Avtor/Urednik     Jarc, Maja; Glaser, Marjana
Naslov     Esencialna trombocitemija z zapleti
Prevedeni naslov     Complications of essential thrombocythemia
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Razgl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 42, št. Suppl 4
Leto izdaje     2003
Obseg     str. 71-3
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Essential thrombocythemia (ET) belongs to the group of myeloproliferative diseases. This is a clone disease, which is characterized by the proliferation of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow and increased platelet count in peripheral blood. ET is characterized by proneness to hemorrhaging or thrombosis, which are the main causes of morbidity and mortality. Hemorrhaging occurs spontaneously or after minor injuries and most commonly affects mucous membranes and the gastrointestinal tract. Thrombotic complications include both arterial ones (most commonly affecting cerebral, coronary and peripheral arteries) and venous thrombosis (most commonly involving deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities). A case of a patient is presented in whom an elevated platelet count was found accidentally. In spite of treatment with interferon (IFN), he suffered from recurring complications, which ultimately led to his death.
Izvleček     Esencialna trombocitemija (ET) spada v skupino mieloproliferativnih bolezni. Gre za klonsko bolezen, za katero je značilen razrast megakariocitov v kostnem mozgu in povišano število trombocitov v krvi. Za ET je značilna nagnjenost h krvavitvam ali trombozam, ki predstavljajo glavne vzroke za zbolevnost in umrljivost. Do krvavitev prihaja spontano ali po manjših po{kodbah, najpogosteje so prizadete sluznice in prebavila. Med trombotičnimi zapleti zasledimo tako arterijske (najpogosteje so prizadete možganske, venčne in periferne arterije) kot tudi venske tromboze (najpogosteje gre za globoko vensko trombozo spodnjih okončin). Prikazan je bolnik, pri katerem smo ugotovili povišano število trombocitov slučajno. Kljub zdravljenju z interferonom (IFN) je prihajalo do ponavljajočih se zapletov, zaradi katerih je tudi umrl.