Avtor/Urednik     Lotrič-Furlan, Stanka; Turel, Matjaž
Naslov     Pristop k bolniku s pljučno prizadetostjo po transplantaciji
Prevedeni naslov     Diagnostic approach in patient with pulmonary complications following organ transplantation
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Beović B, Strle F, Čižman M, editors. Okužbe pri transplatirancih. Novosti v infektologiji. Infektološki simpozij 2005; 2005 mar; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovensko zdravniško društvo, Sekcija za kemoterapijo,
Leto izdaje     2005
Obseg     str. 127-38
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Infectious pulmonary complications of solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation are still a significant cause of morbidity and death. The risk of infection depends of the type of organ transplant, exposure to exogenous and endogenous pathogens and immunosupression of recipient, with the highest risk after lung transplantation. Clinical signs and symptoms of pulmonary complications are often unspecific, and rapid diagnostic procedure is difficult. The authors describe a modern gradual diagnostic approach to diagnosis.