Avtor/Urednik     Skoberne, Mihaela
Naslov     Prehranjevanje in pitje med porodom
Prevedeni naslov     Eating and drinking during labour
Tip     članek
Vir     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. in št.     Letnik 37, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2003
Obseg     str. 273-9
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Most of the existing nursing proceedings regarding nutritional needs of women in labour - which in most cases consist of planned abstinence from food and drink with the aim of preventing regurgitation of stomach contents and its inhalation (Mendelson's syndrome, which is, however, very rare). To many women, abstinence from food does not present a problem, but for some, such an imposed hunger during the first labour period can be a traumatic experience. The article brings some findings which can contribute to better understanding and more audacious search for alternatives in the frames of the existing practice and can direct us in informing women about consumption of food and drink in labour.
Izvleček     Večina obstoječih negovalnih postopkov glede prehrambenih potreb porodnice - najpogosteje načrtovana vzdržnost pri hrani in omejitev tekočine - ima namen preprečiti regurgitacijo želodčne vsebine in vdihavanje le-te (Mendelsonov sindrom, ki je zelo redek). Mnogim ženskam prepoved uživanja hrane ne predstavlja problema, za druge pa je npr. vsiljena lakota v prvi porodni dobi lahko neprijetna izkušnja. Članek nas seznanja z nekaterimi dosedanjimi ugotovitvami, ki lahko prispevajo k boljšemu razumevanju in bolj pogumnemu iskanju alternativ v obstoječi praksi ter nas vodijo pri informiranju žensk, da bi se le-te tehtno odločale glede uživanja hrane in tekočine med porodom.
Deskriptorji     LABOR