Avtor/Urednik     Čokolič, Miro
Naslov     Diagnostika osteoporoze in smernice ISCD
Prevedeni naslov     Diagnosis of osteoporosis and guidelines ISCD
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Čokolič M, Hojs R, Glaser M. Zbornik 1. osteološki dnevi; 2007 okt 19-20; Maribor. Maribor: Univerzitetni klinični center,
Leto izdaje     2007
Obseg     str. 26-38
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Osteoporosis is the most prevalent metabolic bone disease in developed countries and becoming, due to its consequent fractures, one of the leading health issues in the developed world. Bone loss is asymptomatic and symptoms related to fractures are often the first sign of osteoporosis. Assessment of the patient with osteoporosis includes history and physical examination, laboratory testing, and imaging studies. At the present is should (in the absence of an osteoporotic fracture) be diagnosed on the basis of the dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) method. The DXA result classifies the patient according to the World Health Organisation osteoporosis criteria. In 2000, IOF estimated that the number of osteoporotic fractures in Europe was 3.79 million of which 890,000 were hip fractures. The total direct costs resulting from these fractures were estimated at 31.7 billion euros which were expected to increase to 76,7 billion in 2050 based on the expected changes in the demography of Europe. In the United States, the cost for the management of osteoporosis has been estimated at 17 billion of dollars. We present the official positions of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD), that deal with the DXA bone density measurements. The positions are believed to be comprehensive and are widely clinically used. Within them, all of the important aspects of clinical densitometry are covered.
Izvleček     Osteoporoza je najbolj razširjena presnovna kostna bolezen v razvitem svetu in postaja eden glavnih zdravstvenih problemov razvitih družb. Izguba kosti je asimptomatska in prvi znak osteoporoze je ponavadi zlom. Obravnava bolnika obsega anamnezo, klinični pregled, laboratorijske in slikovne preiskave. Osteoporoza se po veljavni strokovni doktrini (v odsotnosti osteoporotičnega zloma) diagnosticira z merjenjem mineralne kostne gostote z metodo dvojnoenergijske rentgenske absorpciometrije (DXA), katere izvid omogoča razvrstitev bolnika v skladu z veljavno klasifikacijo Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije. Stroški zlomov so ogromni, v EU so 31,7 milijard evrov in bodo narasli na 76,7 milijard evrov v letu 2050, v ZDA pa znašajo 17 milijard dolarjev. Predstavljena so uradna stališča Mednarodnega združenja za klinično denzitometrijo (ISCD) v zvezi z merjenjem kostne gostote z DXA. Ta veljajo za celovita in najširše klinično uporabljana ter pokrivajo vse pomembne aspekte klinične denzitometrije.
Deskriptorji     OSTEOPOROSIS