Avtor/Urednik     Roškar, Zdravko; Sukič, Klavdija; Burmas, Ante
Naslov     Rehidracija otroka in elektrolitske motnje pri otrocih
Prevedeni naslov     Rehidration and electrolyte disorders in children
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Grmec Š, Kupnik D. Akutna stanja: znamenja, simptomi, sindromi, diferencialna diagnoza in ukrepanje. Zbornik predavanj in algoritmov ukrepanja 4. strokovni seminar z mednarodno udeležbo; 2009 okt 15-17; Maribor. Maribor: Zdravstveni dom dr. Adolfa Drolca - OE NMP, Center za nujno medicinsko pomoč in reševalne prevoze,
Leto izdaje     2009
Obseg     str. 204-9
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Total body water as a percentage of body weight varies with age. For a term infant water represents approximately 75 % of birtweight. During the first year of life, total body water decreases to approximately 60 % of body weight and basically remains at this level until puberty. By the end of pubertly total body water in males remains at 60 %, but in females decreases to approximately 50 % of body weight. Total body water is distributed between the intracellular and extracellular (interstitial and intravascular) spaces. Dehydration does not cause rapid administration of intravascular volume of fluid. The treatment of dehydration requires gradual replacement of fluids. Damage from electrolyte changes is related to either extreme levels, or rapid rates of change. The artucle demonstrates the basic patophysiologic principlesof fluid balance, the impotance of early recognition and dehydration and treatment. Electrolytic disturbances and correction are also shown.
Izvleček     Količina vode, predstavljena kot odstotek telesne teže, se spreminja s starostjo. Po rojstvu donošenega otroka predstavlja voda 75 % porodne teže, med prvim letom življenja se zmanjša na 60 % in ostane enaka do pubertete. Ob puberteti predstavlja voda pri moških 60 % telesne teže in pri ženskah 50 % telesne teže. Voda je v telesu razporejena med znotrajcelični in zunajcelični (intersticijski in znotrajžilni) prostor. Dehidracija ni vzrok smrti, marveč šok. Šok zdravimo s hitrim nadomeščanjem znotrajžilnega volumna. Dehidracija se zdravi s postopnim nadomeščanjem tekočin. Elektrolitske motnje so nevarne ob izrazito visokih ali nizkih vrednostih ter ob hitrih spremembah le-teh.
Deskriptorji     ELECTROLYTES