Avtor/Urednik     Repnik, Urška; Bergant, Martina; Jeras, Matjaž
Naslov     Lastnosti in možnosti uporabe dendritičnih celic, antigensko specifičnih modulatorjev imunskega odziva
Prevedeni naslov     Characteristics and potential therapeutic applications of dendritic cells, antigen specific modulators of immune responses
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 73, št. Suppl 1
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. I-69-72
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. Since the discovery of dendritic cells (DC) more than 30 years ago, several types of DC have been isolated in mouse and human and methods for their in vitro generation have been developed, Their general characteristics are, the extensive expression of MHC class 11 molecules on their cell surfaces, the ability to take up, process and present antigens, selective migration through tissues and interaction with lymphocytes. Once they were reknown for their stimulatory role in T cell proliferation and CTL generation but tolerogenic types have since been described which cantribute to the maintenance of tolerance to self antigens. Cructial for the defence against pathogens are Langerhans cells and dermal or interstitial DC that reside in the peripheral tissues and take up antigens. Then they migrate to lymph nodes or spleen and present the antigens to T cells. If infectious or inflammatory signals/factors are present in the periphery, DC begin to express costimulatory molecules and secrete cytokanes which enable them to trigger immune response, and in addition, influence its characteristics and shape the effector mechanisms. Conclusions. There is a great hope that in the near future ex vivo differentiated DC, equipped with selected antigens could be used for the treatment of cancer, autoimmune diseases and for the prevention of rejections following tissue and organ transplantations.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Od prvega odkritja dendritičnih celic (DC) pred 30 leti so pri miši in človeku osamili številne vrste DC ter razvili tudi postopke za njihovo pripravo in vitro. Med osnovne značilnosti omenjenih celic sodijo: izražanje velikega števila molekul MHC razreda II na njihovi površini; privzemanje, predelava in predstavljanje antigenov; potovanje skozi tkiva in tesno sodelovanje z limfociti. Sprva so jim pripisovali le vlogo pri spodbujanju proliferacije limfocitov T in nastanka citotoksičnih limfocitov T. Danes pa poznamo tudi takšne DC, ki sodelujejo pri vzdrževanju tolerance za lastne antigene. Za obrambo telesa pred patogenimi organizmi so ključne Langerhansove celice ter dermalne ali intersticijske DC, ki naseljujejo periferna tkiva. Tam privzemajo antigene, nato pa se preselijo v sekundarne limfne organe, kjer jih ponujajo v prepoznavo limfocitom T. Če so v tkivih prisotne molekule, značilne za vnetje ali okužbo, začnejo DC na svojih površinah izražati kostimulacijske molekule ter izdelovati citokine. S tem DC ne le sprožijo nastanek imunskega odziva, temveč tudi vplivajo na njegove lastnosti in krojijo njegove efektorske mehanizme. Zaključki. Za ne tako oddaljeno prihodnost načrtujejo, da bodo lahko z DC diferenciranimi ex vivo ter opremljenimi s pojubnimi antigeni, zdravili raka in avtoimunske bolezni ter preprečevali neželene zavrnitvene reakcije po presaditvah tkiv in organov.
Deskriptorji     DENDRITIC CELLS