Avtor/Urednik     Mikičić, Dušan; Savanović, Vlado
Naslov     Mechanical injury of the head caused by exterior force
Tip     članek
Vir     Facta Univ, Mech Autom Control Robot
Vol. in št.     Letnik 3, št. 11
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 295-300
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Mechanical injuries of the head are certainly the most dangerous, so that the detailed theoretical study of this with all aspects is important, because it has practical application. Every head injury, even the mildest one, can lead to multiple mechanical, cognitive and emotional disturbance. Each strike in the live organism (particular in the head) causes at first: the pressure jump in the skin, in the bone with (or without) fractures and in soft (or liquid) tissue. Sometimes, the leaking of the liquid through the openings (eyes, ears, nose, throat, anus,...) with (or without) blood can be occured. After each strike, the pressure pulsation in live cells the p(t)=p0(1+a1e-qt sin kt), p0=100kPa. The following (second) extreme-minimum represent already the vacuum pressure. Then the air penetration into the microstructure of the live cells occurs. Live cells composing a microstructure of the brain function normally at atmospheric pressure p0=100kPa. Their function is jeopardized if the pressure varies for more than 50%. This paper confirms that in vacuum conditions dangerous deformations of the biomechanical microstructure of the brain occur, which can jeopardize the normal work of cells. In more difficult conditions lead to their permanent damages. The structure of the brain is particularly sensitive to the vacuum pressure (0<p<80)kPa. So great pressure variations occur in traffic accidents, in dangerous sports (box, football, skiing), the fall from big altitude, etc. The consequence of such pressure variations is pass the air in the brain, through 24 a little circular holes on the head bone (nerve cerebrales). In such a way microballons are created which, apart from mechanical damages of the tissue, have cavitational effect too. Due to the later condensation of microballons, the surrounding cells lose the oxygen, stop functioning, or entirely expire.
Deskriptorji     HEAD INJURIES, CLOSED