Avtor/Urednik     Kraigher, Alja
Naslov     Vpliv beljenja vitalnih zob z 10% karbamid-peroksidom na razvoj kariesa pri podgani
Tip     monografija
Kraj izdaje     Ljubljana
Založnik     Univerza v Ljubljani, Medicinska fakulteta
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 28
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     BACKGROUND. Vital bleaching with 10% is a modern cosmetic method for improving the colour of stained teeth. Carbamide peroxide yields hydrogen peroxide that acts as an active substance. In the process of bleaching it penetrates through mineralized dental tissues into the dental pulp. Various potentially harmful effects of bleaching gels described in the literature include hypersensitivity, changes in enamel micro hardness, topography and mineral composition of enamel. Recently, increased adhesion of cariogenic bacteria to bleached enamel surface has been reported. AIM. Caries activity in bleached vital teeth is not fully understood. The effects of bleaching on enamel implies higher caries risk in bleached teeth. On the other hand, disinfective and antibacterial properties of hydrogen peroxide suggest the opposite. Our aim was to investigate the effect of bleaching procedure with application of 10% carbamide peroxide bleaching gel on caries activity. HYPOTHESES. We assumed that bleaching would result in higher caries activity in bleached teeth compared to non-bleached teeth. METHODS. Experiments were performed on white male Wistar rats aged 4 weeks. Test group consisted ot 8 rats, 4 animals served as a control. First and second molars of the test group were bleached for 60 minutes per day with a commercial 10% carbamide peroxide bleaching gel. alternatively on the left or right side of the mouth. After 14 consecutive bleaching gel applications we exposed all 12 rats to high-sucrose cariogenic challenge for 7 weeks. After sacrifice, rat yaws were defleshed and hemi sectioned sagittally for quantitative light induced analysis (QLF) and caries lesion size evaluation. (Abstract truncated at 2000 charactes).
Deskriptorji     TOOTH BLEACHING