Avtor/Urednik     Albreht, Tit; Klazinga, Niek
Naslov     Restructuring public health in Slovenia between 1985 and 2006
Tip     članek
Vir     International Journal of Public Health
Vol. in št.     Letnik 53, št. 3
Leto izdaje     2008
Obseg     str. 150-9
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Objective. This paper explores the developments in the public health infrastructure in Slovenia in the context of the sociopolitical and legislative changes in health care over the last 20 years. It assesses the responsiveness of the public health institutes in Slovenia to the various plans on public health developed by health policy makers over time. Methods. After an in-depth and externally validated search for key documents, we analysed the legislation, policy documents, research reports, theses, and other health policy papers related to the public health infrastructure in Slovenia. Findings were validated through consulting 3 external experts on public health in Slovenia. Results. In the period discussed only few new services were added and health promotion was developed as an institutional field. Passivity in the past caused a lack of decisions on some traditional services in a changed economic environment. Moving from a passive supporter ofthe former infrastructure to an active promoter of the reform sets health policy as the main architect of the new public health building. Conclusion. Slovenia's "house" of public health was amended and refurbished, but a thorough reconstruction has not taken place. In order to face the future challenges in public health, the infrastructure will require increased efficiency, professional workforce development and better responsiveness.