Avtor/Urednik     Grmec, Štefek; Špindler, Mateja
Naslov     Obravnava starostnika v okviru nujne medicinske pomoči na terenu - pogled zdravnika
Prevedeni naslov     Approach to elderly patients in prehospital emergency care unit
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Gričar M, Vajd R, editors. Urgentna medicina: izbrana poglavja 2009. Zbornik 16. mednarodni simpozij o urgentni medicini; 2009 jun 17-20; Portorož. Ljubljana: Slovensko združenje za urgentno medicino,
Leto izdaje     2009
Obseg     str. 44-7
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Around the world, the elderly population is growing faster than yhe total population, and this difference in growth rates is increasing. In 1950, 1 in every 20 individuals was aged 65 years, or older; by the 2050, this is projected to increased to nearly 1 in 6. Older patients represent a special population in emergency medicine.They are more time-consuming, more difficult to evaluate and use more resources than younger adult patients do. The complexity of their presentations and dispositions, as well as communication problems with patient. their families and primary care providers, all make the ED evaluation of elderly persons more difficult as compared with younger adult patients. The physiology of aging results in altered disease presentations, pharmacodynamics, decreased functional reserve and with social problems. In this contribution, we examine special issue related to prehospital emergency setting of elderly, and we consider the impact of increasing number of elderly patients on the delivery of emergency care in the future.
Izvleček     Dejstvo je, da se prebivalstvo stara. Delež oseb, ki sodijo v skupino starostnikov (64 let ali več), je vse večji in populacija le-teh narašča hitreje, kot se veča število celotne populacije. Normalen fiziološki upad in številne kronične bolezni pri starostnikih povzročijo zmanjšanje duševnih in telesnih sposobnosti le-teh. V urgentni medicini predstavlja obravnava starejših še posebni problem - več časa porabimo za njihovo obravnavo, klinična slika je lahko netipična in zahteva več diagnostičnih preiskav, težave so kompleksnejše zaradi polimorbidnosti, običajno je prisotna polipragmazija, prisotne pa so tudi težave s komunikacijo s samim pacientom in/ali njihovimi svojci. Zavedati se moramo, da bo število starostnikov, ki bodo potrebovali nujno medicinsko pomoč, vedno večje.
Deskriptorji     COMORBIDITY