    Ultrastruktura Sertolijevih celic pri nekaterih prežvekovalcih
    [Ultrastructure of Sertoli cells in some ruminants]
  69. Brglez J; Bidovec A
    Tri vrste trihostrongilidov, Trichostrongylidae, Leiper, 1912, pri nekaterih divjih živalih v Sloveniji
    [Three species of Trichostrongylidae, Leiper, 1912, in some wild animals in Slovenia]
  70. Pogačnik M
    Morphometric analysis of liver tumors with Marek's disease in experimentally infected chickens
  71. Žust J; Svetlin T; Vengust A; Vospernik P; Pestevšek U
    Vpliv vsebnosti anionov in kationov v krmi na acidobazično ravnotežje in rast pri piščancih
    [The effect of dietary anion and cation content on the growth and acidobaze balance of chickens]
  72. Vengušt M; Kosec M; Senegačnik J; Petač D; Bešter M
    Konzerviranje in zamrzovanje žrebčevega semena ter umetno osemenjevanje kobil. 1. Preizkus metodologije zamrzovanja žrebčevega semena
    [Liquid storage and freezing of stallion semen and its use in artificial insemination of mares. 1. Experiment on the freezing methodology of stallion semen]
  73. Jazbec I; Klinkon M; Gregorović V
    Test ELISA v diagnostiki enzootske goveje levkoze iz tkivnih sokov notranjih organov
    [ELISA test in the diagnostics of enzootic bovine leukosis from the tissue fluids of internal organs]
  74. Rebić P; Radosavljević G; Jovanović D
    Uticaj cevastog produžetka usnika spray-a na delovanje bronhodilatatora
    [Influence of a tube extension on the bronchodilator efficacy of drug delivered from a metered dose inhalers]
  75. Ajanović E
    Vrijednosti simultanog testiranja respiracijskog kvocijenta i ventilacijskog ekvivalenta u otkrivanju ranih poremećaja funkcije kod kroničnih nespecifičnih oboljenja pluća
    [The value of simultaneous testing of respiratory coefficient and ventilation equivalent in detection the early funcional disorders in chronic nonspecific lung diseases]
  76. Pongrac I; Roglić M; Karadža J; Slobodnjak Z; Peharec I
    Intraoperativna citodijagnostika
    [Intraoperative cytologic diagnosis]
  77. Volner Z; Kudlek M; Sudić D; Šehić M; Čuljak K
    Tuberkuloza pasa kao antropozoonoza
    [Tuberculosis in the dogs as zoonosis]
  78. Radosavljević G; Raković J; Ristić S; Jovanović D
    Karcinom bronha i sekundarne zapaljenske promene u plućima
    [Bronchial carcinoma and secondary inflammatory pulmonary lesions]
  79. Mitrović D; Mitrović M; Rebić P; Mitrović S; Dragović M
    Poremećaji strujanja vazduha kroz disajne puteve u bolesnika sa postprimarnom tuberkulozom pluća i restrikcionim poremećajima ventilacije
    [Airflow disturbances in patients with postprimary tuberculosis and restrictive ventilatory disorders]
  80. Bekić A; Grozdek D; Pavlović M; Čučević I; Sušac A
    Endobronhalna tuberkuloza kao pseudotumor bronha
    [Endobronchial tuberculosis manifested as bronchial pseudotumour]
  81. Mijušković B; Dergenc-Švabić Z; Jovanović D; Špadijer Z; Nagorni L
    Metastaze u mozgu kod karcinoma bronha
    [Metastatic changes in brain at advanced bronchogenic carcinoma]
  82. Debeljak A; Šorli J; Zupančič M; Remškar J
    Bronhoskopske karakteristike sarkoidoze
    [Bronchoscopic characteristics of sarcoidosis]
  83. Piršič B
    Profesionalna oboljenja disajnih puteva u industriji keramičkih pločica
    [Occupational respiratory diseases in the production of ceramic slabs]
  84. Polič M; Miš M
    Zaznava učinkovitosti ukrepov za preprečevanje prometnih nesreč
    [The awareness of the effectiveness of measures for the prevention of traffic accidents]
  85. Furlan J; Šuškovič S; Rus A
    Protektivno djelovanje dihalara kod bronhijalne opstrukcije astmatičara uzrokovane nutritivnim alergenima
  86. Anonymous ;
    Zdravstveno varstvo šolskih otrok in mladine v letu 1986
  87. Brenčič E
    Računalniška tomografija in staging raka prostate
    [Computed tomography and staging of prostatic cancer]
  88. Andrić S
    Priprema TL dozimetara za kontrolna merenja radioterapijskog akceleratora
    [Preparing of TL dosimeters for the beam control of acceleratos used in radiotherapy]
  89. Huljev D
    Radiometrijska metoda određivanja stabilnosti spojeva željeza, mugućih preparata za saniranje sideropenija
    [Determination of the stability constants of the iron compounds by radiometric's method and its potential use in sideropenia curing]
  90. Djurica S; Popović D; Zdravković M; Spasić D; Novaković I
    Uticaj stabilnog joda na funkciju štitaste žlezde
    [Influence of iodine on thyroid function]
  91. Jelić S; Babović N; Kovčin V; Vasović S; Milanović N; Radošević J
    Evaluacija nivoa AFP i njegovih varijacija u kliničkoj evoluciji neseminomskih tumora testisa sa aspekta embriogeneze
    [Evaluation of serum AFP level and its variations in the natural history of non seminomatous testicular germ cell tumors in their embryogenic context]
  92. Lešničar H; Budihna M
    Lokalna hipertermija pri zdravljenju malignih tumorjev - tehnične možnosti in prve klinične izkušnje na Onkološkem inštitutu v Ljubljani (I.del)
    [Local hyperthermia in the treatment of malignant tumors - technical possibilities and first clinical experiences at the Institute of oncology in Ljubljana (Part I)]
  93. Pichler E; Kralj Z
    Ultrazvučna dijagnostika malignih tumora i metastaza parotide i limfnih čvorova vrata
    [Diagnostic use of ultrasound in malignant tumors and metastases of the parotid gland and neck lymph nodes]
  94. Ćatić ; Gerzić Z; Dervišević I; Kalinić D; Lovrinčević A
    Preterapijska klasifikacija karcinoma jednjaka kompjuterskom tomografijom: korelacija radioloških i operativnih nalaza
    [Pre-therapeutical classification of oesophageal cancer done by computed tomography: correlation of radiological and surgical findings]
  95. Čatić
    Dijagnostičke vrijednosti kompjuterizirane tomografije gastrointestinalnog trakta
    [Diagnostic value of computed tomography in evaluation of gastrointestinal tract]
  96. Grivčeva-Janošević N; Petkovska L
    Radiološke pre i postoperativne promene kod atrezije ezofagusa novorođenih beba
    [The newborn with esophageal atresia - before and postoperative radiological examinations]
  97. Bumber Ž; Svoren E
    Gutanje u antefleksiji
    [Swallowing in anteflexion]
  98. Robida A
    Cardiovascular disease in children with Marfan syndrome
  99. Radić M; Oršić I; Juranić F; Bunić J
    Plućna tuberkuloza u autohtonog i ekonomsko-migracionog stanovništva na otoku Krku
    [Pulmonary tuberculosis at the autochthones and economic-migration population on the island of Krk]
  100. Lečić N; Grubor-Lajšić G; Stefanović V
    The serum level of parathyroid hormone in chronic renal failure

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