Avtor/Urednik     Besednjak-Kocijančič, Lilijana
Naslov     Vpliv izpostavljenosti pasivnemu kajenju v prvem letu starosti na prevalenco alergijske astme pri petletnih otrocih
Prevedeni naslov     Relationship between passive tobacco smoke exposure in the first year of life and the development of allergic asthma in 5-years old children
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 75, št. 5
Leto izdaje     2006
Obseg     str. 315-8
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The asthma prevalence continues to rise. Higher prevalence is observed in children whose mothers smoked before or during pregnancy. The aim of this study was to asses whether there is some difference in asthma prevalence between children who had been and those who had never been exposed passively to tobacco smoke (PTS). This study included 556 children with birth weight at least 3000g, exclusively breast fed for 6 month and with a positive history of parental allergy confirmed by allergy testing. Regarding PTS exposure in the first year of life they were divided in four groups: Group A of 368 children of non-smoking parents, Group B of 52 children with both smoking parents, Group C of 58 children with a mother smoker and Group D of 83 children with a father smoker. Physician's diagnosis of asthma was ascertained with IgE testing and positive skin prick testes. SPSS software 11.0 (chi-square analysis with Yates' correction) was used for statistical analyses. P-values less than 0.01 were considered significant. At the age of 5 34.9% of children exposed to PTS (in group B 50%, C 53.45% and in D 12.05% of children), and only 7.16% of non-exposed children (p < 0.0001). The prevalence of asthma was significantly higher in group B and C where mother.was smoking (p < 0.0001). Significant association between PTS exposure in the first year of life and the development of asthma was demonstrated. The prevalence of asthma was higher in children whose mothers or both parents smoked.
Izvleček     Prevalenca astme pri otrocih narašča. Znano je, da kajenje matere pred in v nosečnosti zveča tveganje za nastanek astme pri otroku. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, ali je alergijska astma pogostejša pri otrocih, ki so bili izpostavljeni, kot pri tistih, ki niso bili izpostavljeni tobačnemu dimu (pasivno kajenje v prvem letu starosti). V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 556 otrok s potrjeno alergijo pri starših ali sorojencih. Ob rojstvu so tehtali 3000g ali več in so bili dojeni vsaj 6 mesecev. Glede na izpostavljenost PK v prvem letu in kajenje staršev so bili otroci razdeljeni v štiri skupine: A -368 otrok: starša nekadilca, B - 52 otrok: oba starša kadilca, C - 58 otrok: mati kadilka, D - 83 otrok: oče kadilec. Diagnoza alergijske astme je bila potrjena s povišano vrednostjo specifičnih in celotnih protiteles IgE ter s testiranjem po Pricku. hi2 test z Yatesovim popravkom je bil uporabljen za potrditev razlike v prevalenci astme med skupinami. Podatki so bili obdelani s programom SPSS 11.0. Za statistično značilno je bila določena vrednost p < 0,01. V starosti 5 let je imelo astmo 34,9% otrok, izpostavljenih PK (v skupini B 50% skupini C 53,45% in v skupini D 12,05% otrok) in le 7,16% PK neizpostavljenih otrok (p < 0,0001). Prevalenca astme je bila statistično značilno večja v skupinah (B, C), kjer je kadila mati (p < 0,0001). PK v prvem letu starosti je pomemben dejavnik okolja za razvoj astme pri otroku. Pogostost bolezni je večja takrat, ko kadi mati ali pa oba starša.
Deskriptorji     SMOKING