Avtor/Urednik     Flis, Vojko
Naslov     Arterijski zapleti sindroma utesnitve izhoda iz prsnega koša
Prevedeni naslov     Arterial complications of thoracic outlet syndrome
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Mes
Vol. in št.     Letnik 2, št. 10
Leto izdaje     2006
Obseg     str. 266-70
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     There are basically three types of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS): arterial, venous and neurogenic. Neurogenic TOS comprise more than 95 per cent of all cases and is the most difficult to diagnose and treat. Arterial complications due to compression of the thoracic outlet are uncommon and are often overlooked. In majority of cases they are due to a congenital bony abnormality such as a cervical rib. A case is presented where patient suffered thrombosis of brachial artery due to compression of subclavian artery by the cervical rib. Patient was treated with simple resection of scalenus anterior muscle and subclavio-brachial saphenous bypass.
Izvleček     V osnovi obstajajo tri vrste sindroma utesnitve izhoda iz prsnega koša: nevrogeni, arterijski in venski. Nevrogeni se pojavlja v 95% in ga je zelo težko diagnosticirati ter zdraviti. Arterijski zapleti so redki in jih pogosto spregledamo. Največkrat so posledica prirojenih anomalij okostja, na primer obstoj vratnega rebra. Prikazan je primer bolnice, ki je utrpela trombozo brahialne arterije zaradi utesnitve subklavijske arterije. Utesnitev je bila posledica pritiska vratnega rebra. Napravljena sta bila resekcija sprednje mišice m. scalenus in avtovenski subklavijo-brahialni obvod.