Avtor/Urednik     Cibic, Boris; Kenda, Miran F; Fras, Zlatko
Naslov     Marko Gerbec (Marcus Gerbezius) - Slovene physician who was the first describe symptoms of complete atrioventricular block
Prevedeni naslov     Marko Gerbec (Marcus Gerbezius) - znameniti slovenski zdravnik, ki je prvi opisal kompletni atrioventrikularni blok
Tip     članek
Vir     Slov Kardiol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 2, št. 2
Leto izdaje     2005
Obseg     str. 92-8
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Marko Gerbec (Marcus Gerbezius in Latin) (1658-1718), MD, PhD, one of the most famous and recognized Slovene physicians and scientists, published in the annual "constitution" (journal) of the German Academy of Natural Research (Academia Caesarea Leopoldino Carolina Naturae Curiosorum) for the year 1717, the history and symptomatology of a patient with a very slow regular pulse and epileptic seizures. From the viewpoint of modern medicine, these findings could reliably correspond to the clinical presentation of complete atrioventricular block. Such an observation was published 44 years before the great Italian scientist Giovanni Battista Morgagni published a description of the course of the disease of his patient with symptoms very similar to those of Gerbec's patient in his epochal work "De sedibus at causis morborum per anatomen indagatis", where Morgagni mentions (cites) Gerbezius several times when referring to the characteristics of the pulse, symptoms, and the course of the disease in patient with AV block. Considering the available evidence, it can be concluded that the priority of Marko Gerbec in the discription of the clinical presentation typical of the complete AV block is indisputably proven. Therefore, it is only a question of the prestige of our nations medical and scientific tradition, but also a legitimate and justifiable appeal to historical truth that there should be an internationally accepted correction of the name of this disease, which in the future should be known as "Syndrome Gerbezius Morgagni Adams Stokes" or acronymically "Syndrome GMAS".
Izvleček     Marko Gerbec (oziroma latinsko Marcus Gerbezius) (1658?1718), najbolj znan in priznan slovenski zdravnik in znanstvenik, je leta 1717 v Academia Caesarea Leopoldino Carolina Naturae Curiosorum povzel težave bolnika z zelo upočasnjenim rednim srčnim utripom in epileptičnimi krči; z vidika sodobne medicine lahko njegov opis zlahka pripišemo atrio-ventrikularnem bloku. Gerbec je svoja opažanja objavil 44 let preden je veliki italijanski znanstvenih Giovanni Battista Morgagni v svojem znamenitem delu "De sedibus et ausis orbum per anatomen idagatis" opisal potek bolezni bolnika, ki so zelo sovpadali z Gerbčevim. Morgagni je v svojem delu tudi večkrat navajal (citiral) Gerbca, zlasti ko je opisoval značilnosti pulza, simptomov, in poteka bolezni pri svojem bolniku s popolnim AV blokom, zato lahko dokaj zanesljivo zaključimo prvenstvenost Marka Gerbca pri opisu klinične slike atrioventrikularnega bloka. Zato ni zgolj vprašanje medicinske-znanstvene in zgodovinske časti, pač pa predvsem upravičen poziv k zgodovinski resnici, ko pričakujemo, da se bo za to obdobje v prihodnje uveljavil izraz "Sindrom Gerbezius Morgagni Adams Stokes" ali krajše GMAS.
Deskriptorji     HEART BLOCK