Avtor/Urednik     Lakkawar, AW; Nair, MG; Varshney, KC; Sreekrishnan, R; Rao, VN
Naslov     Pathology of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis in a German shepherd dog
Prevedeni naslov     Patologija pasje monocitne erlihioze pri nemškem ovčarju
Tip     članek
Vir     Slov Vet Res
Vol. in št.     Letnik 40, št. 2
Leto izdaje     2003
Obseg     str. 123-32
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     This case report describes in detail the gross and histopathological features of ehrlichiosis in a dog. A 3-year-old male German shepherd dog was presented during the month of March 2002 to the teaching hospital of the College with severe anaemia, corneal opacity and lateral recumbency. The animal was weak and comatose with a heavy tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) infestation. The animal had normochromicnormocytic anaemia with neutrophilic leucocytosis and thrombocytopenia. Morulae of Ehrlichia canis were detected in the cytoplasm of mononuclear cells. Gametocytes of Hepatozoon canis were found in a few neutrophils. The animal died within 2 hours of supportive therapy. Gross petechial and ecchymotic haemorrhages were observed in the heart, lungs, lymph nodes and the gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. Enlargement, haemorrhages and degenerative changes were seen in the liver and kidneys. The meninges, brain and skeletal muscles revealed moderate congestion. Microscopically, there was an alteration in the architecture of lymphopoietic tissues with plasmacytosis. Vasculitis, perivascular accumulation of lymphoreticular cells, and plasma cells were seen in many organs but were most prominent in the kidneys, liver, brain and lymphopoietic tissues. Morula of Ehrlichia canis could be demonstrated in formalin fixed sections of liver and lungs by Lendrum's staining method.
Izvleček     V članku so podrobno opisane histopatološke značilnosti erlihioze pri psih. Marca 2002 je bil na univerzitetno kliniko sprejet triletni nemški ovčar s hudo obliko anemije in motnimi roženicami. Žival je bila slabotna in nezavestna, po telesu pa je imela veliko klopov (Ripicephalus sanguineus). V krvi je bila ugotovljena normokromno-normocitna anemija, nevtrofilna levkocitoza in trombopenija. V citoplazmi mononuklearnih celic so bile odkrite morule Erlichia canis. V nekaj nevtrofilnih granulocitih so bili najdeni gametociti Hepatozoon canis. Žival je poginila po dveh urah podporne terapije. Močne petehialne in ekhimozne krvavitve so bile ugotovljene na srcu, pljučih, bezgavkah in gastrointestinalnem ter urogenitalnem traktu. V jetrih in ledvicah, ki so bile povečane, so bile krvavitve in degenerativne spremembe. V možganski mreni, možganih in skeletnih mišicah je bila zaznana zmerna kongestija. Z mikroskopijo je bilo ugotovljeno, da je prišlo do sprememb v zgradbi limfotvornih tkiv s plazmocitozo. V številnih organih so bili prisotni vaskulitis, perivaskularna akumulacija limforetikularnih celic in plazemskih celic, najbolj pa v ledvicah, jetrih, možganih in limfotvornih tkivih. Morule ErLichia canis so bile prikazane v tkivnih rezinah jeter in ledvic po fiksiranju v formalinu z metodo barvanja po Lendurmu.
Deskriptorji     EHRLICHIOSIS