Avtor/Urednik     Suhadolnik, Bogdana
Naslov     Vrednotenje nekaterih provokativnih testov kot napovednih dejavnikov za hipertenzijo
Tip     monografija
Kraj izdaje     Ljubljana
Založnik     Univerza v Ljubljani, Medicinska fakulteta
Leto izdaje     1992
Obseg     str. 35
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     We invited 62 young healthy volunteers (most of them were students) to the office visit. There was a group of subjects with positive family history of hypertension (group A, N=27) end a group with negative family history of hypertension (group B, N=35). Both groups were very similar concerning number of subjects, sex and age. Their average age was 23,7 years. Our results support the hypothesis that hypertension is genetically determined disease whaeh can be predicted and that there is neurovegetative dissregulation (high sympathetic tone) in a group with family background of hypertension, while persons are still normotensive. We found that subjects in group A vary from subjects in group B by the blood pressure and heart rate. Both were higher in group A, measured in the office at rest, but the difference was not statistically significant. While stress testing - hand grip was performed we found statistically significant higher aystolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure after the test in subjects in group A than in subjects in group B. The haemodinamic reaction (blood pressure and heart rate) on mathematical mental stress test was observed we found statistically significant higher mean blood pressure in group A than in group B. We evaluated the results of reaction on acute exposure to noise and there were significant differences in blood pressure and heart rate. We could conclude that acute noise exposure isn't appropriate stress test to point out the subjects with high risk of hypertension.
Deskriptorji     HYPERTENSION