Avtor/Urednik     Maddock, I; Hill, G; Smolar-Žvanut, N
Naslov     The effect of flow regulation on channel geomorphic unit (CGU) composition in the Soča river, Slovenia
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Baptist M, Duel H, Dunbar M, et al, editors. Proceedings from the final meeting COST 626: European aquatic modelling network; 2005 May 19-20; Silkeborg. Silkeborg: National environmental research institute,
Leto izdaje     2005
Obseg     str. 205-15
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     This paper examines the effects of flow regulation on the size, spatial distribution and connectivity of channel geomorphic units (CGU) of the So a River in Slovenia. A river channel survey was completed along three reaches, i.e. an unregulated stretch (reach 1), and two regulated reaches with lower discharges, (reach 2 and 3). Results demonstrated significant differences in the CGU composition between the unregulated and regulated reaches. The unregulated stretch was dominated by the glides and relatively fast-flowing and turbulent features whilst regulated reaches were dominated by slow flowing pool CGU's. River regulation also reduced the size of the CGU's. CGU's tended to be shorter, and hence there was greater habitat division or fragmentation evident in the two regulated reaches. Therefore flow regulation in the So a River alters the dominant types of CGU's present, significantly reduces the size of CGU's, and affects the longitudinal distribution of types by reducing habitat connectivity and creating greater habitat fragmentation.
Deskriptorji     FRESH WATER