Avtor/Urednik     Kožuh-Eržen, Nevenka; Kobal, Silvestra; Flajs-Cerkvenik, Vesna
Naslov     Veterinarska zdravila in okolje
Prevedeni naslov     Veterinary pharmaceuticals and environment
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Dobeic M, Vudrag M, Berger T, editors. Zbornik referatov 1. interdisciplinarni simpozij "DDD, zdravje in okolje" z mednarodno udeležbo; 2003 okt 17-18; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Zavod za zdravstveno varstvo,
Leto izdaje     2003
Obseg     str. 139-45
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Until recently the study of environmental exposure to the human and veterinary medicinal substances and their metabolites' residues has been given too little consideration. Available data shows that only a few studies have been done explaining possible exposure routes of medicinal substances in the environment. Also there is a lack of data on their possible toxic effects on non-target organisms, having an important role in the food-chain. From the ecotoxicological point of view the use of veterinary pharmaceuticals e.g. antiparasitics, antibiotics and hormones is of concern. Anthelmintics, especially avermectins, are highly effective systemic antiparasitics against internal and external parasites often used in veterinary medicine. They are eliminated through faeces mostly (98 %) in nonmetabolised, active form. Their elimination through faeces occurs regardless to the way of administration route. They are very stable in the environment. Their time of elimination and toxicity for non-target species is also very problematic. Time of elimination from the organism, possibility of bio- and photo-degradation and distribution in the environment is very important for veterinary pharmaceuticals' environmental risk assessment. In this contribution, some results of our ecotoxicological studies of avermectins and some further studies needed on this field of investigations are presented.