Avtor/Urednik     Maso, G; Meir, YJ; Picoli, M; De Seta, F; Sartore, A; Conoscenti, G; Vessella, M; Natale, R; Braini, M; Mandruzzato, GP
Naslov     Severe pre-eclampsia: evidence based management
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Ogrizek-Pelkič K, editor. Proceedings of the 25th Alpe Adria meeting of perinatal medicine, 17th congress Maribor; 2003 Oct 10-11; Maribor. Maribor: Splošna bolnišnica Maribor,
Leto izdaje     2003
Obseg     str. 25-41
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Pre-eclampsia is associated with increased maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Pre-eclampsia is more than just hypertension: it is a syndrome, an idiopathic multisystem disorder specific to human pregnancy and puerperium, affecting the mother and the fetus. Because of the multifaceted problems, the management of pre-eclampsia requires multiple, separately targeted strategies that are part of a step-wise system management of a high risk pregnancy. The main objectives of management of severe pre-eclampsia are early referral, full assessment of the mother and the fetus, stabilization of the mother and timing the delivery adequately in order to avoid preterm iatrogenic delivery. A multidisciplinary approach is mandatory and the limits of available tests for monitoring and assessing the fetus-mother unit should be known. The knowledge of pathophysiology can guide operators to adequate care in antepartal period, managing delivery and in post partum period. This review will address the topic of management of severe pre-eclampsia focusing on treatment and monitoring the preeclamptic patient.
Deskriptorji     PRE-ECLAMPSIA