Avtor/Urednik     Weber, Vladimir
Naslov     Novejši pogledi na anatomijo dojk in fiziologijo laktacije
Prevedeni naslov     New sight on anatomy of human breast and physiology of lactation
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Felc Z, editor. Najpogostejše težave pri dojenju. Zbornik predavanj 1. strokovno srečanje "Dojenje: iz prakse za prakso"; 2004 okt 7-8; Celje. Celje: Splošna bolnišnica Celje,
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 63-7
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Backgrounds: First part ofthe article deals with the anatomy of the breast, which means with morphology, blood wesels, inervation and lymph dreinage. Until recently we belived that wider milk ducts, called milk sinuses, exist under the nipple and areola and that milk collects there. It was thought that these wide milk sinuses were responcible for rewarding the baby with more milk when he latched farther onto the breast . Mothers were told to find these "milk sinuses" with their fingers and to compress them in order to express their milk more effectively. Conclusions: Recent US studies during breastfeeding made by Hartmann et al reveled that these wide sinuses do not exist. The diameter of the ducts near the nipple and areola are the same as the ducts closer to the nipple and farther back in the breast ( average size 1,2 mm) The structures found in breast by palpation, held for milk sinuses, were most likely mamar gland tissue. Also Montgomery glands, situated under the areola with their ducts opening on the surface of the areola, were until recently ment to be of no significant importance. But, Montgomery glands, enlarged during pregnancy, produce oil excretion which alters pH of the skin, thus inhibits growth of bacterias. Washing the nipples with soap is unnecessary if the skin is intact. Second part of the article deals with the fiziology of the breast and lactation. Cyclic changes during menstrual cycle are described, changes under the influence of hormons in pregnancy, changes during lactation under the influence of prolactin and oxytocin excreeted mostly as the result of breastfeeding. Described are factors, which stimulate excretion of mentioned nivo hormons as well as factors which inhibit their excretion, what leads to redusing of milk production in the breast, cause milk retention and jeopardise breastfeeding or even cause the inflammation of the breast.
Deskriptorji     BREAST