Avtor/Urednik     Serec, Maša
Naslov     Depresivnost pri bolnikih po doživetem miokardnem infarktu
Prevedeni naslov     Depression in post-myocardial infarction patients
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vars
Vol. in št.     Letnik 47, št. 3
Leto izdaje     2008
Obseg     str. 143-8
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Ischemic heart disease, with myocardial infarction as one of its forms, is a major public health issue and the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Slovenia. In addition to biological risk factors, such as lipid metabolism abnormalities, hypertension and cigarette smoking, research conducted in the last few decades has stressed the role of some psychosocial risk factors for ischemic heart disease, depression being the most important one among them. The aim of the study is to establish differences in the rate of depressive symptoms between the group of postinfarction patients and the corresponding control group. We analyzed self-reported scores of 52 postinfarction patients and 52 corresponding controls on the depression scale CES-D. The results indicate a significantly higher rate of depression symptoms among postinfarction patients. While nearly one half of postinfaction patients suffered from depression symptoms, the depression prevalence in the control group was only ten percent. The vast majority of patients exhibiting major depressive symptoms belonged to the group of individuals who had sustained myocardial infarction five or less than five years previously. In the light of other studies, which implicate that depression is an important independentpredictor of mortality within six months of myocardial infarction, the results of the present study stress the need for early identification and treatment of depression among Slovene postinfarction patients.
Izvleček     Ishemična bolezen srca, ena od oblik je tudi miokardni infarkt, je v Slovenijivelik javnozdravstveni problem in je med prebivalci najpogostejši vzrok obolevnosti in umrljivosti. Poleg bioloških dejavnikov tveganja, kot so motnje v presnovi maščob, povišan krvni tlak in kajenje, so v zadnjih desetletjih avtorji v tujini odkrili tudi psihosocialne dejavnike tveganja z depresijo na čelu. Cilj pričujoče študije je ugotoviti, ali obstajajo med skupino bolnikov po infarktu in kontrolno skupino razlike v stopnji depresivnost. Vzorca 52 bolnikov in 52 po starosti in spolu primerljivih kontrolnih posameznikov smo primerjali na podlagi dosežkov na samoocenjevalni lestvici depresivnosti CES-D. Rezultati so pokazali, da je stopnja depresivne simptomatike v skupini bolnikov po infarktu statistično pomembno višja v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino. V skupini teh bolnikov je bila skoraj polovicabolnikov obremenjena z depresivnimi simptomi, v kontrolni skupini pa le desetina udeležencev. Največ bolnikov s povišano stopnjo depresivne simptomatike je bilo v obdobju pet let ali manj od infarkta. V luči tujih raziskav, v katerih so ugotovili, da je depresija najpomembnejši napovedni dejavnik smrtnosti bolnikov 6 mesecev po doživetem srčnem infarktu, so rezultati naše študije pomemben kazalec potrebe po odkrivanju in zdravljenju depresije med slovenskimi bolniki po miokardnem infarktu.