Avtor/Urednik     Vojska, Ana; Marušič, Vita
Naslov     Aktivnosti v delovni terapiji
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Tomšič M, Gričar N, Marušič V, et al, editors. Zbornik 40 let izobraževanja delovnih terapevtov Slovenije: človeku prijazni pristopi; 2004 maj 26-28; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Visoka šola za zdravstvo,
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 50-8
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Since the very beginning of its existence, occupational therapy has been using different activities as means of therapy; with time, however, these activities and their use have modified substantially, and they have also been subject to expert development. In order to satisfy the needs of their clients, who demand ever more professional treatment, occupational therapists now have to use all their professional knowledge. This is the point, where a dilemma occurs: which activities are to be used with a particular patient and will they efficiently influence his medical condition? These activities can be performed individually or in a group and their efficiency is a matter of several parameters. The impact of the analysis of the discussed activities cannot be over-stressed; it essentially enables us to precisely evaluate them. This way a occupational therapist can completely adjust the necessary activities to the needs of a particular individual, that is, to his abilities and requirements.