Avtor/Urednik     Godec, Manca; Ivanecz, Arpad; Potič, Stojan; Horvat, Matjaž; Gadžijev, Eldar M
Naslov     Ishemična lezija debelega črevesa kot posledica akutnega pankreatitisa
Prevedeni naslov     Ischemic lesion of the colon as a complication of severe acute pancreatitis
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 75, št. 2
Leto izdaje     2006
Obseg     str. 87-91
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. Colonic involvement is an uncommon complication of severe acute pancreatitis. Several pathogenic mechanisms have been proposed. Diagnosis of colonic pathology is difficult. The definitive diagnosis depends on the surgeon and has to be made intraoperatively. The treatment of choice is resection of the affected segment with forming of a (temporary) coloor ileostomy and a distal mucous fistula. Material and methods. The paper presents a case study of two middle-aged patients, who were initially treated conservatively due to the acute pancreatitis. The spread of the necrotic pancreatic tissue caused the infiltration and necrosis of the transverse mesocolon. They were treated operatively. Conclusions. Colonic pathology complicating acute pancreatitis is known to be associated with high mortality. In two case studies we are presenting that the necrosis and perforation of the transverse mesocolon appeared after some time, however, the cause and the extent of the involvement were discovered not earlier than before the operation. A year after the resection of the affected segment we decided for the continual operation considering the age of the patient, good health condition and better quality of life.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Akutni nekrozantni pankreatitis v redkih primerih prizadene debelo črevo. V nastanek so vključeni številni patogenetski mehanizmi. Diagnoza prizadetosti debelega črevesa je zahtevna in se v večini primerov postavi šele med operativnim posegom. Zdravljenje izbire je resekcija prizadetega črevesa z izpeljavo (začasne) kolo- ali ileostome in distalne mukozne fistule. Bolniki in metode. Predstavljamo dva bolnika srednjih let, ki sta bila zardi akutnega nekrozantnega pankreatitisa sprva zdravljena konzervativno, nato pa je prišlo zaradi nekroze pankreatičnega tkiva do vnetne infiltracije mezokolona prečnega dela debelega črevesa s posledično nekrozo. Zdravljena sta bila operativno. Zaključki. Prizadetost debelega črevesa kot zaplet akutnega nekrozantnega pankreatitisa je povezana z visoko smrtnostjo. V dveh primerih smo prikazali, da je do nekroze prečnega dela debelega črevesa s perforacijo prišlo šele po določenem času, vzrok in obseg prizadetosti pa je bil odkrit šele med operacijo. Glede na starost bolnikov, odlično splošno kondicijo in težnje po kakovostnem življenju smo se eno leto po resekciji prizadetega črevesa odločili za poseg, s katerim smo spet vzpostavili kontinuiteto črevesja.