Avtor/Urednik     Matjačić, Zlatko; Špoljar, Janez; Obreza, Pavla; Šavrin, Rajmond
Naslov     Apparatus for dynamic balance training during treadmill walking
Tip     članek
Vir     In: ISPRM. abstracts of the 4th world congress of the international society of physical and rehabilitation medicine; 2007 Jun 10-14; Seoul. Seoul: Organizing committee of ISPRM,
Leto izdaje     2007
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     We present a novel apparatus for dynamic balance training during treadmill walking, which was tested in a case study. An incomplete chronic spinal cord injured man (C5) with American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale grade D participated. Following a 6-month baseline period four weeks of control treatment (treadmill walking) respective subsequent four weeks of experimental treatment (treadmill walking assisted by the apparatus) was compared. Outcome measures were Berg Balance Scale, 10-m walking test and 9-minutes walking test. During the baseline period the changes in the outcome measures were small. After the control treatment balance score remained unchanged, while walking speed and walking endurance moderately increased. Experimental treatment resulted in substantial further changes in balance and walking endurance scores while further increase of walking speed was moderate. At follow-up these values were retained. This indicates that the developed apparatus might be an important tool facilitating dynamic balancing training during treadmill walking.