Avtor/Urednik     Dželalija, Boris; Avšič-Županc, Tatjana; Medić, Alan; Milić, Neven
Naslov     Neuobičajeni oblik bolesti mačjeg ogreba
Prevedeni naslov     Unusual form of cat scratch disease
Tip     članek
Vir     Infektol Glas
Vol. in št.     Letnik 24, št. 2
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 87-9
Jezik     cro
Abstrakt     The authors describe a case of cat-scratch disease (CSD) in a 5-year-old girl, presenting with typical, characteristic symptoms and atypical, very rare, clinical findings of erythema nodosum. Typical symptoms of CSD included papular lesion and regional unilateral submandibular lymphadenitis, as well as history of contact with cat, without scratch marks. Laboratory anaylsis showed normal values in routine blood parameters, except for elevated values of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (SE 48/h) and elevated levels of fibrinogen (5.7 g/L) and Creactive protein (CRP 29 mg/L). Cytological analysis of lymph nodes revealed lymphatic cells, granulocytes, epitheloid cells, multinuclear histiocytes, necrosis, erythrocytes. Indirect immunofluorescence method used for analyis of paired serum samples collected in the second and fifth week, showed IgG antibodies to antigen Bartonella henselae in titre 1:16/1:64. Antibiotic therapy was initiated with co-amoxiclav (125 mg/8h/per os), cefuroxime (600 mg/8h/iv.) and azithromycin (10 mg/kg first day, 5 mg/kg/ second and third day). Although erythema nodosum rarely occurs in the clinical manifestation of cat scratch disease, it should be included in differential diagnostics of those diseases and conditions where erythema nodosum occurrs as a symptom.
Deskriptorji     CAT-SCRATCH DISEASE