Avtor/Urednik     Stark, Michael; Benhidjeb, Tahar
Naslov     Endoscopic surgery in the 21st century
Prevedeni naslov     Endoskopska kirurgija v 21. stoletju
Tip     članek
Vir     Endoskopska revija
Vol. in št.     Letnik 12, št. 27
Leto izdaje     2007
Obseg     str. 5-10
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     In the last quarter of the 20th century, endoscopic procedures replaced most of the traditional abdominal operations. They shortened hospital stay and reduced morbidity. At the beginning of the 21st century, the progress in technology enhanced the development of translumenal endoscopic surgery in the field of gastroenterology. Parallel, the New European Surgical Academy founded the first European based Working Group on Natural Orifice Surgery (NOS). This group concentrates on the development of transdouglas procedures in women by using the transdouglas endoscopic device (TED). This is a wide multi-channel instrument, which will enable surgeons to perform most of the surgical, urological and gynaecological operations through a single entry. This article describes the logic behind this approach and the expected challenges.
Izvleček     Zadnjih 25 let 20. stoletja je endoskopska kirurgija nadomestila večino klasičnih abdominalnih operacij. Omogočila je krajšo ležalno dobo in zmanjšala pooperativne zaplete. Na začetku 21. stoletja pa so zaradi tehnološkega napredka gastroenterologi razvili transluminalno endoskopsko kirurgijo. Sočasno je New European Surgical Academy (NESA) ustanovila prvo Evropsko delovno skupino za kirurgijo skozi naravne telesne odprtine (European based Working Group on Natural Orifice Surgery (NOS)). Ta skupina razvija operativne postopke skozi Douglasov prostor pri bolnicah z uporabo endoskopskih inštrumentov za tak postopek (Transdouglas Endoscopical Device, TED). To je inštrument z več delovnimi kanali, ki omogočajo izvedbo večine kirurških, uroloških in ginekoloških operacij skozi eno odprtino. V članku je opisana logičnost takšnega pristopa in pričakovani rezultati.
Deskriptorji     SURGERY, ENDOSCOPIC