Avtor/Urednik     Denac, Damijan; Marčič, Maja; Radolič, Petra; Tomažič, Aleš
Naslov     Sove v cerkvah, gradovih in drugih objektih na območju Vipavske doline in Krasa v JZ Sloveniji
Prevedeni naslov     Owls in churches, castles and other buildings in the Vipava valley and the Karst (SW Slovenia)
Tip     članek
Vir     Acrocephalus
Vol. in št.     Letnik 23, št. 112
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 91-5
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     (The authors of the article examined 53 buildings (34 churches, 9 castles and 10 other structures) in the Vipava valley and in the Karst in order to determine owl presence there. Their occurrence was determined in 8 (15%) buildings. Barn Owl Tyto alba and Little Owl Athene noctua were found to breed together in one building, solely Barn Owl in five buildings, Little Owl in one and Tawny Owl Strix aluco in one building. 58% of the examined churches had accesses for birds to the attics and church towers closed. Churches and castles do not seem to be suitable breeding places for owls in the investigated area. In the past, the owls probably used to breed more frequently in churches than nowadays, the main reason being the closing of the attics and church towers to birds. Namely, castles with renewed roofs have no openings for them. It is most likely that old houses and other buildings are more important Barn and Little Owls' breeding places than castles and churches in the area researched.
Izvleček     Na območju Vipavske doline in Krasa smo pregledali 53 objektov (34 cerkva, devet gradov in dvorcev ter 10 drugih objektov) z namenom ugotoviti sledove sov. Našli smo jih v osmih (15%) objektih. V enem objektu smo odkrili gnezdenje pegaste sove Tyto alba in čuka Athene noctua skupaj, v petih pegasto sovo, v po enem pa čuka in lesno sovo Strix aluco. Kar 58% pregledanih cerkva je imelo zaprt dostop na podstrešje in v zvonik. Cerkve in gradovi na raziskanem območju niso ugodna gnezdišča sov. V cerkvah so sove svojčas gnezdile pogosteje, njihovo število se je verjetno zmanjšalo zaradi zamreževanja odprtin. Gradovi imajo večinoma prenovljena podstrešja z zaprtim dostopom za sove. Najverjetneje so stare hiše in drugi objekti na tem območju pomembna gnezdišča za pegasto sovo in čuka.
Deskriptorji     BIRDS