Avtor/Urednik     Roić, Goran; Borić, Igor; Posarić, Vesna; Bastić, Mislav; Župančič, Božidar
Naslov     Symptomatic imperforate Cowper's syringocele in a 5-year-old boy
Prevedeni naslov     Simptomatska neperforirana Cowperjeva siringokela pri 5-letnem dečku
Tip     članek
Vir     Radiol Oncol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 39, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2005
Obseg     str. 1-4
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Background. Cowper's syringocele is a rare anomaly in childhood. It is caused by the obstruction of the duct of Cowper's gland. Depending of the type and size of the syringocele, and the age of the patient, the treatment for symptomatic lesions could be endoscopic deroofing or open perineal surgery. Case report. We report a case of symptomatic imperforate syringocele in a 5-year-old boy. Although the syringocele are usually best shown on voiding cysto-urethrography, there was not any detectable extrinsic impression or filling defect in the bulbar urethra. Ultrasonography guided perineal puncture with contrast filling of the cystic lesion was used to detect the connection of the Cowper's duct to the ventral surface of bulbar urethra. Conclusions. In imperforate syringocele, ultrasonography could be useful imaging technique especially in young patients, to evaluate urethra and perineal lesions and for percutaneous guided procedures.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Cowperjeva siringokela je redka anomalija Cowperjeve žleze pri otrocih. Nastane zaradi obstrukcije žleznega izvodila. Simptomatske oblike zdravimo glede na velikost siringokele in starost bolnika. Odločamo se za endoskopsko ali odprto perinealno operacijo. Prikaz primera. Poročamo o simptomatski neperforirani siringokeli pri 5-letnem dečku. Ceprav običajno siringokelo najlepše prikažemo z izpraznitveno cistouretrografijo, s to preiskavo nismo zaznali nobene utesnitve ali polnitvenega defekta v bulbarnem delu sečnice. Seringokelo smo dokazali z ultrazvočno vodeno perinealno punkcijo, med katero smo injicirali kontrast v cistično spremembo. Zaključki. Pri neperforirani siringokeli je ultrazvočna preiskava koristna metoda, zlasti pri mladih bolnikih in nam pomaga pri odločitvi za perinealni operativni poseg.