Avtor/Urednik     Bengmark, Stig; Kompan, Lidija
Naslov     Vloga hrane v glikaciji in lipoksidaciji končnih produktov in pri nastanku vnetnih mediatorjev
Prevedeni naslov     The role of food in glycation and lipoxidation of end products and - amplifiers of inflammation
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 77, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2008
Obseg     str. 307-12
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background Today chronic diseases (ChD) constitute the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. They are clearly associated with our lirestyle, and with consumption of cheap processed agricultural products, which affect the function of the immune system, and the inflammatory response. The non-enzymatic pathway for glycation of dietary products plays an important role in the pathogenesis of ChDs, particularly diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Oxidative stress with lipid peroxidation, and protein glycation have been associated with atheriosclerosis, cancer prevention and therapy, endocrine, gastrointestinal disorders (such as liver cirrhosis and steatosis as well as with inflammatory bowel disorders), pulmonary disorders, rheumatoid arthritis amd other skeletomuscular, and skin diseases. By far fhe greatest of contributors of dietary advansed glycation end products (AGE) seem to be dairy products, bread and meat. Conclusions General caloric restriction, restriction in intake of processed agricultural foods, cautious vitamin, antioxidant, pre- and probiotics supplementation seemed to be effective ways to extend life span. However, exaggerated inflammation is also observed in patients, who suffer acute diseases; infections, trauma and advanced surgical and medical treatments such as transplantations. Complications and sequelae to these events are significantly more common in elderly and particularly in those with ChDs. There is a lot of evidence that the lifestyle of the elderly and particularly in those with ChDs. There is a lot of evidence that the lifestyle of the patients and degree of inflammation before trauma significantly affects outcome.
Izvleček     Izhodišča Kronične bolezni (KB) so danes glavni vzrok obolevnosti in umrljivosti. Povezane so z življenjskim slogom, z uživanjem cenene predelane hrane, ki prizadene imunski odziv in sproži vnetni odgovor. Neencimska pot glikacije prehranskih izdelkov igra vlogo v nastanku KB, posebno sladkorne bolezni in metabolnega sindroma. Oksidativni stres s peroksidacijo lipidov in glikacijo beljakovin je povezan z aterosklerozo, s preprečevanjem in zdravljenjem raka, z endokrinimi, gastrointestinalnimi boleznimi (jetrna ciroza in steatoza, kakor tudi vnetne bolezni), s pljučnimi motnjami, z revmatoidnim artritisom in drugimi mišično-skeletnimi in kožnimi boleznimi. Kaže, da imajo mlečni izdelki, kruh in meso daleč največji prehranski prispevek h končnim produktom pospešene glikacije (advanced glycation - AGE). Zaključki Torej je omejevanje teh vrst hrane in pa zmanjšani vnos kalorij ter previdno nadomeščanje vitaminov, antioksidantov, pre- in probiotikov učinhovit način za podaljšanje življenja. Pretirano vnetje pa opazujemo tudi pri bolnikih z akutnimi boleznimi, kot so okužbe, poškodbe, in po zapletenih kirurških in internističnih posegih, kot je npr. presaditev organov in tkiv. Zapleti in posledice pri tem so mnogo bolj pogoste pri starejših in osebah s KB. Mnogo je dokazov, da življenjski slog in vnetno stanje pred pojavom akutne bolezni vplivata tudi na njen izid.