Avtor/Urednik     Šoba, Barbara; Logar, Jernej
Naslov     Molekularna epidemiologija humane kriptosporidioze
Prevedeni naslov     Molecular epidemiology of human cryptosporidiosis
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Razgl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 44, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2005
Obseg     str. 91-7
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The protozoon parasite Cryptosporidium is a pathogen that infects humans and animals. It causes cryptosporidiosis, which results in an acute or chronic diarrhea. The infectious agents of this parasite are oocysts, which are excreted into the environment with feces of the infected host. Humans can become infected either directly through contact with infected humans and animals, or indirectly via contaminated water and food. In the absence of effective therapeutics against this parasite, preventing the infection is very important. The development of molecular biology-based techniques gave the insight into the extensive genetical variation within Cryptosporidium. In adition to the thirteen accepted species of Cryptosporidium, over thirty Cryptosporidium genotypes have been described. Thus far, seven species and one genotype have been identified in humans. Molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium species/genotypes that infect humans in a certain area most frequently enables us to infer about the sources of infection and transmission routes of Cryptosporidiosis in this area and to introduce appropriate intervention measures to prevent the infection. A molecular biology based technique was used in our laboratory to determine the species and genotypes of Cryptosporidium that infect humans in Slovenia.
Izvleček     Praživali iz rodu Cryptosporidium so za ljudi in živali patogeni paraziti. Povzročajo bolezen kriptosporidiozo, ki se kaže v akutni ali kronični driski. Kužne oblike parazita so izredno odporne oociste, ki jih gostitelj izloča z blatom. Človek se z njimi okuži neposredno od okuženih ljudi in živali ali posredno z onesnaženo vodo in hrano. Uspešnega zdravila za zdravljenje kriptosporidioze zaenkrat še ni, zato je zelo pomembno preprečevanje te okužbe. Uporaba molekularno-bioloških metod na področju raziskav kriptosporidijev in kriptosporidioze je razkrila obsežno genetično raznolikost teh parazitov. Danes je znanih štirinajst vrst in preko trideset genotipov kriptosporidijev. Pri človeku so opisali okužbe s sedmimi vrstami in enim genotipom. Molekularno ugotavljanje vrst oz. genotipov kriptosporidijev, ki najpogosteje okužijo ljudi na nekem področju, nam omogoča sklepati o virih okužbe in načinih širjenja bolezni ter uvedbo ukrepov za preprečevanje okužb s temi praživalmi. Pred nedavnim smo z uvedeno molekularno-biološko metodo ugotavljali, katere vrste oz. genotipi kriptosporidijev najpogosteje povzročajo kriptosporidiozo pri ljudeh v Sloveniji.