Avtor/Urednik     Smolar-Žvanut, N
Naslov     Environmental flow assessment for Slovenian streams and rivers
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Baptist M, Duel H, Dunbar M, et al, editors. Proceedings from the final meeting COST 626: European aquatic modelling network; 2005 May 19-20; Silkeborg. Silkeborg: National environmental research institute,
Leto izdaje     2005
Obseg     str. 361-6
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     In last 20 years, the problem of Environmental Flow (EF) assessment has been tackled through the development of a number of different methods around the world. EF provision requires definition of the quantity and quality of water, which is needed to preserve the ecological balance in the river and in the riparian zone. The diversity of hydro-morphological types of rivers in Slovenia (karst, lowland and alpine rivers) and great biological diversity demand special treatment and determination of EF for each individual section of the river system. On the basis of hydrological, morphological and ecological criteria, hydrological and ecological methods in Slovenia are applied for the determination of EF. From 1992 more than 180 study sites in streams and rivers have been examined for research and applications. The values of EF were determined mostly for existing water users. T'he EF assessment demonstrated that most water users abstract too large quantities of water in low-flow periods. We required water flow in the river to be increased to facilitate an improvement of conditions for instream biota and in the riparian zone. This means that especially in the lowflow periods smaller quantities of water may be abstracted from the rivers. This paper describes the criteria and methods used to determine EF in Slovenia and experiences with their application.
Deskriptorji     FRESH WATER