Avtor/Urednik     Urbančič, Vilma
Naslov     Obravnava bolnika z diabetičnim stopalom v ambulanti zdravnika splošne in družinske medicine
Prevedeni naslov     Diabetic foot pateint at general practitioner's and family doctor's practice
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Razgl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 42, št. Suppl 4
Leto izdaje     2003
Obseg     str. 51-5
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Because of the excessive workload of specialist outpatient offices, the majority of patients with type 2 diabetes who are treated only with diet or oral antidiabetic agents in Slovenia have been managed in recent years by their family physicians and general practitioners. Family physicians and general practitioners are therefore also in charge of the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot as an indispensable part of comprehensive health care of diabetic patients. Gangrene and limb amputation significantly worsen the quality of life of diabetic patients and greatly contribute to their excessive morbidity and mortality, as well as premature loss of their working ability. The strategy for reducing the number of amputations comprises early detection of patients who are at risk for the development of foot ulcers, and prevention and treatment of these ulcers; in patients after amputation, rehabilitation and prevention of higher and contralateral amputations are important. This goal can be achieved only via a planned approach and active involvement of all medical professionals who deal with diabetic patients in their work.
Izvleček     V zadnjih letih v Sloveniji zaradi preobremenjenosti specialističnih ambulant večino bolnikov s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2, ki se zdravijo samo z dieto ali oralnimi antidiabetičnimi sredstvi, vodijo zdravniki splošne in družinske medicine. Tako je na te ambulante kot nepogrešljiv sestavni del celostne oskrbe sladkornih bolnikov prešla tudi skrb za odkrivanje in zdravljenje diabetičnega stopala. Gangrena in amputacija okončine močno poslabšata kakovost življenja ter pomembno prispevata k čezmerni obolevnosti in umrljivosti ter prezgodnji izgubi delazmožnosti sladkornih bolnikov. Strategija za zmanjšanje števila amputacij obsega zgodnje odkrivanje bolnikov, ki so ogroženi za nastanek razjede na stopalu, preprečevanje in zdravljenje razjed, pri bolnikih po amputaciji pa rehabilitacijo ter preprečevanje višjih in kontralateralnih amputacij. Ta cilj je možno uresničiti le z načrtnim pristopom, pri katerem aktivno sodelujejo vsi zdravstveni delavci, ki se pri svojem delu srečujejo s sladkornimi bolniki.
Deskriptorji     DIABETIC FOOT