Avtor/Urednik     Pšenica, Janez
Naslov     Srednja zapestna zatrditev v primeru Preiserjeve bolezni - 15 let sledenja bolnika
Prevedeni naslov     Four corner arthrodesis for Preiser's diasease - 15 year follow up
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 76, št. 11
Leto izdaje     2007
Obseg     str. 739-44
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background Atraumatic, idiopathic, avascular necrosis of carpal scaphoid ‐ Preiser’s disease is a very rare disease. Since the condition is so uncommon there is no clear therapeutic recommendation. Methods A 15 year’s follow-up of a patient with complete avascular necrosis of the scaphoid is presented. He was treated with subtotal excision of scaphoid and four corner arthrodesis. The patient was invited for a control three and fifteen years after surgery. Range of movement, grip power, pain and satisfaction with the procedure was measured with the Mayo Wrist Score (MWS). Functional ability of his arm was measured with Dissability of Arm and Shoulder (DASH). Results Independent examiner measured his functional ability with MWS where he got 65 points out of 100. The patient fulfilled DASH questionary where he gained 6.6 points (0 is the best, 100 is the worst). Results didn’t change between the control three and fifteen years after surgery. Conclusions Similary to some other authors we concluded that four corner arthrodesis is a reliable procedure for advanced stages of Preiser’s disease.
Izvleček     Izhodišča Nepoškodbena idiopatska avaskularna nekroza čolnička ‐ Preiserjeva bolezen je izjemno redka bolezen. Zaradi majhnega števila primerov je preverjanje različnih možnih načinov zdravljenja oteženo. Metode Prikazujemo primer bolnika, ki smo ga zdravili s srednjo zapestno zatrditvijo in nepopolno odstranitvijo čolnička. Gospoda smo povabili na kontrolo tri in petnajst let po posegu. Obseg gibljivosti roke,moč stiska pesti, bolečino in zadovoljstvo smo ocenili z vprašalnikom Mayo Wrist Score (MWS). Funkcionalno sposobnost roke pa je gospod sam ocenil z vprašalnikom Dissability of Arm and Shoulder (DASH). Rezultati Pri objektivnem testu (MWS), ki ga je izvedel neodvisni preiskovalec, je dosegel 65 točk od 100 možnih. Funkcionalno sposobnost roke pa je bolnik sam ocenil s pomočjo vprašalnika DASH in dosegel 6,6 točke (0 je najbolje, 100 je najslabše). Rezultat se med kontrolo tri leta in petnajst let po operaciji ni razlikoval. Zaključki Zatrditev štirih kotov (t. i. »4 corner« artrodeza) ali srednja zapestna zatrditev se je tudi v našem primeru potrdila kot primeren način zdravljenja Preiserjeve bolezni v napredovali stopnji.
Deskriptorji     CARPAL BONES