Avtor/Urednik     Tušek-Bunc, Ksenija; Kersnik, Janko
Naslov     Zgodnje odkrivanje raka v družinski medicini - prikaz na modelu raka debelega črevesa in danke
Prevedeni naslov     Early detections of cancer in family practice - a case of colorectal cancer
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 76, št. 12
Leto izdaje     2007
Obseg     str. 787-94
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background Malignant diseases present a serious public health problem in the world as well in Slovenia. In the last years, colon and rectum are (with the exception of skin) the most common cancer sites in the developed world, including Slovenia. Colorectal carcinoma is the most frequent cancer of the gastrointestinal tract occurring in Slovenia and it is second leading cause of mortality due to malignancies. The incidence of colorectal carcinoma is rising in the past few years. In spite of better five-year survival rates in patients with the disease, there are many patients diagnosed in advanced stages with worse prognosis. Conclusions Early detection of colorectal carcinoma in Slovenia has not been introduced in a systematic way yet. There is no doubt that screening is feasible in family practice. Family doctors have a unique role in preventing, early detection and screening of colorectal carcinoma.Guidelines for management of predisposing factors, for early detection of the disease and for healthier life style are an important tool in the hands of family doctors with the aim to reduce morbidity and mortality due to colorectal carcinoma.