Avtor/Urednik     Planinšek, Franc; Jedlovčnik-Štrumbelj, Tea
Naslov     Plastična kirurgija in debelost
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Pfeifer M, Rotovnik-Kozjek N, editors. Debelost. 2. strokovno srečanje Slovenskega združenja za klinično prehrano; 2006 sep 8; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Združenje za klinično prehrano,
Leto izdaje     2006
Obseg     str. 118-23
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Nowadays plastic surgeons are faced with an epidemic increase in number of patients after massive weight loss. It could be a result of better awareness of the population about health risk caused by the obesity as well as by the global sociological factors (new aesthetic criteria of ideal body shape forcefully implemented by global media). The majority of the contemporary surgical methods used nowadays to reshape a body after massive weight loss was developed in the last decade out of some other techniques developed few decades earlier but used in much lesser extent or not combined in one single procedure. The best and long-lasting aesthetic results can be achieved in those patients that had not only successfully reduced their weight, but had sldo adopted the new way of life and nutrition as well (body mass index kept in the interval of normality for at least one year or more!). A tight collaboration of professionals of different specialties, such as: general practitioner, endocrinologist, nutritional therapist, psychotherapist, plastic surgeon and in some cases even gastro surgeon) is of its outmost importance.Surgical body reshaping should be considered as a last stage in the treatment of obesity. It has a strong impact not only on patients physical appearance, but especially on the reinforcement of their self-esteem and though improved overall performance.
Deskriptorji     OBESITY