Avtor/Urednik     Šket, Petra; Weber, Vladimir
Naslov     Tuberkuloza v nosečnosti in puerperiju
Prevedeni naslov     Tuberculosis in pregnancy and the puerperium
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Felc Z, Ilijaš-Trofenik A, Bovha K, editors. Tuberkuloza pri nosečnici, novorojenčku in otroku. Krči pri novorojenčku in dojenčku. Zbornik predavanj 4. simpozij in učna delavnica z mednarodno udeležbo Na stičiščih neonatologije; 2006 nov 17-18; Laško. Celje: Splošna bolnišnica Celje,
Leto izdaje     2006
Obseg     str. 31-40
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The World Health Organization has declared Tuberculosis a global emergency in 1993. The occurrence of pregnancy in patient with tuberculosis is increasing in developed countries with an increasing proportion coming from ethnic minority groups. This article focuses on the maternal aspects of tuberculosis, including transmission to the.fetus. The presentation of tuberculosis in pregnant women is similar to that in nonpregnant woman but diagnosis may be delayed by the non-specific nature of early symptoms and the frequency of malaise and fatigue in pregnancy. The most common site in pregnancy is pulmonary. Treatment of tuberculosis in pregnant women should be initiated whenever the probability of maternal disease is moderate to high because active tuberculosis infection poses a greater risk to the fetus than does adverse drug effect. Breastfeeding should not be discouraged for women being treated with the first-line antituberculosis agents, because the small concetration of these drugs in breast milk do not produce toxicity in the nursing newborn. Because of demographic changes, pregnancy and tuberculosis will be seen more freguently in both developing and developed countries and will need heightened awareness to consider the diagnosis. Standard chemotherapy is recommended but the outcome for both the mother and the fetus is improved by early diagnosis.
Deskriptorji     TUBERCULOSIS