Avtor/Urednik     Pajntar, Marjan
Naslov     Spolnost u menopavzi - psihosocialni aspekti
Prevedeni naslov     Sexuality in menopausal woman - psychosocial aspects
Tip     članek
Vir     Gynaecol Perinatol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 14, št. Suppl 1
Leto izdaje     2005
Obseg     str. 18-24
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The aim of this paper is to present the current knowledge and opinions about sexuality in menopausal women, prevalent sexual dysfunctions in menopause, and therapy, mainly from the psychosocial point of view. The article is based on the review of 75 research articles and on the author's own forty-year long practice as a gynecologist and psychotherapist. Menopause is the time of anatomic, physiological and psychological changes that often influence sexuality in the aging female. Sexual behaviour involves a complex interplay of biochemical, neurophysiological and cognitive processes. The main changes that may influence the woman's sexuality in menopause are: diminishing sexual desire and arousal, availability and presence of a partner, and pain at intercourse. In addition, individual attitudes and experience, psychological functioning, body image, weight, aging, midlife issues and cultural and social expectations of a particular birth cohort further contribute to the multivariate nature of human sexuality. In the opinion of some authors the most prevalent psychosexual problems in middle and old ages, i.e. in women between 50 and 90 years are not the classical medical complaints (e.g. dyspareunia, insufficient lubrication) but a lack of tenderness at sexual contact. The changes of menopause are smaller than the effect of psychological, societyand partner-related factors. The so-called hormone replacement therapy does not have a significant influence on most sexual dimensions. In the treatment and understanding of menopausal women who present with sexual dysfunction, it is important that physiological, psychological and psychosocial factors are considered. Cognitive behavioural therapy may be helpful in treating desire and arousal issues in the menopausal woman. Teaching relaxation is also important in reducing anxiety, especially where pain is associated. Very important is the prevention and treatment of depression.
Deskriptorji     MENOPAUSE