Avtor/Urednik     Zupet, Petra; Zorko, Martin
Naslov     Poklicne bolezni obsklepnih burz zaradi pritiska
Prevedeni naslov     Occupational disorders of the periarticular bursae caused by pressure
Tip     članek
Vir     Sanitas et labor
Vol. in št.     Letnik 6, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2007
Obseg     str. 137-47
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Synovial bursae decrease friction in skin, muscle and ligament movement over hard surfaces. Diseases affecting bursae in the form of an inflammation are most frequently caused by an injury and long-term or repetitive pressure. Occupational diseases are primarily frequent in construction, in tilers and floor layers. In sport, these diseases are most frequently encountered in throwers and in contact sports as well as in sports characterized by repetitive and jerky eccentric loading of muscles. Clinically, the inflammation of periarticular bursae is manifested in swelling, pain and decreased mobility. The final confirmation of the diagnosis can be achieved by an ultrasound examination or MRI. The treatment is usually conservative. The diseases affecting periarticular bursae are listed as occupational diseases in the European list of occupational diseases under consecutive numbers from 506.10 to 13, In the Republic of Slovenia, they are included in the list of occupational diseases under consecutive number 59. In order to be verified as a form of an occupational disease, all diagnostic criteria must be satisfied, increased work-related risk leading to the development of the disease must be proved and the criteria concerning the shortest duration of exposure and the maximum latent period of one month must be fulfiled.