Avtor/Urednik     Maček-Lebar, A; Srakar, F; Antolič, V; Kralj-Iglič, V; Damjanić, FB; Iglič, A; Brajnik, D
Naslov     A total hip replacement as a function of different hip joint rotation center positions: a finite element analysis
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Solina F, Zajc B, editors. Zbornik 2. elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK'93. Zvezek A. Elektronika, telekomunikacije, avtomatika, močnostna elektrotehnika, merilna tehnika - ISEMEC 93; 1993 sep 27-29; Portorož. Ljubljana: Slovenska sekcija IEEE,
Leto izdaje     1993
Obseg     str. 309-12
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Finite element analysis is used to study basic differences in stress patterns of cemented femoral stem at different positions of hip joint rotation center (RC). When RC position is changed, the general stress patterns remain similar, but the values of principal and inlerface stresses are different.
Deskriptorji     HIP PROSTHESIS