Avtor/Urednik     Židanik, Miloš
Naslov     Anksioznost ali nevroza: prikaz primera
Prevedeni naslov     Anxiety or neurosis: case report study
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 74, št. 11
Leto izdaje     2005
Obseg     str. 713-6
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. With the publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Third Edition (DSM-III) in 1980, anxiety disorder was first identified as a diagnostic entity. A new theoretical approach regarding aetiology of anxiety disorders came next into the view, far from Freuds psychoanalytical pathways. The consequences were new therapeutic guidelines, including psychopharmacotherapy and the use of behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy. Methods. The paper presents a case report study of a patient with social phobia. The use of analytical oriented psychotherapy, which helped to resolve Axis I symptoms, is described. Conclusions. In spite of new therapeutic guidelines there is still a certain population of patients with the need for psychoanalytical oriented psychotherapy. If we are to surrender the Freuds legacy to the medical history, we will weaken psychiatry as a science and will narrow our therapeutic field.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Anksiozne motnje so postale samostojne diagnostične kategorije z vstopom v klasifikacijske sisteme v letu 1980. S tem se je pojavil hkrati tudi nov način razumevanja etiologije anksioznih motenj, ki se je oddaljiv od Freudovega psihoanalitičnega pogleda. To je nujno privedlo do sprememb v terapevtskih pristopih, ki so od psihoanalize preusmerili na kombinacijo psihofarmakoterapije ter vedenjsko-kognitivnih psihoterapevtskih tehnik. Metode. V prispevku predstavljamo primer bolnice s socialno fobijo ter opis analitično usmerjene psihoterapevtske obravnave, ki je pripomogla, da je simptomatika izzvenela. Zaključki. Kljub sprejetim terapevtskim smernicam ostaja Freudov pogled na anksioznost aktualen in v nekaterih primerih dragocen pripomoček za vpogled v bolnikove težave. Če se bomo v prihodnosti odpovedali Freudovim pogledom in jih prepustili zgodovini, si bomo zožili terapevtski maneverski prostor in oslabili psihiatrijo kot vedo.
Deskriptorji     ANXIETY DISORDERS