Avtor/Urednik     Rotovnik-Kozjek, Nada
Naslov     Hrana in rak
Prevedeni naslov     Food and cancer
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Gašperlin L, Žlender B, editors. Karcinogene in antikarcinogene komponente v živilih. 24. Bitenčevi živilski dnevi; 2006 nov 9-10; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za živilstvo,
Leto izdaje     2006
Obseg     str. 1-7
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Nutritional oncology recognizes that cancer is a chronic disease of genome that may be influenced at many stages of its natural history by nutritional factors that could impact both prevention and treatment of cancer. The evidence that cancez is the result of a genetic-environmental interaction is drawn both from studies of human populations and from animal experiments that model the process of tumorigenesis. Also, a strong association of common forms of cancer with diet and life-style suggests that primary prevention of cancer may be possible, and large clinical trials are examining this possibility. Obesity is a classic example of genetic- environmental interaction which is in strong association with some cancers. It is now appreciated that process of cancel progression and metastasis may also be modifiable through nutritional intervention. Enhanced understanding of biology of angiogenesis, tumor invasion of surrounding stroma, stromal - epithelial cell interactions, and factors modifying metastatic spread creates new opportunities to modify the natural history of human cancers. Additional new insights into the relationship nutrition-cancer reflect the recent expansion of genetics in the biomedical sciences. The development of new scientific discipline called nutrigenomics is opening the big investigation area including identification of genes involved in the process of nutrition, estimation of interactions between nutrients and genes and their prtein products, analysis of metabolic processes associated with nutrition and recognition of genetically determined individual predispositions to develop nutrition-related diseases.
Deskriptorji     NEOPLASMS