Avtor/Urednik     Židanik, Miloš
Naslov     Prisilne misli: prikaz primera
Prevedeni naslov     Obsessions: case report study
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 73, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 9-11
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. Obsessions are one of the most refractory psychiatric disorders. The therapeutic guidelines include a psychopharmacotherapy and the use of behavioural and supportive psychotherapy. Methods. This case report study presents a patient with a homicide obsessions at the forefront and narcissistic personality disorder in background. The use of analytical oriented psychotherapy, which helped to resolve axis-1 symptoms, is described. Conclusions. In the therapy of patients it is important to have the knowledge about the national therapeutic guidelines and critical distance toward them as well. Which therapy to use should be decided by the individual patient's needs.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Prisilne misli sodijo med najbolj trdovratne psihiatrične motnje. Priznane terapevtske smernice so omejene na psihofarmakoterapijo in uporabo vedenjskih ter suportivnih psihoterapevtskih tehnik. Metode. V prispevku predstavljam primer bolnika s prisilnimi mislimi homocidne vsebine v ospredju in narcistično osebnostno motnjo v ozadju ter opis analitično usmerjene psihoterapevtske obravnave, ki je pripomogla k izzvenenju simptomatike. Zaključki. V obravnavi bolnikov potrebujemo kritičen odnos do priznanih terapevtskih smernic. Ob natančnem poznavanju le-teh nam mora biti osnovno vodilo pri izboru zdravljenja potreba posameznega bolnika po vrsti in načinu obravnave.